What is on your "to read" list in the immediate future?
What are you reading?
by Berengaria 77 Replies latest jw friends
finally awake
Daughter of the Sea
A Pact For Life
Something Witchy
The Secret of the Stones
The Story of Ab
Under the Stairs
All free e-books for my Kindle. I like free.
I'm currently reading "A Conspiracy of Paper" by David Liss. It's ok, but not nearly as good as "The Whiskey Rebels" which I just finished.
Daughter of the Sea, who is the author? I find three.
Mosby's Diagnostic and Laboratory Test Reference
Clinical Handbook for Medical Surgical Nursing
And about 7 others of the same ilk.
You need a fun fiction book to rejuvinate you.
I really have been slacking on my reading -finally out of school and I can read "for fun" and I haven't been using my time to the full!
I am ending up HP Lovecraft's At the Mountains of Madness (it includes ~5 other of his short stories). I just purchased a collection of Borges' short stories that I'll dig into next.
At night I listen to audiobooks to fall asleep -now I am going through The Grand Design by Stephen Hawking and Rodert Mlodinow. Neat stuff, I have to listen to chapters multiple times so that I really understand it...
Like what? The Bible?
I just downloaded an HP Lovecraft collection to my Kindle.
Hey Kudra, have you ever read Wilkie Collins? I absolutely loved "The Woman in White". It has really stuck with me.
Like what? The Bible?
I'm pretty sure I stipulated fun fiction.