Watched Dexter and loved it. Then watched Homeland and loved that too. What should I watch next?

by Amelia Ashton 37 Replies latest social physical

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    Hi Guys,

    I am so out of touch with TV shows and I have got a lot of catching up to do.

    Some-one suggested Dexter and it was fantastic and what an ending. Really loved it. and cant't wait for the new series but while I waited some-one else suggested I watch Homeland.

    While I wait for the new series of that too what should I watch next? I would really appreciate your suggestions.

    Thank you

    Amelia xxx

  • jw07

    Check out Revolution on NBC. You can catch up on season 1 online. Season 2 begins on March 25th :-)

    Last Resort opened great with season 1, but was cancelled :-( I guess for political reasons.

  • BlindersOff1

    "Breaking Bad" is rated very highly

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    Breaking Bad is great.

    I retired this past March. I hadn't watched much tV during my working life.

    My son told me about Breaking bad. I never saw such a good tv show in my life.

    I watched 4 seasons I am waiting for the 5th season to come on netflix and they are

    going to have a 6th season this summer.

    Another good series on netflix is Prison Break.

    My wife and I have access to recent movies and many tv shows thru net flex and I tunes.

    We would rather watch 3 or 4 commercial less episodes of Breaking Bad or Prison Break than

    watch most of the new movies that are out there. Those 2 shows are better than most first run movies

    in our oppinion and we watch 2 first run video releases a week and have for the past 30 years.

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    Just finished watching the pilot episode of Revolution. Brilliant suggestion jw07. Thank you it is right up my street. I am downloading S01 E02 as I type this now.

    Breaking Bad and Prison Break also sound good so will give both of those a go too so thank you BlindersOff1 and James Brown.

    These should keep me out of mischief for quite a few hours.

  • Mum

    Are you watching "Downton Abbey" on PBS. It's all the rage. I don't normally like sitcoms, but "The Big Bang Theory" is pure fun beause of the psychological profiles of the main characters.



  • Angharad

    Walking Dead

    Game of Thrones

  • tec

    What Angharad said... and also Sons of Anarchy. The Arrow (that is a new one). Oh, and Supernatural for sure (as long as you would not have a problem with things like ghosts, werewolves, vampires, other mythical creatures, and also demons and eventually angels too)



  • Think About It
    Think About It
    Walking Dead

    Do you think the Governing Body watch the Walking Dead together? Their dream would be to be able to send out roving bands of uber-dubs, and kill "mentally diseased" apostates with head shots.

  • poppers

    Mad Men

    Downton Abbey

    The Newsroom

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