Congrats nolongerconfused- you know in your heart and soul you need to leave this destructive religion. So DO IT- just leave. Don't go to meetings anymore, and do not acknowledge their power over you.
Some write the DA letter for convenience or for a release. Some write it but never print it out or give it to anyone, it is purely therapuetic. I left on my own terms, by talking to my closest friends about TTATT (The Truth About The Truth) and trying to help them. It was mostly fruitless, but at least I spoke the truth. Then when the elders called me before them I went, and spoke truth to them as well.
IT WAS ONE OF THE BEST THINGS I EVER DID. It was hard, it was nerve-wracking, but I recorded it for everyone to see and hear and in turn perhaps some will be encouraged to leave this cult-like group.
Our advice: Do not submit a DA letter, that is what they want. Force them to "spiritually stone" you. Make them reveal the true ugliness that this Org represents... IF THEY CAN CATCH YOU ;-)