I'm writing a DA letter...need advise

by nolongerconfused 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • nolongerconfused

    Hello, so I have decided to DA myself and will write a DA letter to the body of elders...

    Do you have any ideas of what I can include in this letter or samples?... I really want to make a huge impact with this letter.

    I appreciate your help everyone...

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    Someone will probably post the best recommendation for you.

    Make a huge impact? Good luck with that.

  • Gayle

    Whether you write one sentence or a thousand, the outcome will be quick and the same result. They (elders, service department, GB) will take nothing to heart. There is no justification to them about it, and you will leave with no respect, or honor from them.

  • 00DAD

    My recommendation is this: Don't do it!

    • It's unlikely you have the "impact" you intend.
    • You'll be burning bridges that aren't easily mended, if ever
    • You're playing by their rules. Why?

    Most people on JWN that wrote a DA letter later regretted it, especially the ones that did it soon after leaving. The ones that felt good about generally had some time and distance between leaving. The were not so emotional.

    Take some time and think about it.


  • JWOP

    I think the only way to make an impact is this: Get all the names and addresses of everyone in your congregation. Then, anonymously, write up a document making your points and send them all at once to everyone. THAT will get people talking and many of them thinking.

    As for DA'ing yourself, like 00Dad said, you're only playing by their rules, and their rules are meaningless. Just simply stop going to the meetings. You don't owe anyone any kind of explanation.

  • CADSkin

    Everyone gains closure differently. Mine was through counseling. Yours may be through a DA letter. My two cents, if you are truly free than why play by the rules. I hope you find what you’re seeking.

  • RayPublisher

    Congrats nolongerconfused- you know in your heart and soul you need to leave this destructive religion. So DO IT- just leave. Don't go to meetings anymore, and do not acknowledge their power over you.

    Some write the DA letter for convenience or for a release. Some write it but never print it out or give it to anyone, it is purely therapuetic. I left on my own terms, by talking to my closest friends about TTATT (The Truth About The Truth) and trying to help them. It was mostly fruitless, but at least I spoke the truth. Then when the elders called me before them I went, and spoke truth to them as well.

    IT WAS ONE OF THE BEST THINGS I EVER DID. It was hard, it was nerve-wracking, but I recorded it for everyone to see and hear and in turn perhaps some will be encouraged to leave this cult-like group.

    Our advice: Do not submit a DA letter, that is what they want. Force them to "spiritually stone" you. Make them reveal the true ugliness that this Org represents... IF THEY CAN CATCH YOU ;-)

  • Greybeard

    If you still have family that you care about, I would not write a DA letter. I have lost all my JW family including my wife recently. I can't tell you how my life has changed. The elders finally came after me and how much this hurts. I gave the elders a letter and you can read it here: http://www.jwstruggle.com/2013/02/hello-my-name-is-gregg-blasingame/

    Good luck

  • nolongerconfused

    wow great points...ill definitely re-consider/analyze the writing of such letter..thanks

  • Gojira_101

    Hi NoLongerConfused,

    I'm very happy you have awakened and have the desire to get as far away from the hypocrisy as you can.

    I know others have told you what to do and everyone is entitled to their opinions and have given good advice. I have read Greybeard's letter and there are many great points you can use from his letter.

    I just want to share with you how I felt with regards to writing a DA letter. In the beginning, I was so angry and upset about learning TTATT and for a good while I was going to write a DA letter. My parents have also come to know TTATT and my father asked me to hold off on writing the DA letter until he could talk to his mother and tell her TTATT and so I have been waiting for him to talk to her in person (she lives in another state). He will be talking to her in a few weeks....anyway taking this time for my emotions to calm down has been the best thing for me personally. I am NOT going to write a DA letter because they (the elders, GB, friends, family..etc) have no control over me and why should I play their game? They have no power of authority over me.

    So the only advice I am going to give you is, take time to calm down your emotions. You don't really want to write something like a DA letter when you are emotional. Get the feelings and emotions in control and then see where you stand on writing a DA letter. You have nothing but time on your side, so use it :)

    Peace and love


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