Here is a great YOUTUBE video that i just stumbled upon. It is a little lengthy, but for good reason.
by DATA-DOG 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Thanks for the info.
I remember those days! We were so excited, looking forward to living in Paradise. As Americans, little did we know we already lived in Paradise compared to most of the rest of the world. We were not among those who went recklessly into debt, but I did get rid of a lot of stuff, including, unfortunately, my daughter's tricycle, which she has never let me forget.
When 1975 came and went, we were told we were on the open sea now, with the last buoy behind us, that 1975 could have been off by a couple of years or so. Then, in 1979, I started to realize that I might get old in the real worls. I needed education. I needed something to look forward to. I was over 30, and panicking about what might be ahead of me for the next 50 years or so.
Thanks Data-dog, you are a wealth of information.
Simple fact ... the WTS. constructed its doctrines to create interest and attract attention from the public,
in other words they bullshitted. 1914, 1925 , 1975 the great tribulation the end times etc . these and many others are
nothing but adulterated commercialized doctrines to support the proliferation of the WTS. published goods.
The WTS. is a religious publishing house that started up in a country with no restrictions on to how and what a organized religion
can preach. Each and every JWS is and has been trained to be a sales representatives for this publishing house.
Charlatanism existed in the religious organization (WTS.) from its very beginning and it still opertates very much in the same way.
As this video shows, statements made by the GB have had devastating consequences in the lives of real JWs.
1. The GB said that in view of the shortness of time, a student graduating high school in 1969 should not waste time with a 4-8 year college program because the end of this system may well come before then. Better for such students to forego college and learn a trade that will also be useful in the new system, such as carpentry.
How many JW parents required their children to follow this course?
In reality, the high school graduate who was 18 in 1969 has had enough time for 11 consecutive 4-year college educations.
2. A 1974 Kingdom Ministry praised JWs who sold their homes and quit their jobs in order to pioneer in the short time left in this old system.
JWs who decided to follow their example until the new system arrived would still be without a house and a job some 39 years later!
3. "You will never grow old in this system of things."
An 18-year-old who heard this statement in 1969 and based his life decisions on it being "the truth" turns 62 this year.
4. The Governing Body is Jehovah God's chosen spokesman.
the concept of 1975, that is, that the 1000-year rule woudl be a sabbath day in the 7000-year long 7th Creative Day is a good concept. The only thing wrong there is the confusion over the ancient chronology and the inability of the WTS scholars to figure out co-rulerships during the divided-kingdom period. Most manage to figure out about 47 years of co-rulerships (i.e. via E.R. Thiele), but not the WTS, thus they gain about 47 years of extra timeline for this period. Add to that the extra 20 years they add to the popular secular timeline and their date for the Exodus is some 67 years earlier than that of the secular date, that is, 1513 vs. 1446 BCE. Even so, the secular date is still some 60 years earlier than the original timeline date for the Exodus in 1386 BCE. So 1975 is actually some 127 years too early; what is linked to 1975 should be linked to 2102 AD.
But 1874 and 1914 are still critical Biblical events. 1874 begins Christ's "parousia" that is, when "Michael stands up" (Daniel 12:1) to begin preparations for the 2nd coming. It marks the 120-year generation from 1874-1994. 1914 marks an 80-year generation from 1914-1994, before which the 2nd coming was to shortly take place. The 2nd coming occurred on December 25, 1992 and the first and last passover celebration by Christ after his return was April 6, 1993. So the prophecy about the "last generation" which must begin with a world war and thus in 1914, did come true and the focus on 1874 and 1914, though not completely accurate are still valid Bible chronology event years. But 1925 and 1975 have no Biblical significance other than the interpretations behind them. 1925 is based on 70 jubilees of 3500 years from the time the Jews enter the promised land. This is based on poor chronology since dumped by the WTS. The actual fulfillment is 70 jubilees of 49 years each (3430 years vs 3500 years) from the time Moses was 30 in 1435 BCE to 1996. The final jubilee period of 49 years begins in 1947 when the gentile times ends. This fulfills 1290 days thus pointing to the 2nd coming in 1992. We have the refined truth available to us now so we can crorect WTS errors in detail.
BOTTOM LINE: Just because the WTS gets things wrong or distorted doesn't mean a true interpretation and understanding does not work. The WTS may be invalidated but that does not apply to the Bible and those given the holy spirit to understand how these prophecies work and apply in modern times.
Few Jehovah's Witnesses are aware that the above was not the FIRST time the Watchtower Society pulled the same stunt
about "the end of 6000 years of man's existence" ending. Yes, they had published it much earlier and this was simply
a cynical RECYCLING of an old and disproved teaching.
I can understand human weakness producing ONE mistake--but TWO off of the SAME teaching? Both times they were confident and
both times they were dead wrong.
Since every Jehovah's Witness on planet earth was GIVEN this material to take door to door
since what was published and preached door to door was wrong TWICE---
it could not by any means be FOOD or at the PROPER TIME.
Hence, this is complete disproof of the claim of "faithful and discreet slave".
They refuted their own claim to special relationship to Jehovah as his mouthpiece.
It wasn't True the first time and it wasn't True the second time.
What you need to do : Speak in a manner that shows that you are fully convinced of the truthfulness and importance of what you are saying________ Theocratic ministry school book page 194
The Watchtower Society AKA " The Lyin' Troof "
# 32 EXPRESS WITH CONVICTION = # 32 LIE WITH CONVICTION ______Theocratic Ministry School Book page 194