Transfusions and Thievery Whaaaat?

by BlindersOff1 13 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • BlindersOff1

    Transfusions and Thievery

    .. Some say blood transfusions
    are harmless. Do you believe
    that? For 40 years Robert
    Khoury was known as an
    honest man. Then he was given
    a blood transfUsion after a
    fall. "I learned the donor
    was a thief," Khoury told police.
    "When I recovered I found
    I had a terrible desire to steal."
    And steal he did. He confessed
    to stealing £10,000 in six rob·
    beries in three months. Khoury
    threatened to sue the doctor
    who arranged the transfusion
    if he receives a severe sentenc~
    for his thievery.

    Awake 1969 July 8th page 30

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    Oh, shit!

    That must be the reason I started gambling after my surgery.....


    Who's more crminal? 1) Robert for using this line of defence in his trial? or 2) the WBTS for attempting to encourage fear of blood transfusions in it's followers?


  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Some guys...Just have to blame...somebody. lol

    Just Lois

  • Mum

    I thought refusing blood transfusions was supposed to be a religious choice, not a choice based on some pseudoscientific fear of becoming someone else. I've seen this same argument used as a "reason" to refuse a heart transplant as well.

  • braincleaned

    Hahahaha! Priceless! Scientifically ignorant, as always.

  • designs

    I've always wanted to go to a Casino hmmm

  • steve2

    I was an inveterate liar and philanderer before I had a blood transfusion in 2006.

    I was cruel to women, children and animals and I got into fights with any man who looked at me the wrong way.

    By contrast, my blood donor was a fine, upstanding man of flawless morals, who treated women, children and animals with kindness and never ever got into fights with men.

    My donor was a model citizen, worked hard and tirelessly and was very spiritually-minded too.

    Today, brothers and sisters, thanks to this man's blood that was transfused into my body seven short years ago, I am now a model citizen who treats women children and animals with kindness and who longer gets into fights with men. In fact, men can look at me anyway they like.

    But brothers and sisters why do you greet my disclosures with such cold rejection and scorn? Where is your warmly receptive applause about my moral improvement?

    What have I done wrong? What do you mean "Don't darken our Kingdom Hall doorstep ever again"???

  • cantleave

    Did anyone really take this sort of shit seriously?

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    It's amazing the insight that Jehovahs organization has about medical procedures and human biology/psychology.

    I think this quote nails it. They are the only True Religion.

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