Does anyone know of anybody on this ship?
I hear that it is a nightmare on board.
by out4good3 10 Replies latest jw friends
Does anyone know of anybody on this ship?
I hear that it is a nightmare on board.
Probably about as bad as a 8 day International Convention, with only one toilet working. But with less people.
7 Day JW Convention cruises.......what a brillant idea.
Cruise from Brookyn harbor to the Bermuda Triangle and back. All "new light" dispensed while inside the triangle. Violate the bathroom 1 towel rule and you walk the plank.
A former Ward Clerk at the hospital I work at is on there with her husband.
That's the one thing about a cruise when things go wrong. No escape. I was on a cruise once on a very high end ship. They lost an engine which meant all we could do is limp along at 1/2 speed. They kept going and dropped two of the stops. Really sucked
sewage is the real poblem. The sanitation systems work fine on these floating cities as long as power is at a level to deal with it. When mechanical problems arise it can quickly turn to a nightmare. 4000 people each create about 3 pounds of solid and liquid waste per day, X4000= 12,000 lb (6 tons).
Once things go awry you have noro virus running rampant, diarreah, vomiting, fever. It becomes a pandemic in a confined environment.
This has been happening much too frequently in recent years. The ships and their owners have gotten sloppy with maintenance and upkeep.
I have never been interested in cruises. The idea of being isolated on the ocean with thousands of tourists on a ship has never appealed to me.
Cruise ships have recently been on the receiving end of a lot of bad publicity, starting with the Concordia disaster in Italy. I personally love the sea and enjoy the feeling of being there onboard with restaurants, casinos, duty free shops, shows, outdoor activities, and so forth.
I've been on quite a few cruises. It's never been my idea. It's a floating prison as far as I'm concerned. Agoraphobia I guess.