Do you believe that God is using the faithful and discreet slave

by trujw 20 Replies latest jw experiences

  • trujw

    It seems that this question is used by elder to trap us and close their minds(The JW elder) to thinking. If you answer no they wrap up a JC in short order. I was wondering if any have tried to use a more pointed question to actually get them to think themselves. Has anyone ever asked " Can you help me by telling me why you personally think God is using them as compared to other religions? Their is no pat answer in JW propaganda for this and they would actually have to think, why do I personally believe? The only answer I think most would give is field service and I think all of us can ask or bring out many different reasons to open a mind if this is the only reason given. A few are below.

    1. Other religions preach.

    2. What if what we are teaching is incorrect and go into past errors how does god view this?

    3. Other religions dont teach the Trininty or Hell Fire.

    What are your thoughts and what responses do you think the elders would give that we can ask a follow up question in a non threating manner.

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    Do you think God likes slavery?

  • nugget

    Turn it back on them.

    Why are you asking me this question it sounds like you have doubts? I think you should work on your own relationship with Jehovah before seeking clarity from me.

  • trujw

    Nugget: I would answer. That is why I am here and agreeded to meet to work on my relationship with Jehovah and your own words on why you have faith in the Fathful and discreet slave would really help me with my struggle. I was called back here for my doubts that is well known so if you could answer my question it would do much to help build my faith.

  • QC

    I would be disarming with humor:

    God always uses faithful and discreet slaves, why should now be any different? Whatever you do, don’t be an evil slave


    Well, Trujw..that is a tricky question. Who is the FDS? If all those scriptures in Matthew and Luke are parables, or illustrations that the Master was so fond of, then ANYONE could be a faithful and discreet slave of Christ. So if you were having some struggle in your life and I gave you comfort and advice based on Christ's teachings, and you were spiritually fed and strengthened, then I would be a faithful and discreet slave since Christ moved me to help you. So you could say that I was used, or allowed myself to be used.

    I believe that you need to answer the question of WHO. Still our Heavenly father can use anyone or anything, including vessels for a dishonorable purpose to to accomplish his will. Just because a particular Government or Religious power is used by God, does not mean that they meet with his approval. Remember the slave who did not understand the Master's will, so therefore did not comply fully with it? There will be some punishment for that one, whatever that is remains to be seen. It does not have to be eternal destruction. Still False/Organized Religion will be permanently done away with.

    We also need to establish when the Master truly arrives, because that is when the FDS's identity will be known for sure. God can use anyone of us, and we can be faithful and discreet in many ways, whatever circumstances we have.

    I was very honest with the Elder's in my meetings, 5 in all. I said that I am loyal to my Heavenly Father and to Christ, whom the Father has placed in charge of all things. I said that no man was a master of my faith. I also said that I will not give blind trust to any man, or group of men, but I will be loyal to anyone who is loyal to Christ. I said the GB is not infallible, and that WT articles contain errors and gave examples in print. The Circuit Overseer was asked by the BOE to help with their decision. His insightful answer was, " Well, he is not an apostate, but he could be..."

    I am not allowed to do anything at the KH except an occasional Bible Reading. So I can't say say that any answer would be acceptable, except the one they want to hear.



  • Terry

    The faithful and discreet slave has to meet two and only two criteria.

    1.Give Food

    2.At the proper time

    What the GB has done for the last hundred years is a matter of record.

    Let's test that record and see if they meet the two step criteria!

    If they DO meet the criteria we have to answer "Yes". If the do not we have to answer "NO."

    The "food" consists of all the writings that originated in the prayed over, voted on and assigned publications.

    How many of the old publications contain "Truth"? How can you tell? Ask your local elder which ones you can use to conduct bible studies with!

    The answer is NONE. By current standards---none of the old books can pass the test.

    Step 1 Give food? If can't be taught because it is WRONG it isn't truth. If you can't serve it for consumption it isn't FOOD.

    Step one FAIL.

    Step 2. At the Proper time

    Did C.T.Russell teach 1914 was the end and not the beginning? Yes. Was he right? No. Was teaching 1914 is Armageddon come at the proper time, then?

    NO because it was WRONG.

    Did Pastor Russell's successor, J.F.Rutherford teach: MILLION NOW LIVING will never die? Yes. Are those millions now living? No!

    Did Judge Rutherford teach that 1925 was to be the resurrection of the ancient men of faith (worthies)? Yes. Was he right? No.

    Did those two teachings come at the "proper time" if they were wrong? NO.

    Did Nathan Knorr and Fred Franz teach that 1975 would fittingly begin the 1000 year reign? Yes. Were they correct? No.

    Did that wrong teaching come at the "proper time"? No.

    Step two: FAIL.


    Do you believe that God is using the faithful and discreet slave?

    Answer: not if they don't meet both requirements---and they don't!

  • Listener

    You could answer that yest God is using the faithful and discreet slave. Who are they? Well that is not for us to decide. Jesus makes that decision as to whether they are faithful or not on his return.

  • FingersCrossed

    Marking for read later

  • excitesinceredetermination

    Listener, I am noting your answer for later use. I know I will need it! Exactly honest and can be slick enough to be what they want to hear in order to avoid a JC.

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