It seems that this question is used by elder to trap us and close their minds(The JW elder) to thinking. If you answer no they wrap up a JC in short order. I was wondering if any have tried to use a more pointed question to actually get them to think themselves. Has anyone ever asked " Can you help me by telling me why you personally think God is using them as compared to other religions? Their is no pat answer in JW propaganda for this and they would actually have to think, why do I personally believe? The only answer I think most would give is field service and I think all of us can ask or bring out many different reasons to open a mind if this is the only reason given. A few are below.
1. Other religions preach.
2. What if what we are teaching is incorrect and go into past errors how does god view this?
3. Other religions dont teach the Trininty or Hell Fire.
What are your thoughts and what responses do you think the elders would give that we can ask a follow up question in a non threating manner.