Chapter a day: MEMOIRS of a MANGY ex-CULTIST

by Terry 36 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Terry


    (Life on the slide down to prison)

    Long ago I was asked: " You would have had to go to the Viet Nam war. With so many young men dying in this war, your chances of coming back in a body bag, was great. So in essence, the JW's saved your life. Please comment."

    Actually, that's not what the choice really was. Unknown to the majority of JW's, the actual legal provision under the U.S.Military Training and Service Act is to provide Conscientious Objectors alternate service.

    That was the law.

    I was actually sentenced to work in a local State Hospital. The elders in my congregation told me to REFUSE. So, what I had to refuse was not fighting and dying in Viet Nam at all. It was refusing to help people in a hospital !

    This is hard to grasp for many witnesses. They can't be made to understand the fine hair's breadth distinction.

    JW's are amazed to hear me say this. But, the congregation overseer and the assistant made it abundantly clear that working in a hospital was viewed by the Society as a compromise of my Christian integrity.

    Isn't that amazing?

    JW's went to prison rufusing, essentially, to help hospitalized people as part of a legal alternative to military duty!

    The word "compromise" was a boiler-plate. It meant whatever you wanted it to mean. It was a pejorative and that was that.

    The Society was paranoid of being linked to such "conscience choice" because the leaders had been thrown into prison in the past for overt tampering with such choices in their membership.

    The secret instructions were on the down-low. It was YOU as an individual publicly. In private, it was you the JW obeying instructions.

    The Society's idea, I'm fairly certain, was making a theatrical spectacle of JW's any way they could get them to co-operate. Not celebrating birthdays is one way on a small level. But, think how that affects a little kid and their social life at school! It puts them on the outs.

    JW beliefs are contrarian. They are against things. Christmas, Easter, flag salute, etc. to create publicity that JW'S ARE DIFFERENT!

    I went along with making the decision not so much because I completely understood the logic of it. It was simply made crystal clear that this is what I am supposed to do if I am a servant of Jehovah who possesses integrity. It is like listening to your doctor's advice and not really understanding it as to particulars of how the regimen is going to make you well. But--you have to trust your Doctor. They KNOW MORE than you do.

    Neither the Society nor the local congregations gave much consideration as a group or as individuals to brothers in prison.

    There was a Brother Bourgeoise from a Dallas congregation who came out once a month as a kind of Circuit Servant. He gave an hour talk. I'm cynical enough to think he did it to report the time! I don't remembe anything at all special about what he said or the attention he gave to us.

    Looking back at those years and the particulars of day to day life inside of County Jail or Federal Prison I find the memories to be vividly excruciating.

    I don't EVER think specifically about any of them.

    There must be a reason for this.

    I think it is more than: what's past has passed.

    Upon my parole from Seagoville there was such a void of specific interest on the part of brothers and sisters I was dumbfounded!

    Nobody asked for any particulars. That didn't and doesn't seem possible!

    Just before I entered prison I was trying rather frantically to locate any of the brothers who had already gone through such an experience. I wanted to pump him for details and specifics!

    It was quite difficult but I finally located somebody living in Dallas who had been paroled earlier that same year. He had served two years locked up as a Conscientious Objector JW.

    I got his phone number and reached him one evening.

    I'd be lying if I said I remembered the details. I don't. There is a good reason for this.

    He didn't give me any! The paroled brother was completely indifferent to my questions. In fact, I think he was high at the time.

    I later heard he had been disfellowshipped for immorality.

    As the date of my trial approached I was growing agitated of mind and body. Nerves, mostly.

    From the vantage point of years now passed I am struck by one fact above all others: there were no leaders in the congregation I could counsel with about my human weakness as this day approached.

    All I got was a shrug and "Just trust in Jehovah, he'll see ya through." And off they'd go happy as a clam.

    So, I had to buck up. I had to, uh hem, "be a man" whatever that would mean.

    My prayer life became vivid and constant.

    Today is 2013 and I can see with some objectivity I was going into a trance back then in 1967. I was self-hypnotizing; digging deeper into myself I hid my fear.

    I was on the slide down to disassociative reasoning and questionable mental balance. Tunnel vision. One on one "conversation" with Jehovah. Like one of those mental patients you see on the street talking to themselves as they walk along in their own world--I too was in a separate dimension.

    In my own mind I became an important "object" of scrutiny. This is difficult to describe because YOU are sane:)

    But, I thought of the forces of Good on one side and the forces of Evil on the other and I was on the playing field while Jehovah and Satan rooted in the grandstand!

    Where did I get such a silly notion? How about this: from reading Watchtower publications for the last 8 years!

    Jehovah's Witnesses were the most important humans in the universe!

    Why, you ask?

    We were on trial in the court of opinion as to whether we would vindicate Jehovah's name by suffering persecution.

    This is hubris, of course. It may even amount to megalomania or some such condition. But, in effect, we JW's were "public spectacles" in a universal arena doing a damned heroic job of ......well.....blah--blah--blah...

    Fundamentally, we weren't much above teen Emo's who cut themselves for attention.

    We just decorated our self-inflicted delusional state with scriptures and slogan's about Jehovah's Soverignty.

    We were billboards for the Watchtower leaders; advertsing an "authentic" gravitas which included martyr-quality dedication to The Truth no matter the cost--we were happy to pay the price!

    But, it wasn't all-for-one and one-for-all......this was no Musketeer alliance of equals. We young folk were puppets pouring out our youth on the altar of OZ. The Wizard in Bethel was pulling levers and blowing smoke up our collective asses for duplicitous self-aggrandizement.

    You see, the crazy DOCTRINES of contrarian negativity could never be actually PROVED---but---something could demonstrate sincerety, committment and conviction like nothing else could. MARTYRS.

    Here is how this works:

    You pose the following question. "Would Jesus followers have been faithful to the point of imprisonment if they were just frauds?"

    In other words, Do fakes and cranks put their butt on the line?

    The implication is that nobody risks self-harm for a false belief.

    Jesus gave himself. Jesus Apostles risked all. From that premise it follows: sincere true believers pay a hefty price.

    The Governing Body in Bethel used that as currency to buy admiration and to promote the idea of ethical committment to Truth.

    A grudging Baptist might say this at a door to door encounter: "I don't believe what you believe, but, I have to admire your faith and convictions."

    This, for the leaders, was cashing in on the misery of the young men who went to prison or the brothers and sisters in Malawi who refused to buy a political party card and were beaten or raped.

    It made excellent press!

  • Terry

    Note: I stopped and started while I was writing the two last most recent chapters because of interruptions at the time.

    I just went back a re-read them.

    I don't think I did a good job of clarifying anything! This is regard to JW refusal of draft.

    My ability to go back and re-edit has expired. So, I'll do it here and insert it at some future date when I do a re-write.

    1.The young JW man is drafted.

    2. The first choice is whether to go full-time Pioneer or not. Full time Pioneer gets you a 4D classification from your local Draft Board because the congregation backs you up and for awhile the Society would send a letter on your behalf. (Local Draft boards differed, naturally.)

    3.You went before your local Draft Board and answered questions. They based their classification of you on that interview.

    4.If you were not a Pioneer (I wasn't) you hope for an I O (conscientious objector) classification.

    5.You report for your Armed Forces Medical Exam. You take the exam. Full compliance.

    6.You await the outcome of the result. I passed.

    7.You are ordered to report for duty. My "duty" was to work for 2 years in the Terrell, Texas State Hospital. A JW officially "refuses" to report for duty and at that point violates Federal Law.

    8.You are arrested and appear before a judge in an arraignment.

    9.A JW pleads before the judge and he sets the trial date. A private attorney or a court-appointed is required. I asked to represent myself. I was refused.

    The Judge can keep you in jail or release you on your own recognisance. I was released O.R.

    10.The day of the trial you have the choice of a jury trial or Judge alone. I chose the Judge alone because I wanted to get it over with:)

    11.The JW makes the case by citing out-of-context scriptures and then the Judge rules.

    12.My particular Judge told me I could be released at any time from prison if I sent him word that I was ready to work in Terrell State Hospital. Since I refused I was given a YOUTH CORRECTIONS ACT (I was under-age and technically still a "child" at age 20) so-called INDETERMINATE sentence.

    The maximum penalty for an adult (over 21) would be 5 years. A Youth sentence (under 21) was 1 to 6 years.

    Got all that?

    Now, clarifying the actual ISSUE of refusal and WHY.

    1.Young JW men were told that working in a hospital was ALTERNATE service to the military.

    2.ALTERNATE was defined as "the same thing to Jehovah AS IF you went into the Military". Yeah. right.

    3.By taking the "easy way out" you were still SERVING. Serving WHO? Not Jehovah---Satan's political minions, that's who!

    The toughest thing to explain logically is the twisted and tortured reasoning behind ACCEPTING hospital or civilian work which was sometimes okay with the Watchtower boys!

    First, a distinction is made in Watchtower thinking between being told to REPORT FOR DUTY as a hospital worker and being SENTENCED to hospital work by a Judge.

    The first is a "no-no" and the second is a "Hooray--I beat the system!"

    If you are scratching your head wondering I feel sorry for you like I felt sorry for myself back in 1967. I didn't understand it either!

    About 5 years earlier the Wathctower had reversed its understanding of what Romans 13:1 actually described for christians in the way of subjection.

    Follow with me if you can stand it....

    1.(I believe it was pre-1962) the Watchtower taught Romans 13:1 "Be in subjection to the superior authorities" meant Jehovah and Jesus.

    2. Christendom taught, of course, the obvious meaning was SECULAR GOVERNMENTS.

    3.Pre-1962 the Federal Government had no "authority" to force you to serve (in Watchtower reasoning) because you belonged to Jehovah and Jesus.

    4.Post-1962 the Federal Government now DID have "authority" to force you to serve! (I know, I know...)

    5.Your refusal asserted the "god rather than men" aspect of the true faith.

    6.If a Judge sentenced you to ALTERNATE service you jumped over into the Romans 13:1 (New Light) understanding and ACCEPTED the sentence.

    Clear as mud?

    Well, I give up!

  • Apognophos

    Wow, the details of this draft issue were unknown to me because (1) I was a later generation of Witness, and (2) we didn't have a draft in the years that I would have been eligible. I had no idea that Witness youths were being told to refuse the hospital work when it was initially offered. That's saddening to hear. I think alternate service is allowed now, but I'm not totally sure. Not that it does a lot of good for youths who had to go to prison during the time that the org. was standing on the other foot.

    Anyway, I am enjoying the memoirs so far! But when did you get married?! In chapter 2 you're single, and in chapter 3 you mention a wife. Apologies if I missed something.

  • Terry

    But when did you get married?! In chapter 2 you're single, and in chapter 3 you mention a wife. Apologies if I missed something.

    Sorry to confuse!

    I find that I have to go where my energy is in telling all this old crap:)

    Eventually I suppose I'll drop more personal facts in from time to time.

    I've always found straight Biography to be super-mundane and awfully draggy.

    I was married 5 months after parole from Seagoville.

    I married my best friend's sister, Jo Ann. The year was 1969.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    I am stunned Terry

    i have never read a clearer picture of the Watchtowers criminality in getting young men to Martyr themselves in the name of self agrandizement.

    What they did to you and thousands of other boys back then (and probably still do) was disgusting. And to think that if you were in mexico all you would have had to do to stay in good standing was bribe some officials...


  • Terry

    Newbies walk into a Kingdom Hall like a person walking into a movie theater in the middle of a film.

    They missed the beginning.

    Getting caught up in what appears to be the "exciting" part the viewer is waiting for the Grand Climax at Hand.

    The Jehovah's Witness saga has a beginning crammed with tedious details. It has a middle with twists and turns and side plots.

    When I use to work in a bookstore a customer brought a book up to the cash register to check out. It was that little blue book the Watchower Society published in 1966/7 The Truth that Leads to Eternal Life. I asked her what made her want to read it.

    She said she was currently studying the bible with a friend who was a JW.

    I told her I had heard the purpose of that particular book was to explain why Armageddon would arrive in 1975.

    She got excited! "Oh, I can't wait to read about that!"

    This reaction troubled me. I didn't think she heard me correctly.

    I tried saying, "Not to give anything away--but--I don't think Armageddon actually happened in 1975."

    I swear she answered me, "Well, I'll decide that for myself."


    The moral of the story?

    It probably doesn't matter what you reveal to.....some....people!

  • Apognophos

    Haha, I think that story builds well upon Minimus' thread from the other day. Well, I shouldn't elaborate, it might draw the argument into your thread, and we don't need to muck things up here while you're telling us your story. Look forward to the next chapter, Terry! And I like that analogy about the movie theater, I might have to steal that in a future conversation some day....

  • Terry


    (Charlie Russell: Supestar!)

    There are religious groups who have celebrities. Sometimes it is a pastor with outstanding charisma. You might say that particular church IS the pastor.

    Billy Graham didn't start a new religion so much as he starred in his own evangelistic star vehicle before vast audiences as he held them spellbound.

    His son, Franklin, on the other hand, has none of his father's charm, charisma or vitality.

    Herbert W. Armstrong held listeners enthralled with his "World of Tomorrow" prophetic broadcasts on radio. His son, Garner Ted, on the other hand, although a dynamic speaker seemed to go astray to the point his ministry dissolved around him.

    Jehovah's Witnesses were once NOT Jehovah's Witnesses because they were Russellites. The men cut their beard into that "Hi, I'm weird" no moustache style like Pastor Russell. Why? Russell was cool, crafty, sexy and cutting edge (when he was young.) After he grew older he shrivelled into an Amish-looking, buzzard-eyed loon.

    He dazzled and impressed with his cultivated vocabulary. He had been tutored as a young man. His mother had had several miscarry pregnancies before Charles was born and the result was her doting on him and perhaps spoiling him a bit. The father cultivated a serious sense of purpose and business in his character. His mother died before he reached his teenage years and the sensitive nature he possessed threw him into a religious yearning for something greater than himself as compensation for his loss.

    After failing to convince a non-religious friend of any logical reason to believe in god, Russell tossed it all and became adrift with freethinking and a thirst for a more compelling narrative to fuel his passionate nature.

    Even a casual glimpse at retracing his steps historically inevitably leads us to conclude he was easily swayed by a razzle-dazzle argument! He fell in with what was left of the Adventist Movement which had splintered into factions with the embarassing failures of predicted dates for the Lord's Return.

    Rational minded persons went back to their mainstream church. The more adventurous and stiff-necked among them dug in deeper compelled somehow to solve the arithmetic of End Times by conjuring dates and chronologies.

    One such quirky fad of the time was Pyramidology which purported to explain important dates in history by measuring the inside passages of the Great Pyramid of Giza. As a gimmick and pseudo-science it fascinated the gullible and created a launching pad for Russell's own ministry.

    By combining a menu of Adventist lore, pyramid number crunching and dispensational epoch-charts Russell worked up a powerful head of steam which caught the attention of tens of thousands of spiritually starved people at the turn of the century.

    Why, we might ask aloud, were people OPEN to crazy ideas at this period of history?

    The Civil War ended in 1865 and tens of thousands of families suffered grave losses of beloved sons, brothers and husbands. Slaves had been freed. Women were compelled to fend for themselves by stepping up and thinking and acting for themselves. It was a time of social upheaval. Religious-minded folk were dumbstruck with fear. Surely, they reasoned, this must be a "sign the end is near"!

    Charles T.Russell knew how to speak directly to the hearts and minds of these people "looking for a sign".

    It wasn't the gimmickry which won their hearts and minds, however, that was just the frosting on the cake. The real draw was Pastor Russell's charisma; his style of reasoning from Point A to conclusion B.

    There was a genuine "love of the Lord" in his tone that was never overshadowed by his egotistical side which dabbled in wild speculations AS THOUGH he were being personally directed and led by God himself. Therefore, the gimmicks he used to convince people seemd more plausible in his hands.

    He was able to attract an intellectually bright and talented wife, Maria (pronounced: moe-Rye-uh) who was every bit the writer and thinker as he was.

    They were one of the first "power-couples" in religious publishing!

    Maria was a woman's rights advocate who undoubtedly saw the Watchtower publications as a vehicle for spreading her views. For Russell, she was a person who had resourceful ideas who could supplement his burden in reaching women who were emerging as a strong political force in America.

    Had they stayed on the straight and narrow path of clear focus this would have proved a daunting influence in the Pre-WWI years.

    But, no!

    Maria would not simply knuckle-under and play second fiddle to Russell's end times folderol! She was editing him more and more and Russell was tolerating it less and less. His manhood was threatened and his ego was tender.

    Worse still, an interpersonal conflict arose which was passing strange from beginning to end. The strangest aspect of their marriage was that Russell seemed to prefer to remain sexless and remote. At the same time, the Pastor began lavishing genuine affections upon a young lady, Rose Ball, taken in as a minor surrogate child and companion in the childless, sexless marriage.

    Something appeared to be fishy! Maria caught Russell physically cuddling young Rose when he had spurned his own wife physically!

    Accusations were leveled and a divorce proceeding begun.

    The details became very public for the chief reason Russell had made a great many enemies in prominent public offices of society such as Pastors, Priests, bankers, politicians, etc. Russell had been accusatory of their morals, integrity and ethics as satan's tools.

    How laughable it must have seemed that Russell's holier-than-thou public image was exposed to filthy rumors of child molestations and sexual weirdness.

    Russell hid his family fortune by availing himself of a legal subterfuge; he vested the Watchtower Corporation placing the funds out of reach of Maria's lawsuit.

    The older Russell grew the more polarizing his life, actions, writings, appearance and personality seemed to be!

    Those who were endeared to his prophetic writings and emphatic specific predictions for "the end" in 1914 clung to his writings as a life-preserver as the days grew short.

    They were convinced by wife Maria's peculiar idea: a twist on scripture identifying a "Faithful and Wise Servant" in modern times whom Jehovah would "speak through" as a mouthpiece. She envisioned herself and her husbandboth in mind. However, after his antics in pushing her out of his journal, pushing her out of his bedroom and pushing her out of his finances what was left? Many quietly whispered that this "faithful and discreet slave" was, indeed Russell! Charles T. Russell was now a Superstar! Weekly sermons in thousands of newspapers, advertisements for world tours, tens of thousands of books peddled by professional salesmen--launched Russell's careers big time!

    The funny thing about scandals and falsification of dates publicly---it chases away some who may have left anyway...but, it strengthens the loyalty of those who remain behind.

    By the time of his death on Halloween in 1916, Pastor Russell had a core of followers who would never let go of their reverence for him nor be separated from their loyalty to his writings in Studies in the Scriptures.

    This issue of personal charisma and loyalty was going to prove a hard nut to crack for whoever succeeded Pastor Russell.

    Surely, it would need to be somebody with the same kind, persuasive, gentle manner--right?


    The personality soon to follow on Russell's heels was 180 degrees opposite in practically every way possible.

    Here comes the Judge!

  • Terry


    (Here come the Judge)

    Surprisingly little thought is given to the founders of Jehovah's Witnesses by the rank and file. The long time Jw, of course, has a few facts handy. But, those facts have been strained through so many levels of removal it is difficult to say if any context remains.

    A member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons) face a similar situation with Joseph Smith and Brigham Young. The "facts" each Mormon member has at their disposal have been laundered many times. The damning evidence has been scraped off.

    Scientology adherents can tell you plenty about Lafayette Ron Hubbard (L.R.H.) the founder of Scientology and the creator of Dianetics. However, there are no facts at all among the claims. Documents are "missing".

    Joseph Stalin held the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic together with an iron hand and a program of "disinformation" that rivals the above three mentioned religious groups. You might call it propaganda or merely santizing the record. The result is the same. Reality has been expunged and salient transformative representations have been propped up for public consumption.

    Misdeeds, misquotes, misrepresentations litter the paper trail for researchers into Jehovah's Witness history. The casual rank and file member has been denied access, as it were, by the gatekeepers of The Truth until fairly recently.

    With the advent of the Internet actual scans of the printed page make damning evidence readily accessible on the Worldwide Web. However, the average Jehovah's Witness would rather pluck out their own eyeballs than gaze upon disproofs of their phony history.

    The leaders have erected huge barriers in their brain with FORBIDDEN ACCESS boldly stretched across the salient topics.

    How is this achieved?

    By Diversion techniques.

    It is a 3 step plan to prevent any member from feeling free to delve into names, places, dates and exact quotes which falsify official doctrine.

    1.All negative statements about Watchtower leaders are to be automatically labelled APOSTATE.

    2.APOSTATES are a boiler plate ad hominem bugaboo. JW's must cover their eyes and ears and run screaming away. No neutral research is permitted.

    3.Loyalty to the Governing Body is held to be the highest virtue. Inquiry into inconsistency of teaching is automatically DISLOYAL and identifies you as the enemy.

    Because the shaky foundation of Modern Jehovah's Witnesses is off-limits for inquiry, the Governing Body can make general statements which cannot be refuted. Only outsiders can ask embarassing questions or make uncomfortable statements never to be considered by insiders.

    The insular nature of information flow is controlled, guarded, filtered and policed by watchful eyes and implied threats.

    Nobody is permitted to question the declarations of "truth" from the leaders. Whatever current teachings may be must be automatically embraced, believ ed and acted upon as worthy of teaching to outsiders door to door.

    Since just about every major facet of early teaching by the founders and early Presidents of the Society have been changed, altered, adjusted, nullified or otherwise twisted sideways---the logical conclusion is this:

    Everything the religion use to be is by today's standard false!

    Consequently, the leaders are de facto false teachers demanding loyalty to falsehood and guilty of disseminating Untruth.

    Naturally, the members are required to see all these changes as the GUIDANCE of JEHOVAH who, puzzling at it is, allowed false teaching to be released, published and evangelized in His Name.

    The Crazy conclusion is this: Jehovah's Witnesses are free to teach wrong views as long as they later CHANGE them.

    Black is White as long as a grayscale appears headed toward lighter hues!

    There has yet to be a President of the Watchtower Society who was not wrong, dead wrong or embarassingly publicly wrong about important teachings.

    And yet, this is viewed as being "chosen by Jehovah and anointed".

    Go figure!

    Judge Rutherford came along after the death of Pastor Russell and changed Black to White and back again.

    All one needs to understand about those early years was that there was an obsessive-compulsive mania about setting false dates and making false claims which proved wrong again and again.

    Enough hard feelings developed between those who loved Russell and those who listened to Rutherford that a schism ocurred again and again until Rutherford finally had to change the name from International bible students, Millennial Dawnites, Russellites into JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES and pretend progress was being made.

    The work of identifying End times in every world event over and over and being wrong again and again occupied these people until Rutherford finally died and Nathan Knorr took over as leader.

    Knorr decided to create a kinder and gentler religion with better public relations and a better educated membership. A missionary school was founded and a Theocratic Ministry School was commenced in every congregation. Eventually JW's were known largely for cleaning up after themselves at conventions, for nay-saying every holiday on the calendar and for being wrong-headed about patriotism and education.

    Not much of an accomplishment if you ask me!

    Try this "mind experiment".

    There is a very large sports stadium the size of Texas. Inside this stadium there are four enormous crowds of people. They are all believers in Jehovah God and think of their religion as the Truth exclusively.

    Group Number One are all the people who read and believed the teachings of Charles Taze Russell.

    Group Number Two are all the people who came along after Judge Rutherford became President of the Society.

    Group Number Three are the JW's under Nathan Knorr up to the year 1975.

    Group Number Four are all the Jehovah's Witnesses post 1975 up to today.

    Now here is the experiment. How many things do these vast groups of millions of Jehovah's true believers AGREE UPON AS THE TRUTH?

    What kind of arguments would they have?

    How would they settle those arguments?

    Interesting, no?

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Group Number One are all the people who read and believed the teachings of Charles Taze Russell.

    Group Number Two are all the people who came along after Judge Rutherford became President of the Society.

    Group Number Three are the JW's under Nathan Knorr up to the year 1975.

    Group Number Four are all the Jehovah's Witnesses post 1975 up to today.

    Now here is the experiment. How many things do these vast groups of millions of Jehovah's true believers AGREE UPON AS THE TRUTH?

    That is a mighty facinating thought to pursue...


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