Larsinger has become the Anti-christ, or forgot to take some meds... Sorry Bro, you are way off.
Who is the faithful and discreet slave? Is a RHETORICAL question
by villagegirl 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
You are right... Now I thank God I am free to help anyone in need if I have the means to do it...
Right on Prickler
Here is an article about the importance of helping others. The GB do not agree...
Concerning the question, "Who really is the F&DS?", see my post 343 on this thread for some of the Greek behind "Who really is."
Take Care
true , love thy neighbor as thy self is a commandment but I still think the meaning behind the good samaritan and the brothers being , hungry , naked and in prison is a different meaning to it, Like you quoted the ,anyone doing the will of the father is his brother sister and mother so it would stand to reason that the ones he consider special would be the center of the meaning . I think the good samaritan story was about ending the enmity the jews had against non jews .