by The Searcher 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    At the Special Assembly Day (S.A.D.) last weekend, the District Overseer had us all read Matthew 5:22, which in part says, "whoever addresses his brother with an unspeakable word of contempt will be accountable to the Supreme Court; whereas whoever says, ‘You despicable fool!’ will be liable to the fiery Ge·hen´na."

    Having read it, he stated this -

    "If you go so far as to call your brother "a despicable fool", closely connected to someone being called an 'apostate', © who in the end is only judged by Jehovah - well they could be liable to Gehenna - do we get the point?"

    Therefore, comments such as, "He felt that having a quick look at an apostate Web site would not be dangerous", (w11 2/15 p. 19) are self-condemnatory judgements to whoever made them.

    Anyone got any ideas who makes such "despicable" accusations and usurps Jehovah's authority?

  • designs

    Reminds me of the period right after Ray Franz got booted and the witch hunts were in full gear. If you didn't use the latest Theo Lingo you were looked at suspiciously.

  • Refriedtruth

    The more things change the more they stay the same. The biggie scripture to hurl against apostates during the 1980's was: Psalm 101:3 "I will set before my eyes no vile thing. The deeds of faithless men I hate; they will not cling to me." Which is twisted,as it ass-umes that those refuting the Watchtower creeds are "vile" "faithless"

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    The D.O.s point that "only Jehovah can call someone an apostate", is what I will keep stored ready as a "conversation - stopper."


    So, only Jehovah can call someone an apostate. This is good advice to Watchtower slaves but I reserve the right to continue to call myself an apostate. Having paid a high price to earn this badge of honour, I don't want to lose my mantle.

    A slave who won his freedom.

  • EdenOne

    The Searcher

    Maybe I'm just confused by your grammar, but what point was the DO trying to make?

    Was he equating "calling someone a despicable fool" to calling someone an apostate?

    Was he saying that no one, except Jehovah, can declare someone an apostate?

    What consequences did he draw for the congregation Judicial Comitees?


  • Emery

    I'll say it, they are despicable fools. And I do not say that to disrespect scripture, but to humiliate the Watchtower.

    They were the first ones to ever apostasize from their very own standards! False prophecies; 1914, 1918, 1925, 1975, the generation teaching, UN affiliation, erroneous interpretations, and removing Jesus as mediator for mankind. What greater apostasy is there?? The audacity to still demand respect and God's favor is despicable. Throw that in any CO or DO's face and see how quickly they will storm out of the room, they are nothing but cowards living in cult bubble with their fingers in their ears.

    I will say that this admonition from the DO is not going to stop JCs or Witnesses from calling those who disagree apostate/despicable/etc. This is just another discourse and example of WT leadership speaking out of both sides of their mouth.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher



    He equated "despicable fool" in the original Greek as being similar to calling someone an apostate; then stated that only Jehovah can do such a thing, therefore, humans face Gehenna (as per Matt. 5:22) if they call someone an apostate!!

    When we read Job chapters 1 & 2 and Matthew 4:1-11, we can see that Jehovah & Jesus both spoke with Satan - whom many have cited as "the first apostate."

    Jesus even witnessed to him from the Scriptures!! He didn't "shun him."

    So what do we learn from those 'confrontations'?

    Always to be ready to make a defense.........to anyone!! (1 Pet. 3:15)

    God will ultimately judge who is apostate, and who is not!!

  • Pterist

    This is the one area that good clean living JWs and other cult members are influenced by the yeast of Pharisees, i.e. those who assume the seat of Moses (Christ) they are manipulated to JUDGE EVERYONE from an unauthorized authority. (Matthew 23....7 woes)

    It is one thing to separate oneself from temptations and conditions to sin, however, judging our neighbour is not loving, as final judgement has only ONE authority, HE that walked in our moccasins.


  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    As far as J.C.s go, I would cite the D.O and Matthew 5:22 and tell them that I won't be party to 'going beyond the things that written" and politely decline to send the J.C. to Gehenna!!!

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