Make sure you have a job not tied to JW - this is number 1!
I would recommend getting a job in a big company, or university, anywhere where there is a big group of people your own age (whatever that is ). Having a social network is so important. A lot of JW find socializing awkward, particularly out in the world. Work socializing makes it easier, because you already have something in common to talk about. A lot of big companies run sport teams, volunteer at charities etc, do it all.
Sport/ gyms give you another layer of social activity.
I think a practical problem can be the combination of extra free time & loss of all your old friends & activities. Tire yourself out, walk to work & home, get a second job on the weekends, to much spare time to think can be so hard....and can lead to self medicating with drugs and alcohol - not a good idea.
Also, if you grew up JW there are lots of things you just don't know, like politics, history, current affairs etc, start learning on the Internet, everything can be googled. If you don't know something and get caught out, just laugh, no one is judging you like they do in the org.
JW paint the world as a grim depraved isn't so! It's full of amazing people and experiences!