I have very recently come out of a bout of severe depression which lasted for years. I have ginormous underlying issues which I hardly talk about, especially to my family.
Today my sister came in, wanting to force me to do something she wanted. Her strategy was to make me feel bad for feeling bad, just to show me that my problem (which she has no idea of but thinks she does) wasn't the biggest in the world. She went on and on and on about some miserable life of some miserable acquaintance of hers.
I have seen this happening with people so very often. Why do they assume that when they tell you a super sad story about someone it will make you feel better about yourself, by letting you know that yours is a small problem compared to someone else? Is it supposed to work?
I remember blowing a new relationship like that. That person told me that they worked with so many people and knew about so much sadness that they're always happy and think everyone should because things can be so bad. I replied that my issues were so debilitating and have so many implications and ramifications in so many areas of my life that I wouldn't accept anyone telling me that it's not a "real" problem, just because I'm not living on the street and eating stones.
I'm sorry but this doesn't work with me and it is something that I don't adhere to. If the scar in my heart were to be visible on my body, I guess very few people would be able to look at me.