Do you make any kinds of breads? Which ones do you like?
by Iamallcool 29 Replies latest jw friends
I like to make bread, love it, in fact. It's easy to do, and always tastes good. Around here lately everyone has been making no-knead bread, which takes a whole day but only a few minutes of actual work. The problem with homemade bread is that it tastes so good, it's easy to overeat.
I like to make pumpkin bread, too, a quick bread with lots of pumpkin puree, applesauce and nuts, so it's not so overwhelmingly bad for me.
rip van winkle
Iamallcool- I do not make bread and it's a good thing that I do not.
Bread is my lover and my nemesis!!!
I love bread. Italian, Baguettes, Naan, Pita, Challah, Panettone, Portuguese rolls, Pumpernickel, Pumpkin, Wheat, White, Rye, Bagels, Sourdough, naked or covered or filled with sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, onion, garlic, raisins, dates, Slathered in butter or a variety of jams or jellies or covered in oozing hot melted cheese. And condiments!!!! Any shape, any size. I do not discriminate!! Bread I hate you!!! But I want you all the time!!! Soft and squishy or hot and toasty from the oven. Crusty, Garlicky, sweet or salty.......
... I think I need a cigarette. Excuse me.
I like sourdough too and a good dark rye. But we have some wonderful local bakeries that do a better job than I can...wonderful portuguese bread in Massachusetts and challah bread in a local Jewish bakery...makes wonderful french toast.
finally awake
I make whole wheat bread. It is the best ever.
Band on the Run
Challah and Brioche are my faves.
I like a nice high white potatoe bread... omg anybody
tasted home made bread TOASTED! So good.
I 've noticed in the last few years, that the flour is
pretty flat tasting and the bread's texture doesn't
seem right.
Anybody grind their own fresh grain for baking?
I would really like to try that!
No knead bread ? Phizzy is so fat he no need bread !
I am intrigued though by the idea of no-knead bread, I am far from lazy, but I get in such a sticky mess when kneading dough, and it seems to spread all over the taps, and the rest of the kitchen, how does that happen ?
This no-knead bread, is it a product or a technique ?
I love wholemeal bread but I find it difficult to make. Mine tends to get very heavy. I tend to make white rolls becaues they always bake well and I save some dough to make a pizza. I love home-made pizza and so does my daughter.