I've Come To Realize That "Facts" Don't Mean Much If A Person Refuses To Accept Them

by minimus 160 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gopher


    Isn't another person's fact simply something you dont know? :)

    Although you posted with a smile (maybe meaning your post is slightly tongue-in-cheek), there really isn't such a thing as "another person's fact". Facts don't belong to individuals but to everyone who needs access to facts. People may certainly know more facts than I do or you do, but still - facts are universal. Anything else is an impression, experience, belief, understanding or interpretation that belongs to one or more individuals. They can be valid, but if they can't be proved or disproved then they don't belong in the discussion of "fact".

  • Gopher


    imagine if someone insisted that my experience wasn't scientifically possible, therefore I was wrong. I would rightly be indignant, wouldn't I? It would be hard to get along with someone like that, because I would feel like they were calling me an idiot for saying I experienced something that was impossible.

    If someone insists your experience wasn't scientifically possible, if they are unreasonable and don't at least try to understand your point of view, then THEY are the one acting idiotic. What you proposed as your experience wasn't a fact and can never be one, but it is your experience and as such deserves to be evaluated by reasonable people.

    What may be a fact in your case is that a power line puts out measurable radiation either at a constant rate or sporadically. Also, studies could be made to determine the effects on nearby human, animal and plant life.

    Even if they would verbally call call you "idiot" that wouldn't be a fact - just their interpretation, maybe theirs alone. No need to worry about that. None of us can possibly make a positive impression on everyone we know. If they dismiss you in such terms without even giving you a hearing, THEY are the idiot. But it's all a matter of degree. People can respectfully disagree too. However on the Internet - since we don't have face-to-face communication, it is impossible to pick up on the non-verbal cues, so it's much easier for misunderstanding to arise here on the Internet - even when people are agreeing!

  • AGuest
    Please read my previous post responding to Satanus about fact vs. scientific theory. As to your example of the earth being round, yes it was always a fact. However it was not verified to the majority of civilization until Greek astronomy of the 3rd century BC, and further verified by European circumnavigation of our globe in the 16th century by Magellan.

    Greetings, dear Goph'... and the greatest of love and peace to you, dear one! Yes, I read you post to dear Satanus and I perhaps I understood both he and dear apognophos (peace to you, both!) more than you initially did. And yes, I understand as to the shape of earth and time of its verification. This was my point to another; unfortunately, such one doesn't tend to take any points other than his own. He's still young, yet, so... there is some reason to hope.

    Before it was verified, it could only be a scientific theory - i.e. the best explanation by the consensus of scientists.

    Yes, I absolutely agree.

    Some facts are waiting to be discovered.

    Something I and others have been saying here for quite some time. That a fact has not yet been discovered does not negate the TRUTH of a matter. It is still the TRUTH... regardless of whether the FACT of that truth has been discovered yet or not. Some wish folks to believe that it is only truth... WHEN the fact(s) have been discovered. It was an issue I had with the WTBTS: WHEN it is truth? When YOU say it is? Or when it IS, even if you don't KNOW it is?

    So I will not and never did assert that facts are not true until they are verified. I only say that facts ARE verifiable (or become verifiable as scientific technology makes that possible) and at that point are incontrovertible.

    I hear you, dear one, and thanks for clearing that up as to you. Because, unfortunately, I and others have made this same assertion... many, many... many... times... which has been unrelentingly disputed here.

    Whereas religion, by its very nature, is not on a quest for facts because it claims to know all the truth already.

    Okay, now you know I am NOT a proponent of religion, by ANY stretch. But I have to disagree with this, just based on my own experience. True, the WTBTS may do this, but I can't say religion, by its very nature, claims such... because I have HAD religion, by means of pastors, reverends, deacons, elders, and priests say to ME, "Well, we just don't know"... "God is a mystery"... and "You ask too many questions."

    And so this is what "bugs" me about certain proponents of science; just by what you claim here as to religion... I see you as being as dogmatic about THEM as many proponents of religion are about SCIENCE. BOTH are at pole-ends... refusing to accept any benefit of the other. What I have learned, though, is that REALITY is dead center: includes science AND faith. One who only possesses an undertanding of one or the other, though, actually does himself/herself a great disservice. Cheats oneself, really... of reality.

    In such religion there is no need for further investigation, it's said to be already frozen in time in the ancient wisdom of its books.

    Okay, I will grant you that in some, MOST, religion... and particularly "christianity" and Islam... this is true. But there is lot of religion that isn't about these two. And then there is faith (NOT as man describes it but as it truthfully IS)... that isn't about ANY of this: "christianity," Islam, books... none of that. And there is a need for further "investigation," at the very least as to what may or may not be inspired of God. If, though, one's understanding of faith is limited SOLELY to what man... and primarily religionists... SAY it is, then one is only going to know how to proceed on that premise. Which is nothing and so LEADS to nothing. What if, though, you found out that faith not what you THOUGHT it was... was led to BELIEVE it was... at all... because the definitions that are out there... made, again, by man... don't even come close to what was MEANT when the word/premise was brought forth?

    As with science, wouldn't you kind of go back to the drawing board as to YOUR theories, hypotheses, FACTS? And what if you did... and found out that, whoa, this is NOT what I've been led to believe it's about at ALL... but it's about (something else)? Would you drop what you have now found out... because, well, "everyone else says" it's what you USED to think it was?

    Me: Perhaps when the proponents of science stop SPEAKING and ACTING like the proponents of religion, more people would listen to them.
    You: By saying that you seem to condemn proponents of religion!

    Well, of course there are exceptions to every rule... and I should have said SOME proponents... and "condemn proponents" isn't what I meant, of course - not my place to say who will or will not receive judgment... I can't even say that for Adham/Eve... but "condemn" what some of such DO? Sure! Don't you?

    And I am not here vouching for the humility or honesty of all members of the scientific community. But I do say that bad research and bad claims in the realm of science are eventually exposed and corrected by other diligent and honest scientists. Fraudulent theories like "cold fusion" eventually get rooted out.

    Eventually, yes, but not necessarily before great harm is done (think, bad medicine, surgical procedures, chemical weapons, bombs...). Rooted out? Sure. But not before first being taught as fact/truth. The same occurs with religion, though... which is why there ARE so many sects. Science makes better progress, IMHO, yes... and is far, far less culpable for harming humanity than religion, IMHO... but light blue (science) or dark blue (religion)... still blue. I'm more about green: lots of yellow... and a little blue, which may need to be adjusted from time to time as more "facts" come out... and other "facts" are revealed as not facts at all. (Some) proponents of blue, however, whether light or dark leave no room for any other color.

    The advancement towards more solid explanations for the world around us continually happens in science.

    I have never denied that, dear one. Indeed, I have shared... on many, many... many... occasions that science IS beneficial as it explains and helps us with regard to the world around us, in the physical sense... yes. But the physical is NOT all that IS "around" us. And we are NOT just physical beings! On many, many... many... occasions... I have shared that you are NOT simply your physical body... but the life force contained WITHIN that vessel. Hence, remove your arms, legs, heart, kidneys, eyes, ears... etc.... and you are still YOU. Science, however, can only speak as TO our physical world... for now. Perhaps forever. But it cannot... yet... speak to the SPIRIT world around us. Which world we ALSO exist in, to some degree... and it in us. And so what we have in the dichotomy of religion vs. science is certain proponents of either side utterly dismissing the realities of the other side. When neither speaks completely to the realities of the other, and one (religion) often can't even speak, truly, to the realities of its own side.

    Me: Religionists can't see/understand where proponents of science are coming from when THEY say the facts "can change."
    You: Please see my scientific facts vs. theories points my post made in response to Satanus. Scientific people don't say facts change. (Only liars do.)

    Please see my statement: "... where PROPONENTS of science... say..." I should have said "certain proponents", yes, so I apologize for that error. And I meant, for the most part, some proponents HERE. By what certain ones here often state... and in a manner that suggests they know and so are right... I can understand why (some) religionists WOULD have a problem seeing/understanding where such PROPONENTS are coming from.

    Scientists can refine theories or even drop them all together.

    Can... and do. Yet, when religion does it (and I mean primarily the WTBTS, here. But I am not a proponent of the WTBTS at ALL) SOME proponents (including many here)... cry "foul!". And so when I see former JWs who are now unequivocal proponents of science doing the EXACT same thing as those they decry do (i.e., saying "fact change as we investigate further and gain more knowledge")... how can I call hold one to task for it while dismissing the other?

    The thing is, dear one... both apparently can see the hypocrisy in the others but not in themselves. To me, though, a little leaven... is all it takes for ME to see it throughout.

    Einstein humbly dropped the Static Universe theory when a correction was brought to his attention. Einstein wasn't changing facts when he dropped the Static Universe theory, because he didn't ever say it was a fact!

    Now, see, I can see where you would say Mr. Einstein "humbly" dropped. The truth is that we don't know if he humbly did so... or did so because he had no choice - his theory was proven wrong. Did he fight against it? We don't know. All we know is that at SOME point he had to concede. Religion does, too, from time to time... albeit perhaps not as often or quickly... and so, perhaps not as "humbly" as some perceive that to be. I'll give you that. But the truth is that (some of them) do sometimes.

    On the OTHER hand... truth, whether related to science, religion, faith, the physical world, the spirit world, the earth, Jerusalem Above, the body, the spirit, or what have you... does NOT change. Regardless of the understanding, verifiability, knowledge, theory, hypothesis, fact... or what have you... or LACK thereof... in existence at the time.

    I realize that some have an issue with me and what I state as truth... because they [think they] can't verify it. What gets ME is that I say, yes, you CAN, here's how... and they say, "No, it must only be verifiable in THIS way!" Well, I mean, either someone trulys wants to verify something... or they don't. If I say, "You CAN verify it by [doing] this" and such one refuses to even try... how can they say something is "not" verifiable? That goes back to my example of trying to verify the tide in a manner and with tools/means that don't verify tides... and then saying the tide is not verifiable. It IS... with the proper tools/means. One who utterly rejects those tools/means has no ground to claim inability to verify. One who claims that something MUST be verified in the only way THEY know how to verify something... and refusing to entertain that their way may not BE the way at all... has no grounds to state that a thing isn't verifiable. That something isn't verifiable in ONE way... or in the most (currently) acceptable way... doesn't mean it isn't verifiable.

    If one is willing to accept... as TRUE SCIENCE does... that there might be another, indeed more than one, way to verify a thing... then one can talk about science. So long as one cannot accept that, indeed REFUSES to accept that... one shouldn't even be talking about science, IMHO. Because one hasn't truly grasped the nature of science... which IS to discover... and verify... the unknown... which INCLUDES considering... and using... OTHER ways to verify a thing. Including ways beyond the currently known/accepted.

    And if such a one says, "Well, okay, yes, there might be other ways, but you're not a scientist and so YOUR way is unacceptable," I would say, "Then stop asking non-scientists to verify that which is not scientific (i.e., relating to the physical world)... in a scientific way." Because you wouldn't ask scientists to verify what IS scientific (and thus, relating to the physical world) in a non-scientific way."

    I hope this helps, dear one, and as always, again, peace to you!

    YOUR servant and a doulos of Christ,


  • AGuest
    What you proposed as your experience wasn't a fact and can never be one, but it is your experience and as such deserves to be evaluated by reasonable people.

    And THERE lies the "rub," dear Gopher (again, peace to you!). If I said, "Last night I had a dream"... NO ONE would dispute that as a fact. Because it is a fact that people dream. It was a fact, though, before modern science came up with the tools/means to "verify" that people dream. Before that it was a fact... because everyone else EXPERIENCED dreaming, at one point or another. So, who could DENY that another had a dream? No one!

    What, though, if I said I had a dream that... such and so? Again, no one can deny that I did... and most likely no one would challenged the FACT of what my dream consisted of. Because, again, everyone has dreamed at one point or another. Now, there are not tools/means to verify WHAT I dreamed; yet, NO ONE would say I was lying... that I DIDN'T dream what I say I did. Even if I was lying - there is no way for them to know so no way for them to deny what I am asserting.

    Now, let's say I say I heard (factually) something... that no one else heard. The FIRST tendency of some is to deny that FACT... because THEY didn't hear it, too. Yet, they also didn't dream the dream I did... but they don't deny that I did. The SECOND tendency is to deny that FACT... because neither they nor anyone else can verify that I even heard "something," let alone what I heard. Yet, they also can't verify the dream I had... but they don't deny I had it. THIRD, the tendency is to deny that FACT... because a lot of others with whom THEY identify do or would deny it as well. Yet, even more would NOT deny it; some not only would believe it, but ask after it, perhaps even profess what THEY have heard. Again, though, none would deny that I had the dream I say I did... even though NO ONE else had it, less alone lots of folks.

    Another tendency of some to deny the FACT... would be the many who have made similar claims being later found to have been false... although SOME have been found to be true. Because the majority prove to be FALSE... the immediate assumption is that all who makes such claims are likewise false. In those instances when the thing "heard" proves TRUE... it is never touted as having ever been true by such ones... but "coincidence." "Coincidence," however, is just as much a means to explain away another's fear, uncertainty, and/or LACK of knowledge... as "tacking" is.

    There are many, many reasons that some would have the tendency to deny another's factual experience as being true. If I went fishing alone and landed a 80 lb. marlin... all by my lonesome... but a wave came and washed that sucker back into the sea... sure, I can't PROVE that I landed it. And looking at my small frame, most wouldn't believe it anyway. But that I can't prove it... and my frame suggests great unlikelihood... doesn't mean that I didn't. Just means YOU have to decide whether I was telling you the truth or not... and whether you will believe me. The only way I know of to do that... is to KNOW the person telling you. KNOW their propensity for telling the TRUTH... and for telling falsehoods. If you don't know the PERSON, then you really CAN'T make a truly accurate choice.

    Now, some might say, a choice can be made on faith. But that's because religion teaches that faith is blind. Faith, though, is NOT blind. True, it does not require PHYSICAL sight... but it IS based on evidence. Evidence, however, is NOT always seen with the physical eyes.

    Even so what many here miss is that while one may state that something is TRUE... and unequivocally so... doesn't mean such one is saying it is a "fact"... as that definition is trying to be sold HERE: already verified or immediately verifiable. The earth's circumference, while ALWAYS round, wasn't always a FACT... as some here wish that word to be understood. But... wasn't it? Always true... and thus a FACT... although not yet verified?

    What some, including ME, are saying is that even if a thing is not (yet) considered a FACT... as that word is being sold HERE... it very well be TRUE... and so CAN be verified... at SOME point (even if that point is millenia in the future!)... and so IS a fact. A veriFIABLE fact, yes, but perhaps not a veriFIED fact.

    Okay, hopefully I'm done with this topic, as I can't see how to explain it any further... or simpler... than I have. Will everyone get it? Prol'ly not. Will some? I think so. I truly hope so.


    YOUR servant and a doulos of Christ,


  • GromitSK

    Gopher - I agree a fact is a fact. However there are facts that you may know that I do not know. There may be facts that you know, but the basis of your knowing isn't acceptable to me. What is a fact to you, may not be to me.That is the point I was trying to make.

  • Gopher


    I see you introduced the word "truth" here as a synonym for facts. Personally I wish we could just stick to the word "facts" as it is the title of this thread. "Truth" just sounds like a collection of facts that align to a philosophy or religion. I know I'm imposing a meaning onto it, but I'm a bit sensitive to the religious nature of the word 'truth' and I'm sure you understand why.

    "REALITY is dead center: includes science AND faith. One who only possesses an undertanding of one or the other, though, actually does himself/herself a great disservice. Cheats oneself, really... of reality."

    Reality to me does not include faith. I don't mean to demean you or anyone who is a person of faith. However faith can take on so many shades and colors, depending on culture and even family background. Faith is belief in the unseen, and I aver that it is definitely outside the realm of provable fact. Facts are either provable or falsifiable. Nobody living on earth can definitely prove there is or isn't a deity, and if there is nobody can prove which one is the right one. It all gets hazy and murky when you mix in faith with facts.

    To you, your faith may be real. To others, their different faith may be real. I don't deny that people think things are real.

    "what you claim here as to religion... I see you as being as dogmatic about THEM as many proponents of religion are about SCIENCE."

    Yes I'm bringing a point of view when I say religions tend to believe they have the facts and are not interested in searching for knowledge. The major religions have always said you must believe their way or else you are doomed for eternity. Since you are not a major defender of religion, I didn't think you would have any problem with my saying that.

    Throughout the centuries it has been the world of science rather than theologists who have worked hard to explore and develop new facts about the universe. It seems to me that any search for information by religions has been chiefly to confirm their existing belief system. I hope I'm not "dogmatic" in this assessment and am open to learn if religions have brought forth amazing new discoveries.

    I perceive that you are pointing to a grouping of all "truth" with an overlap between religion and science. I don't see it like that. I see religion and science as totally separate disciplines, with their own goals and possible benefits. Science is there to document what is provable, to the extent possible, about the known world. Religion is there to document what is believable, to the leaders and/or adherents of a given faith system, about the unknown world. In my view a thick, dark line exists between the two disciplines (religion and science).

    "TRUE SCIENCE does... using... OTHER ways to verify a thing. Including ways beyond the currently known/accepted."

    Science constantly works to observe and measure the known universe, and this process has only accelerated in the past century due to amazing advances in technology. True science means that which is verifiable and holds up to repeated observation and/or experimentation. Fraudulent ideas like "cold fusion" have been exposed as hollow and have been sent to the wayside. The scientific process is self-correcting as it is exposed to constant peer reviews and re-evaluation.

    If we go beyond the scientific methods currently known and accepted, we are entering into a realm of faith which cannot be proven or falsified using "true" scientific methods. Those who look to fit ideas of faith into science are trying to place a square hole into a round peg, Dear Shelby.

    And if such a one says, "Well, okay, yes, there might be other ways, but you're not a scientist and so YOUR way is unacceptable," I would say, "Then stop asking non-scientists to verify that which is not scientific (i.e., relating to the physical world)... in a scientific way."

    If someone brings "other ways" that don't accord with the scientific method, whatever they're doing isn't scientific. I seriously doubt anyone is asking believers to verify items of faith in a scientific way. I certainly don't ask that. I believe items of faith are outside the realm of the "facts" discussion, because they cannot be proved or disproved scientifically.

  • Gopher


    there are facts that you may know that I do not know. There may be facts that you know, but the basis of your knowing isn't acceptable to me. What is a fact to you, may not be to me.That is the point I was trying to make.

    See, this gets to the core of this thread. I don't have any "facts" to me that aren't a fact to you. I bet you cannot name a fact that you have that I don't agree on. If something you say is only a personal belief, impression, experience, etc., then it isn't a fact - as much as you believe it. If something you say is a provable, universal fact, I will agree (once I understand it).

    For example...let's say you know a universal fact (I'm not talking about personal experience here or facts of law) that somehow I haven't learned yet - maybe you have memorized the value of pi to 60 digits, then it's still a fact even if I don't know it. It isn't "your" fact or "mine", it's a universal, provable fact that only one of us happens to know and the other hasn't learned yet.

  • Gopher

    Shelby - just one more response in clarification:

    I'll jump to the middle of your post because I found this example interesting.

    There are many, many reasons that some would have the tendency to deny another's factual experience as being true. If I went fishing alone and landed a 80 lb. marlin... all by my lonesome... but a wave came and washed that sucker back into the sea... sure, I can't PROVE that I landed it.

    For this discussion my inclination is to steer away from personal experiences and keep it to universally known ideas and to whether they are factual or not. Otherwise we get into religious / faith experiences that are not subject to the scientific method. So those kind of things may be something, may be real to you or others who truly believe they have experienced them. See, these are items of faith, and while they are in the realm of your own reality - and honest people will listen to them and evaluate them, they are not universal.

    "Faith, though, is NOT blind. True, it does not require PHYSICAL sight... but it IS based on evidence. Evidence, however, is NOT always seen with the physical eyes."

    If evidence is strong enough to be universally accepted, tested and recreated, then it can come into the realm of fact. Otherwise the evidence is personal and can serve to strengthen one's faith.

    "The earth's circumference, while ALWAYS round, wasn't always a FACT... as some here wish that word to be understood. But... wasn't it? Always true... and thus a FACT... although not yet verified?"

    However you and I live have only lived in a world where we knew the world to be spherical. The earth was spherical even before it was verified. However since nobody could verify it, how could we anyone at that point state "it's a FACT"? Maybe I'd be more clear if I use an example from the world we know.

    Back in the 1970's and 1980's we heard our music on record players and boomboxes. Who knew it was possible to miniaturize music players so that it would fit in the palm of one's hand? Such a thing could have been theorized by the brightest minds in 1975, but it wasn't yet verified. And then technology kept miniaturizing the circuit boards, and things kept getting smaller until they produced MP3 players and I-pods that can hold thousands of songs. So the fact that such a thing "could" happen became verified.

  • EntirelyPossible

    So, let me get this straight, you're so put out by my original assertion that now I have to apologize in order to hear your side of the argument? Sorry, man, it doesn't work that way. Just prove me wrong already and stop stalling. How long does it take one to get off a high horse, anyway?

    Put off? Heavens no. I simply reject your ignorance from assertion and suggest that if you want something you ask nicely. If you can't or won't, you must not really want to know. It's pretty simple.

    There's no irony there (if you think so, then I promise you that you missed my point).

    Oh, I get your point. It's just moot and full of irony.

    If you consider truth insulting, I'm sorry, but I can't make you that promise. I CAN promise you that I won't address you... or anything you state... if you live up to your "promise." So far, that doesn't seem to be possible for you.

    Sorry, still ignoring you.

    It amazes me how people will twist words and positions just to attempt to create a false equivalency between invisible sky-daddy and science.

  • GromitSK

    Ok Gopher. Let's suppose I say I am typing this as I sit in my car. Is that a fact?

    Actually, I just read your post again. I think we're saying the same thing. In any event, I don't disagree.

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