In this Circuit,the publishers also pay for their rent for an apartment. It used to be they stayed in a publisher's home. But,I think it is better that they stay at a place of their own.
What happens when they leave the circuit work? If they are able,they have to get a job. But,if they are older,it's more difficult. So,I don't think it is always as easy as it seems to be.
But,I feel they should be paid directly by the Society,(we're not supposed to use the term,"Society" anymore,who knows what they go by now).
You ever notice when there is a natural disaster. And everyone wants to donate. They say donate directly to the worldwide work,and donations for the ones effected will be taken care of that way.
Maybe it would be less of a burden,if CO expenses were handled that way too. I think a relative of mine,used to handle the account for the Circuit Overseer. Have to ask him again.