Bugger I have missed it again! :p
Memorial No Shows...Please Check in....
by ISP 110 Replies latest jw friends
No Can't go - I have to wash my hair.
Not only NO, but HELL NO.
I'd had enough of that pablum for the mind by the time I was 16. I'll not go again, unless it's to partake of the emblems and cause a ruckus. But I would go where I was a stranger and then refuse to identify myself. But I'd hint that I was The Carpenter.
Hell no, I won't go!
drahcir yarrum
I won't be there because "bad associations spoil useful habits." NWT
"Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son." Dean Vernon Wormer, Faber College
Smoldering Wick
Conversation earlier this week:
JW Sister-in-law
to Smoldering Wick-"Did your Mom invite you to the Memorial?"Wick to SIL-"No"
SIL to Wick-"Well, would you like to go?"
Wick to SIL-"No"
SIL to Wick-blank stare
"God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh." ~Voltaire
I , and my family, will not attend for the very first time. It will be difficult as sunset falls to think that all our friends will be there thinking of how sad it is that we are "lost". We are thinking of holding our own - my kids and spouse and I. Am I the only one that is affected by this?
I toyed with the idea of picketing the local KH and passing out apostate literature, but decided I'd rather stay home and watch a movie.
"At midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew go out and round up everyone who knows more than they do"
--Bob Dylan -
I'm not attending. I've been a backsliding wench for 23 years now, so why change now? I gotta keep living up to my name.
I understand what you're saying. I just have no answer as to what to do. I hope to see other's thougths on your question.peace,
somebody -
zev, I wouldn't waste the paper (all the JW's that I've given print-outs to concerning silentlambs have, figuratively speaking, stuck their noses in the air......It's unbelievable how they "put on the blinders" to even something in which children are being shattered.......
misty and somebody, I know what you mean, it is sad, but only because we have to say goodbye to people who mean alot to us....
I think we would be much sadder though if we attempted to betray what is in our hearts....