More of nothing. It matters not whether you do it for 10 seconds or 720 hours a month. You are simply wasting your time, and you are not going to get anyone into the cancer that is of any value these days. We are not living in the 1980s, during which there seemed to be a fad of joining the jokehovian witlesses. Most people will simply research the religion, find it is bogus, and cancel the study.
And there is no way I can see people actually enjoying the status. What happens when you cheapen something is that it carries much less weight. The 30-hour pious-sneer becomes the new "regular publisher", and those who simply do 10 hours a month become the new "low hour publisher". No different than what happens to a dollar. If those things are hard to make and earn, they carry a lot of purchasing power. Back when a dollar actually contained real silver, or you could exchange 20 of them for an ounce of gold, they were worth something. You could get a lot with a dollar. Now, they are printed up by some master that intends debt slavery for the whole country, who prints them up cheaply for nothing. The result is that I no longer call them dollars--they are toilet papers. If they keep printing enough, they will become worth more as toilet paper than as currency.
This can also happen to "pioneer(??)" status. When it is difficult to do it, those who carry the load get a measure of status. But, when you lower the bar enough, the same thing happens to pious-sneer status as with the dollar. It eventually becomes toilet paper, and before long everyone is expected to pious-sneer. Those who do are awarded nothing, while those who fail or refuse are labelled spiritually weak. No one gains anything except the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger, who gets everyone to put in the 30 hours a month. Seems strange that once upon a time, they expected the average publisher to do 60 hours a month, and pious-sneers had to do 150 and they had minimum call and study requirements along with minimum hour requirements.