Watch Tower Online Library "How The Governing Body Differs From A Legal Corporation" WT 2001 01/15

by frankiespeakin 12 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • frankiespeakin

    Another Unforgettable Annual Meeting

    These questions were answered at the annual meeting held on October 1, 1971. On that occasion, one of the speakers pointed out that the governing body of “the faithful and discreet slave” preceded the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania by hundreds of years. (Matthew 24:45-47) A governing body was formed at Pentecost of 33 C.E., more than 18 centuries before the Pennsylvania corporation came into existence. At first, the governing body consisted of, not 7 men, but 12 apostles. Evidently, its number was enlarged later, for “the apostles and older men in Jerusalem” were taking the lead.—Acts 15:2.

    In 1971 the same speaker explained that the members of the Watch Tower Society could not vote in the members of the anointed Governing Body . Why? “Because,” he said, “the governing body of the ‘slave’ class is not appointed by any man. It is appointed by . . . Jesus Christ, the Head of the true Christian congregation and the Lord and Master of the ‘faithful and discreet slave’ class.” Clearly, then, the members of the Governing Body cannot be voted into office by the membership of any legal corporation.

    Continuing, the speaker made this very significant statement: “The governing body does not have officers such as the Society’s Board of Directors has, namely, president, vice president, secretary-treasurer and assistant secretary-treasurer. It has merely a chairman.” For many years, the president of the Pennsylvania corporation was also the foremost member of the Governing Body . This would no longer be the case. While not equal in experience or ability, Governing Body members would be equal in responsibility. The speaker added: “Any member of the governing body can be chairman thereof without being at the same time the president of the . . . Society . . . It all depends upon the rotation system for the chairmanship in the governing body .”

    At that unforgettable annual meeting in 1971, a distinction was clearly drawn between the spirit-anointed members of the Governing Body and the directors of the Pennsylvania corporation. Still, members of the Governing Body continued to serve as directors and officers of the Society. Today, however, the question arises: Is there any Scriptural reason why the directors of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania must be members of the Governing Body ?

    The answer is no. The Pennsylvania corporation is not the only legal entity used by Jehovah’s Witnesses. There are others. One is the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Incorporated. It facilitates our work in the United States. Jehovah’s blessing has clearly been upon that corporation, though its directors and officers have been mainly of the “other sheep.” The International Bible Students Association is used in Britain. Other legal entities are used to promote Kingdom interests in other lands. All of them harmoniously assist and have a role to play in getting the good news preached earth wide. No matter where they are located or who serve as directors or officers, these entities are theocratically guided and used by the Governing Body . Hence, such entities have assigned tasks to perform in furthering Kingdom interests.

    It is beneficial for us to have legal entities. We thereby conform to local and national laws, as required by God’s Word. (Jeremiah 32:11; Romans 13:1) Legal entities facilitate our work of spreading the Kingdom message by printing Bibles, books, magazines, brochures, and other material. Such entities also serve as legal instruments to handle matters related to property ownership, relief efforts, contracts for the use of convention facilities, and so forth. We are thankful for the services of such legal entities.

  • frankiespeakin

    Okay somebody tell me how this is even possible:

    ""'In 1971 the same speaker explained that the members of the Watch Tower Society could not vote in the members of the anointed Governing Body . Why? “Because,” he said, “the governing body of the ‘slave’ class is not appointed by any man. It is appointed by . . . Jesus Christ, the Head of the true Christian congregation and the Lord and Master of the ‘faithful and discreet slave’ class.” Clearly, then, the members of the Governing Body cannot be voted into office by the membership of any legal corporation."""

    So they are not voted in? How the hell does Jesus Christ appoint someone to be a governing Body member of a Corporation with out a vote from the currant members what does he do? drop him out of the sky with a big beamming voice and say:" here's another Governing Body member I have choosen" or do they just draw straws or open their bible somewhere and where ever their finger lands collect the letter until they spell a name? now that has got to be a real miracle.


    now that has got to be a real miracle.

    It`s Watchtower Magic!..


    ................................  mutley-ani1.gif ... OUTLAW

  • ldrnomo

    A giant stork delivers them.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    perhaps they all wake up one morning with the same name on their lips...

    maybe a few months ago, they all stumbled out of bed, rolled off their trophy wives and went, "mmmmm mark Sanderson''

    I can imagine them all bumping into each other at breakfast chanting ''mark Sanderson Mark Sanderson mark sanderson"...


  • designs

    White smoke or black smoke appears and the decision is final...

  • Bobcat

    There is that, "Clearly then . . ." It has the same usefulness as, "The evidence points to the conclusion that . . ."

    What was "clearly THEN" about the identities of the F&DS and GB has not proved to be so 'clear' today since they are changing the identities of the F&DS (the "anointed" - who are now being dismissed as an F&DS) and the GB (who are now being promoted to sole posession of the F&DS title).

  • frankiespeakin

    It is all bullshit and only the most indoctrinated can beleive. They make tremendous leaps in logic, and throw in a bunch of magical thinking, with an all or nothing black and white thinking.

  • frankiespeakin

    Here some more tidbits that show the writer to be in a state child like naivety:

    "" Is there any Scriptural reason why the directors of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania must be members of the Governing Body ?""

    Yeah like where in the bible can you find a scriptures to say anything about member of a corporation has/doesn't have to be a Governing Body member, what drivel. This is type of crap you got to print when you support a wild religious delusion.

  • frankiespeakin

    Okay so I'm still hung up on the idea that nobody on the Governing Body votes in replacements when they need more Governing Body members.

    The least they could have done is tell us how one gets to be a Governing Body member without voteing them in. For the passive indoctrinated reader no explanation is require just believe what we tell you seems to be the motto of the writting department.

    "" Clearly, then, the members of the Governing Body cannot be voted into office by the membership of any legal corporation."""

    Ironic use of clearly, being clear as mud.

    Of course if you look closely they have a play on words:"cannot be voted into office by the membership of any legal corporation" which leaves the possiblity of being voted in by the unincorporated Governing Body when not acting as a legal corporation and just a collective body.

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