what is the jw stance currently? that we are just in the "end times" ,but we don't have any pyramid measurements or anything? oh you speak bad things you judge. we shouldn't judge the founders and their involvement with pyramidology, but we should be judging people for oral sex?? please explain that and i will be all ears. don't judge the founders who were being directly spoken to by the spirit but needed to use geomancy (which is i think bad right?), but judge some poor slob working at Denny's for having oral sex with his own wife, and send him off in the woods! maybe he will be stoned by the israelites out there for collecting sticks on the sabath. do not question this??? should my conscience bother me for asking questions like this? am i evil? is there even such a thing as good and evil? is a person who asks if there is such a thing as good an evil then incriminating themselves as evil? :!(
Do we have a new end of the world date?
by cptkirk 18 Replies latest watchtower bible
80 something hits and nobody knows? i will make one then, hmmm let's see.....what is a good end date......well, probably be good to make it around the time of a presidential election because the crazies REALLY love that kind of thing, i mean that gets them out in droves...hmmm let's see......hmm hmmmm also the IMF predicts that 2016 will be the year that CHINA surpasses the USA economically hmmm hmm hmmmm hmm let's see hmm mmmmm hmmmmmm hmmm ok let's see, 2016 for CHINA will be year of the monkey which is described as " Confident to a fault, the seldom give two hoots to the opinions of others."
ok this is perfect because the antichrist will be also not caring about shit what other people think. so there it is folks, 2016 is the new end.
From what I understand it's very Very VERY close. It seems that's about as specific as they'll say these days since they've been burned so many times in the past.
It`s just around the corner dummy....I`ve been telling you that for the last 130 years ! . What is it about around the corner you don`t understand ?
The Bible clearly states that the end of the world date is in God's own jurisdiction. That is, when Christ's kingdom that is set up in heaven at the 2nd coming begins to rule in the earth.
So it pays to be reminded that the date of the second coming, which fulfills specific chronology is not the date for the "end of the world." Christ arrivfes at the same time Satan is kicked out of heaven. Then there is an unspecified interval of time until Armageddon.
How close are we?
Well, before the Armgaeddon occurs, the UN must take over world government. When it does, the Bible says the nations are given "a time and a season" to exist. If we interpret that to mean that Armageddon will come a year and 3 months after the UN takes over world government, then that is our only indicator as to when the end of the world will come.
So that is what we're waiting for. The UN take over of world government, which will lead into Armageddon. Since that is not likely to occur until there is some major economic or political crisis, that is what we can expect.
SOME SUSPICIONS: There are some suspicious things on the horizon though. For instance, two things: General Patraeus getting booted out of head of the CIA. Shocking, I know. But, his alleged lover instrigated the investigation by threatening someone, thus this seems a bit orchestrated. Question would be, why would Patraeus want out of the CIA? This all could have been kept totally secret. What if this was intentional? Well, if you were forming a new secret government, one in which the old CIA would be kicked out, you need some kind of a public excuse for leaving if you're part of the new secret service under the UN. A public affair and scandal is the perfect way to do that. But that's not the only strange event.
You also have the rather strange situation with UN Embassador Susan Rice. Some congressman attack her and want her not to be considered as Secretary of State? She gets involved in a scandal and now removes herself from consideration? The public understands the basics, but Susan Rice is a Rhodes scholar. Of course, Fred Franz was also linked to the Rhodes scholar. This is where the Illuminati are trained. "Such training was to be provided by granting scholarships, like the Rhodes scholarship, to those selected by the Illuminati."
So if you're a conspiracy theorist, you would start suspecting that a new, secret government is being formed with hand-picked people who are currently in high positions in government but who need to drop out of the public eye for now, like Susan Rice and General Patraeus. Obama, of course, clearly is the ideal world leader and is certainly a globalist. Maybe that was always the agenda for Obama in the first place; not just the US Presidency, but the world chancellorship under the UN. He's already chairman of the UN Security Council, right?
In the meantime, though, critical events prpohesied and DATED in the Bible have occurred:
1. The "great tribulation" which was to occur after 434 years into the final 490 years, and thus from 1940-1947 did take place, which was the Holocaust. The "days were cut short" so WWII did not extend to 1947 to end the 1290 days, but two-thirds of the Jews were exterminated as prophesied by Zech 13:8! So that happened.
2. Then after that, 1947 was the year to begin the 70th jubilee and thus the restoration of the Jews to their own homeland. This date can be calculated based on the jubilee period of 455 BCE to 36 CE, based on Jesus' baptism in 29 CE. The messiah was to arrive shortly after the fig tree starts to grow tender, meaning shortly after the State of Israel is set up, which did occur on the heels of the Holocaust and WWII in 1948. The pre-messiah, that is, the person who would become the physical manifestation of the Christ after 40 years of testing was born in January of 1950.
3. The Christ was to take up human form again in the body of the "prodigal son" which the Bible depicts as a former male prostitute sometimes between November 30, 1992 and April 6, 1993. This, indeed occurred.
4. The "sign of the son of man" was also to be begin to appear in heaven to confirm the messiah had arrived. This sign, indeed has appeared to the elect. It is an image in the clouds of a sleeping black child, an image the WTS is very much aware of and which appears in their cryptic artwork. So that was fulfilled as well.
So what IS dated in the Bible, the main events, has alreadyh occurred and been fulfilled. So very little awaits to be fulfilled now. The Bible telss us the end would seem delayed but would not be late, so it would happen at the very last minute, keeping in mind God is not slow but patient. That is, the longer Armageddon is delayed, the potential for more people who are just now coming of the age of majority to be saved. But at some point, that time period will have to be cut off.
So those who follow chronology and Bible prophecy and understand these things, are waiting for Armageddon like everybody else, but they are less anxious about it, since they know God will bring it about in his own time. It has now been 20 years since the 2nd coming, still a relatively "short while" in the overall scheme of things. Remember, the 2nd coming in 1992 occurs very close to the end of that generation of 1914, that is, a generation of 80 years from 1914 to 1994. So Armageddon will come at the seeming last minute as well. Those waiting for it will feel like God is slow, but actually, God is patient, waiting to the last minute to save that last possible convert.
Since the UN is already in place and poised to take over world government, something that will happen suddenly, it could happen at any time. All the other prophesies have been fulfilled and Christ returned in 1992 and has been "reigning in the midst of his enemies" since that time.
1914--100 years---2014
1914--120 years (see Noah)--2034
not supported by the WTS and tongue-in-cheek by ex-jws
How old is the lastest GB--47--death say in 50 years---2063 (or will they keep adding younger GB members?)
The WTS has said that some of the anointed will still be alive on earth when the end comes.......................
The answer is clear then: (spaceballs voice over) just keep producing more anointed ! and from some of the time that i've spent in rural areas of the USA, and what i've seen that goes on in these rural areas.......between all the folks sleeping under bridges and ned the winos roaming around on memorial night (most of whom are partakers of the emblems) they should be good to go. (this is not a add hominem for those who do not know what is going on in rural america) this is really actually happening. i've even seen dubs in the middle of the memorial come so close to losing their tempers and ripping the plate out of the hands of these people, before they could "partake"....wonder what the GB has to say about that one.
oh btw if the points were not fully clear, the bible...or is it WT dogma? can't remember, but i know somewhere that it says in bold print: if you partake of the emblems and are not anointed, that you will die.
poppers - "From what I understand it's very Very VERY close. It seems that's about as specific as they'll say these days since they've been burned so many times in the past."
Historically, apocalyptic millennialist groups have always had to date-set in order to drum up and/or maintain a minimum level of activity from their memberships.
The WTS can't really get away with that anymore; they've done it too often, and the option is long past its sell-by date.
please post the reference to death upon taking emblem