Dear Aguest,
I was not trying to chastise you or trick you, I have repeatedly written how much I respect you and the positions you take on matters regarding various subjects, that's a fact you can't deny.
My purpose in writing you in this style was to ascertain which areas of the system of Islamic Jurisprudence you might be familiar with. Different regions provide might provide a fairer hearing to a woman, as opposed to other power areas of women who reach out to their clerics asking for help to obtain a "Khufa". I was wrong to state it woman can't get a divorce because of the ability of women with finanical means, are a tiny fraction who can avail themselves to permitt their husbands to avoid paying support as commanded by the Quran.
The Khufa is more complicated than the pages on Wiki and "Pro Islamic" websites make this accomadation out to be. The female must renouce all financial payments (child support, spousal support and possible gains they might be entited to via a business venture if she abandons her husband). The Khufa arrangement was never met to be a fair and equitable arrangement, it bestoys a tiny bit of dignity to a rich muslim woman.
The Male in the world of Islam has always been held on the highest esteem, if females had the same use of the "Talak" I do not think they would use it to the extent, the men are able to get away with it. The females are not the financial (money makers) usually but do contribute their support. There is some justice with women being allowed to keep their inheritance from their fathers side of the family, no husband should be able to steal her land or money and divorce according to tradition.

This book here deals with the Socio-Economic issues of the Muslim women in India, it goes into details involving "Talak", "Khufa" and "mubarat"(mutual consent divorce). It's not easy or cheap for females to enjoy the rights of men receive as their "just inheritance from Allah".
I did not try to insult you or trick you, when I ask questions I am trying to ascertain what region you are from so we could discuss the various social or societal norms where you are. In England and Saudi Arabia, access to Khufa is much easier than a female from the Sudan or Pakistan. I use to speak on Skype with a young student from Pakistan on Pal-talk, I enjoyed talking with him and he the same with me, we both moved on because he was going to work in Asia and I never heard back from him. He enjoyed discussing and arguing the Bible and I learned from him by talking and researching the Quran, I would use mostly unbiased books because you can't have dialogue if you anger your audience.
I hope this explains why I approached you from a different angle, and explained why it's very hard in poor countries to have a fair chance at getting out of bad marriage. The Quran, The Hebrew Scriputres and Greek Scriptures all speak of the blessings and sanctity a marriage should have between the husband and wife, we are all imperfect so to some the blessing turns into a curse or maladiction and the sanctify is defiled.
Please forgive me if I came off as different than normal, I meant no disrespect or evil to you.