Why the disrespect for Jesus?

by MavMan 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • MavMan


    Wow, I never thought about it that way. The only thing I can think of is that Jehovah did not approve of the sacrifices that those Israelites were doing to false gods. The sacrifices did not mean anything. The sacrifice he provided by means of Jesus Christ is a bit different as it is in favor of all humanity. Jesus was not forced to give his life but volunteered our of the love he had for humans and also for the laws of justice of his father.

  • JeffT


    I will spend Easter Sunday as a very special occaision, starting with talking communion at church. Friday night we are having a special service that will include a performance depicted the last week of Jesus' life. My weekend will center on what He did for me.

    It is JW's that will disrespect Jesus with their empty ceremony tonight. Invited to partake of the body and blood of Christ and join him as heirs to the kingdom, they will reject him when they pass the emblems to the next person.

  • rhett

    Why the disrespect? Easy. Why the respect?

    Back down the bullies to the back of the bus
    Its time for them to be scared of us

  • Andyman

    I agee with you Jeff, what the JW's do is nothing but an empty ceremony which has nothing to do with respect for Jesus.

    What respect is shown when the emblems are passed and everyone refuses them? None in my book.

    The JW "memorial" is only a way of seperating people. Jesus said there was "one" hope not two. Going to the JW memorial only shows respect for the "anointed" JW's, and not for Jesus.

    Take care.


  • Beans

    Mavman, are you an APOSTATE racesist?


  • ThiChi

    I agree with the Mav!!

    Jesus has been disrespected. When the WT tells us that his sacrifice is only for 144,000 and not for all as the Bible indicates, the power of the “Good News” is lost.

    When the WT goes beyond the sayings and teachings of Christ and sets up their own authority structure in place of his teachings (Prodical son, etc.,), that to is shameful....

    Who do you serve, Mav Man?

  • Simon


    Didn't Jesus say "keep doing this until I return"?

    Tell me again when the WTS teaches that Jesus returned?

    Either they don't really believe he did or they choose to ignore his command ... whcih is it? ... and why should we go along with their confused muddle?

  • Simon

    Naeblis: I do mind when people post rubbish and attack people - that is why I deactivated several acocunts by YoYoMama.

    However, I do believe in giving people another chance as long as everyone is informed who they are. This does not mean that they will get away with things indefinitely though if they choose to abuse the forum.

    As I've said before ... I do my best and try to not be too lenient or too harsh which probably makes me appear to be both at times to those who would prefer I was more extreme in the other direction.

  • Yadirf

    Ken P.

    I may go to the memorial tonight to see who is there that I knew in the past and remind me of how fortunate I am to be away from all that BS.
    Following the example of someone you disbelieve in, Ken? Yeah that's it, walk right on in -- just as if you belonged there. Satan did the same. -- Job 1:6.

    Daniel 11:35 ... a KEY prophecy that must be fulfilled before the "time of the end" gets underway.

  • ISP

    Mavman...check this out..

    > http://www.magi.com/~oblio/jesus.html



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