Here in the UK the cost of living is going up far beyond wage rises. The cost of travelling is shooting up each time I look at a petrol pump! Water rates are rising. Gas and electric prices are going sky rocket. Immigrants from eastern Europe (gawd bless 'em), are coming in to the country because the great 'Europe' says they should.
It seems to me that the rich poor divide is getting larger and the poor are getting poorer.
I don't keep track of USA politics but it seems the same may (weazel word intended), be happening across the pond too.
I am not an economist, politician or conspiracy theorist. I'm just a thinking bloke (probably why I left the WBT$ slave labour organization).
But.........and there always is a but (I like big butts!)
Anyone wonder if those in power are manipulating the system to create a victorian or Saxon age class structure?