Cost of living going up.

by punkofnice 18 Replies latest social current

  • punkofnice

    Here in the UK the cost of living is going up far beyond wage rises. The cost of travelling is shooting up each time I look at a petrol pump! Water rates are rising. Gas and electric prices are going sky rocket. Immigrants from eastern Europe (gawd bless 'em), are coming in to the country because the great 'Europe' says they should.

    It seems to me that the rich poor divide is getting larger and the poor are getting poorer.

    I don't keep track of USA politics but it seems the same may (weazel word intended), be happening across the pond too.

    I am not an economist, politician or conspiracy theorist. I'm just a thinking bloke (probably why I left the WBT$ slave labour organization).

    But.........and there always is a but (I like big butts!)

    Anyone wonder if those in power are manipulating the system to create a victorian or Saxon age class structure?

  • Phizzy

    That is what the Conservative Party exists for.

  • d

    Yes the gap between rich and poor is starting to really manifest itself.

  • punkofnice

    Phizzy - Yes. Public schoolboys are in charge and they live in ga ga land. Cameron doesn't give a sh1t about us inner city dudes. Never has never will.

    d - glad it isn't just me noticing.

  • sammielee24

    It is worldwide and not region specific. In Greece seniors pensions have been slashed - people were trampling others to get some food from the farmers; others are dumpster diving and in one case a mayor in a town actually went in and took basic food supplies from a store t hand out to the hungry people. Argentina stopped allowing stores to advertise prices. Doesn't matter what country you are in - the gap between have/have not - between rich/poor - between upper middle/lower middle class - working and working poor - continues to rise. The biggest cost to most people is the cost of shelter apparently.

    A simple way to look at it. I was paying UNDER $2.00/gallon for gas in 2004/2005 in California. It now runs on average around $4.00 - some places a bit cheaper and some running at $5.25/gallon. Did my wages double? Did they triple? No. Definitely not. While prices rose - so did unemployment and welfare rolls and people lost their homes. The price of gas is linked to the price of everything - deliveries of food and other goods that push the cost up to the consumer. Obama was doing his best to crow about the fact that people are spending less on oil /gas - he did his best to link it to alternative fuels - in reality the reason people are spending less and using less is because the numbers of unemployed, the number of those on government assistance and taken out of the workforce has risen dramatically. If you don't need to drive to work - you use less. It's simple math and given the numbers in the millions one can easily figure it out.

    It's everywhere. sammieswife

  • punkofnice

    sammieswife - Interesting points you make, young lady.

    If I were a conspiracy theorist I'd probably say it's the NWO manipulating things blah blah......but I'm not so I won't.

  • jamiebowers

    Funny you should start this thread today. My husband just came home from the grocery store describing a rant he went on to the cashier. He bagged five apples, and they rang up at $14.47. Needess to say, he didn't buy them. Instead he'll go to a discount suprmarket tomorrow and pay a fraction of the price.


    He bagged five apples, and they rang up at $14.47

    Where do you buy..

    Solid Gold Apples?

    ................................  mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • ballistic

    We're entering a completely different type of economy according to the Bank of England, it's a recession like none other.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    Inflation is going through the roof here. I was going abroad for studies this autumn, but now I'm leaving in spring. Fernandez' economists cooked the books and now we're paying the price. All my money is now in foreign currency, bank accounts abroad.

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