WT 5-15-13 Can anyone find this quote from the Boston Target ?

by trujw 28 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • problemaddict

    Keep us updated with their response!

  • trujw

    Problemaddict I am giddy with excitement oh how I hope it was just a comment online. Can you imagine the Cathlic Church saying "Yes dear brothers [email protected] just said we are the one true faith as we are the only ones that are giving true communion on her comments in her chat room LOL.

  • leaving_quietly

    This is quite possibly an old quote. Note this:


    Yep, sure enough, and reused from the August 8, 1999 Awake page 31:

    "In a letter to the Lincolnshire Boston Target, a reader said: “People are losing their faith in religions . . . What do these church ministers do all day? They certainly do not go out like Christ did and meet the people . . . The only religion that seems to care are the Jehovah’s Witnesses, who go out and meet people and are genuinely involved in preaching the truth—they invite you to come to their services, they talk about and do something about environmental matters. I am not a JW, but I do respect these people and I listen to them.”

  • cognisonance

    Don't know how much it is related, but that quote comes up in a google search to this:


  • wannabefree


    A 14 year old recycled quote ... you just assume the quotes are somewhat current.

  • blondie

    That is why the WTS leaves out the real source, a reader's comment 14 years ago........How many people though share that comment, does one person equal the community's view? It is good to search on the WT-CD to find past quotes of a similar experience or quotes. The WTS quotes religious sources that are over 100 years old and by people who on many religious points disagree with the WTS.

  • trujw

    In 14 years couldn't find one more postive letter to the editor? If it even exist in the first place. What a bunch of retread, rehashed bunk. They truly are running out of idea's. To me this is just another sign of their fall from glory days.

  • 88JM

    I do know there certainly is a JW congregation in Boston, Lincolnshire - I've met a few from that congregation.

    Not sure if it's relevant to the quote really, but for those who don't know, the relatively small town of Boston was in the newspapers recently as the town having the highest proportion of eastern european immigrants in the UK, as per the 2011 census. I belive the JW congregation there has a Polish group the last I heard.


  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    If you google the adddress given for this influential member of the fourth estate you will see a derelict shop front with a "to let" sign on it, the one next to Man Flower Chinese restaurant. I would think that this would be one of the free weekly papers financed by adverts for such companies as the Man Flower chinese restaurant.

    The biggest circulation any of their words ever got would be in the other free publication used for wiping the digested residue of the Man Flower restaurant from back sides of their diners, The Watchtower.

  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    I just looked up this publication, there is a company called Lincolnshire Media Ltd associated with this address. I have looked on the UK companies register and there is no record of Boston Target, Linconshire Media or anything resembling either. It looks like if this was ever published it was so small and insignificant that the quote if made has no more weight than thje joke in a Xmas cracker. (For US citizens the equivalent of the message in fortune cookie).

    This can be added to the list of WT misquotes.

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