Interesting Comment From an Active Elder

by DarioKehl 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    BobCat>>>>>Say what??? I live in The North Pacific. You go straight North, then make a big turn left. I know for a fact you do not live

    anywhere near me, because I would have heard your story. Possibly we don't even live on the same continent. Yeah. That's it. Probably not. :(

    You were an Elder, they asked you to give the Talk, you have new understanding of who should partake, you are the last to be handed the emblems, you bite the cracker, you sip the wine...and you didn't invite me to this once in a life time occurance ?! Oh darn. But thank you for writing so clearly, so I felt like I was seeing it with my own eyes. Oh yeah. Now I can see it again! Oh, (with bottom lip out pouting) I really wished I could have seen it!

    Are you going to post a PS, a 2nd part? Oh, come on, come , come on, I just have to know. Did you look out into the audience and see everyones mouth drop open? Were you invited over to the BOE house for a party after? Did anyone talk to you at the Hall, at the Party? What happened next???

    Just Lois Wanting To Hear More

  • EmptyInside

    I find most Witnesses are clueless like that elder about the changes. I was too when I was mentally in. I believe it's because they are so busy just going through the motions. It's work,service,meetings,and it was always so mind-numbing I couldn't wait for it all to be over. So,I probably missed a bit of "new'' light when I was in.

    A relative of mine,told me he didn't really understand the generation new light. And I t hought to myself,as an elder,shouldn't he try to understand to explain it to others.

  • Bobcat


    When I partook I was in a front row facing forward. I am not sure if you are familiar with "the dance." But the procedure is for the speaker to serve the servers then one of the servers serves the speaker. It is incredibly ritualistic. I always had a problem with it, but went along anyways.

    At any rate, the elders have NEVER spoken to me about this. They have never brought the topic up. And I never said anything to them about it. It is the proverbial elephant in the room.

    Curiously, one sister congratulated me afterwards. Almost like I had gotten a promotion of sorts?!?! No one else said anything to me about it.

    Later that year another sister asked me at the DC 'whats it feel like?' But that is about it. I told her she was asking the wrong question. I simply did what I was told to do.

    Sometimes I think some bring up the topic of living on earth just to see if I might comment in such a way as to show a discrepancy in my beliefs. (The discrepancy would be wanting to live on earth but partaking - which, by the Society's reckoning means one should be hoping to go to heaven.)

    Take Care (Oh yea, I'm closer to the Atlantic than the Pacific.)

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    BobCat >>>>>Thank you for your reply.

    Yes. I know the ritualistic dance. I was picking a Memorial talk "dance", in my minds eye, that I had seen in my old, old Hall years ago. The speaker stood behind the podium, was handed the unleavened bread and wine in front of all. If he partook, everyone could see.

    May I ask, did they hold it against you, and think you had "problems" and removed you? Or did you step down after a while?

    Sorry. I thought I had heard every story possible but I'm still getting surprised.

    Just Lois...Way Over On The Other Side

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    EmptyInside>>>>>Your comment about having a relative Elder that was not really understanding the New Light and you are thinking that as a spirit appointed Elder, he should at the drop of a hat, be able to explain it to others.

    My thought of him is as a possible good guy Elder, who hasn't digested this latest piece of garbage, thus cannot ticker tape it out, possibly giving him, constipating thoughts.

    How many years, before they change it again? Who knows. Hopefully, he will have awakened to TTATT by then.

    Just Lois

  • DarioKehl


    I've never gotten this many hits on a topic before. Yay me!

    Yes, to reply to a few of you, this kind elder and good friend of mine is intelligent in every other area of his life. Sadly, he comes off as quite the simpleton when he puts his JW blinders on. It's so sad. I will definitely keep the board updated on this and other interesting conversations I have with people still inside. I have quite a few good ones, actually. People seem more receptive to examining the WT lately, especially if you're already in one of those crazy "speculation" discussions (for example: Clothes in the NS or not? Meat in the NS or not? Children in the NS or not? Horse and buggies or advanced hovercrafts? Resurrection inside of cloning chambers or upon Star Trek transporters?). You know the ones I'm talking about--we've all had 'em. When those get going, sprinkle a little bit of critical thinking into the mix. Ferment that lump with leaven. Then, stand back and watch it go to work. This approach seems to have worked well so far.

  • ecuador

    So as a never JW, what do the JWs teach about these new "partakers"? Are they part of the 144,000, or are they starting a new 144,000, or did some of the original 144,000 get kicked out? Just wondering.

  • 2+2=5

    They are mentally unstable and unfit for any service privileges, let alone ruling with Christ in heaven. This is the official position of the WTBS.

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    Don't be surprised from elders who are ignorant of major doctrine changes. Blondie with her "Weekly Watchtower Round-Up" adds her input about the amount of elders and elderetes who forget to study their lessons for Sunday and Thursday Meetings.

    I can't understand how people can say they are too busy to keep up with the tiny "Watch-tracts and Awake-ettes", elders can give advice and not know what is going on in the doctrine world of the JWs, sounds about right!

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    "All I can say about that is, in my experience, any time someone starts partaking out of the blue, it's only a matter of months before they become apostate."

    Interesting observation. The newest member of the GB is only 47. Another one is a Vietnam War veteran. Certainly, none of them were partakers in 1935. So they all started partaking "out of the blue" at some point... and logically they would all would have become apostate shortly thereafter.

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