Really appreaciate it if someone can tell me :)
How did the JW come up with the idea that human has no soul or spirit??
by FingersCrossed 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Human has a spirit, according to JWs:
Speaking about man's death, Ecclesiastes 12:7 states: "The dust [of his body] returns to the earth just as it happened to be and the spirit itself returns to the true God who gave it." When the spirit, or life-force, leaves the body, the body dies and returns to where it came from-the earth. Comparably, the life-force returns to where it came from-God. (Job 34:14, 15; Psalm 36:9) This does not mean that the life-force actually travels to heaven. Rather, it means that for someone who dies, any hope of future life rests with Jehovah God. His life is in God's hands, so to speak. Only by God's power can the spirit, or life-force, be given back so that a person may live again.
Regarding the statement in bold, what Biblical basis they used to say that it doesnt mean that our spirits travels to heaven?
Pretty odd to base a religion on the idea there in no soul that survives death when you really think about it.
Pretty odd to base a religion on the idea there in no soul that survives death when you really think about it.
no, not really .. then why the need for resurection.. It's my understanding that Plato brought the imortality of the human soul into christianity
It looks like this is an old idea, likely all the way from Russel.
Plato was re-telling the myth of Er. Plato suggested that our life here on earth is the illusory one, and our real home is in the heavens. Shades of Paul (2 Corinthians 2:12)?
They looked around one of their windowless, soulless Kingdom halls at the lost sheep of spiritual Israel ; peered inside their own literature and concluded that the rank and file did not have souls. It’s a well known fact that only the Governing Body have souls.
Deputy Dog
This was how Russel did away with eternal punishment in Hell.
LOL! You guys are funny.. Okay, here is the conclusion of the punishment according to what the Bible LITERALLY says:
We have a man in shackles in a prison being tortured while inside a man-made furnace of fire, sitting in the literal Jerusalem garbage dump. Inside this furnace is a lava pool and it is also raining fire and brimstone.