Newbie here; my intro post :)

by Sparlock the Wizard 39 Replies latest jw experiences

  • ABibleStudent

    Welcomei Sparlock the Wizard,

    Partial answer to question 2 - The administrators are Simon and Angharad and Lady Lee is a moderator. You can either click on the hyperlinks that I provided (words that are underlined and the arrow changes to a pointing finger) or search for their user names using the search feature in the top navigation bar. After clicking on the username above their avaitar, their member profile will be displayed, you can send them a message by clicking on the send message in the top navigation bar.

    Have you read Steve Hassan's books (i.e., "Combatting Cult Mind Control", "Releasing the Bonds: Empowering People to Think for Themselves", or (his latest book) "Freedom of Mind: Helping Loved Ones Leave Controlling People, Cults and Beliefs"), visited his website, or watched any videos about Steve Hassan, like the following video? Reading Steve Hassan's books may help give you more options to either awaken your mother and sister, or to at least still talk with them if you decide to fade or become inactive.

    I wish you the best at becoming more self-sufficient so that you can lead a more normal life. Peace be with you and everyone, who you love, Robert
  • finally awake
    finally awake

    Welcome! I wish you the best of luck in freeing yourself completely from the borg.

  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    Welcome! Count your self lucky that you got out at an early age. I am 29 and have been out since I was 27. I am now fully Atheist. My wife is also working on making her exit.

    I was baptized at 13....wayyyy tooo young. But I never did "reach out" for anything more than mics and sound box and magazine counter. If I may make a recommendation, don't reach out anymore and take time on your fade if you want to keep in touch with those you love.

    Good luck.

  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    Oh, and great choice on your name!

  • Sparlock the Wizard
    Sparlock the Wizard

    @ABible Student: Thanks for answering my question I have not read any of Hassan's books though I am planning to read them eventually; I will definitely check out the video later. Thanks for the kind words.

    @dazed: LOL @ those pics...damn, 13? Every time I see/hear about another kid getting baptized that young, I can't help but feel a bit sorry for them. I'm glad to hear you and your wife are getting out together. I will definitely plan my exit as patiently and carefully as I can.

  • Pickler

    Welcome sparlock, I can't believe you got that name? I thought it would have gone!

    Everyones got an interesting story on this forum, looking forward to hearing more about you. I'm amazed at people who are able to manage and control their exits from the org, good for you!

  • Quandry

    Just wanted to add my welcome. Please don't rush into anything. Take time to read lots of threads here...maybe you'll get some ideas on how to fade successfully. My husband was an elder for twenty years-we both left together about seven years ago and sooooo glad.

  • excitesinceredetermination

    I am currently in and trying to fade as well. This site and the kind members here are an amazing wealth of knowledge in helping me know the do's and don'ts of fading. Good luck to you & welcome Sparlock the Wizard! :)

  • Borges


  • smiddy

    Welcome Sparlock , glad to have you on board , I was a witness for 33 years a MS ,who balked at the idea of being an elder ,i`m a middle of the road man.Their is a wide diversity of peoples ages that are now coming on this site ,young ones and older ones like myself .Enjoy the education of your life that you would NEVER get at a KH.


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