Standing in for Atlantis. I post as [Vulcan] with my daughter [Petra] who helps as typist. Atlantis said that all of you would know about the download procedures. I registered here but the sign in page just won't allow my password, so Atlantis signed me in with his. A letter was written to Mr. Simon and to Miss Lee and we thank her for being so prompt and informative. The Body of Elder Letters below also includes a letter about a Memorial Change of some sorts. Atlantis said you would know what it is about, and showed me his link method below. Some files you may already have. I hope this works. 2012-2013 Body of Elder Letters with Memorial Change announcement and Talk. send space site file swap site file flyer site and another file here says April 2013 Our Kingdom Ministry send space site file swap site file flyer site Thank you!
April 2013 Our Kingdom Ministry and other files
by Atlantis 34 Replies latest watchtower bible
The talk has been "revised significantly." I looked over it and nothing jumped out at me, but I never read the first outline. It does seem they are begging people not to partake. And when the Lord "arrives" he will take the annointed home. Didn't he arrive in 1914?
Nebeska Nada
The old one outline (released in July) is to be destroyed because the Governing Body concluded it is full of nonsenses.
For example:Those with either hope can become members of God’s family
Those with a heavenly hope are called Christ’s “BROTHERS” (Heb 2:17)
Those with an earthly hope, his CHILDREN (Isa 9:6)
which means that Jehovah is grandpa of those of the other sheep,and:
Because the bread and the wine represent Christ’s body and blood in a special sense:
Bread represents Jesus’ body GIVEN IN BEHALF OF ANOINTED (w06 2/15 23, box; w85 2/15 12-13)
Wine represents Jesus’ blood AS IT APPLIES TO THOSE IN THE NEW COVENANT, the 144,000
so, Jesus didn't sacrifice his body and shed his blood for nonanointed Christians...
Unleavened bread represents Jesus’ sinless body, given in behalf of his anointed followers
It is simply omitted in new outline.
St George of England
Those who partake of the bread and the wine tonight should be only the few remaining ones of that number who will rule with Christ in heaven (rs 267 par 5 - 268 p1)
I think that has been added to the new outline. No doubt to discourage the ever increasing number of partakers.
JW GoneBad
Another WT blooper! So much for the 70 step review process of the Governing Body before material goes to print.
February 5, 2013
Re: Revised Memorial outline
Dear Brothers:
We are writing to inform you that the Memorial outline for this year, entitled “Appreciate What Christ Has Done For You!” (S-31), has been revised significantly. An updated copy dated February 2013 is being provided along with this letter.
Please make sure the elder assigned to give this talk in your congregation is informed of this update so that he uses the latest version of the outline for his presentation.
Thank you for noting this adjustment.
We send our warm Christian love. Blah Blah Blah
JW GoneBad
Under the subheading:
‘Those with either hope can become members of God’s family
Those with a heavenly hope are called Christ’s “brothers” (Heb 2:17)
Those with an earthly hope, his children (Isa 9:6)’
Under the subheading :
‘Because the bread and the wine represent Christ’s body and blood in a special sense:
Bread represents Jesus’ body given in behalf of anointed (w06 2/15 23, box; w85 2/15 12-13)
Wine represents Jesus’ blood as it applies to those in new covenant, the 144,000
Cup of wine represents new covenant (Lu 22:20)’
‘Jesus instituted the Memorial of his death with those with whom he had made a covenant for his heavenly Kingdom, the members of which are limited to 144,000 (Lu 22:28-30)
Those who partake of the bread and the wine tonight should be only the few remaining ones of that number who will rule with Christ in heaven (rs 267 par. 5–268 par. 1)’
JW GoneBad
If WT paid more attention to who Jesus Christ is and his importance to humankind and less time to Jehovah! Jehovah! Jehovah! and King David this and King David that, there wouldn't need to be these significant deletions, revisions and additions to the Memorial talk-the most important talk of the year.
JW GoneBad
Thank you Atlantis, Vulcan and Petra. Good Stuff indeed!
Thankyou Atlantis, Vulcan, Petra, great work! Some clips that caught my eye:
"Those who partake of the bread and the wine tonight should be only the few remaining ones of that number who
will rule with Christ in heaven""Those with the earthly hope will no longer observe the Memorial
Will not partake of the emblems then, so do not partake now"Scared much of rising numbers? "The end wont come quickly if you keep eating crackers and plonk! Stop it! You`re ruining our future! We will not tolerate it!" etc etc.....
Gone Awol..for good
Some excerpts from the outline:
Jesus instituted the Memorial of his death with those with whom he had made a covenant for his heavenly Kingdom, the members of which are limited to 144,000 (Lu 22:28-30)
Note the use of past tense, "had made" in reference to Luke 22:28-30. This is a blatant lie. The passing of the emblems had already occurred according to Luke's account. (See Luke 22:19, 20) This, of course, is assuming that "covenant" in Luke 22:28-30 is even an appropriate translation. So then, the action in Luke 22:28-30 cannot possibly be a qualifier of the action in verses 19-20.
Those who partake of the bread and the wine tonight should be only the few remaining ones of that number who will rule with Christ in heaven (rs 267 par.5–268 par. 1)
Assertion based on the lying assertion made above. Thus, also false.
The Lord’s Evening Meal will be observed as long as Christians with the heavenly hope are on earth [Read1 Corinthians 11:26]
Again, based on the false premise that only certain Christians were commanded to keep the ceremony.
Ask, 'Why is this not spelled out in the NT? How do you go from the simple, "Keep doing this . . .," to the complicated 'who should/who shouldn't' that is in this outline? This smacks of a "tradition of men" that serves to nullify the clear command of God's Word. (Mt 15:3)
In fact, the WT would have you believe that, "Keep doing this . . ." means 'Attend the Memorial meeting to passively observe.'
Once the Lord “arrives,” he will take the last of the 144,000 home to be with him in heaven (Joh 14:1-3)
Those with the earthly hope will no longer observe the Memorial
Will not partake of the emblems then, so do not partake now
Where do they get this, "Will no longer observe the Memorial"? Simply an assertion!
"Arrives" in the NWT at 1 Cor 11:26 is the same word translated "comes" in 1 Cor 4:5. Notice what happens when "the Lord comes":
(1 Corinthians 4:5) . . .Hence do not judge anything before the due time, until the Lord comes, who will both bring the secret things of darkness to light and make the counsels of the hearts manifest, and then each one will have his praise come to him from God.
The 'Lord's coming' involves not just taking some to rule with him but also setting things straight among all mankind, some of whom will then "have his praise come to him from God," indicating a good outcome. This stretches the action associated with 'the Lord's coming' all the way out to the end of the 1000 year reign, after which he hands over the Kingdom to God.
Incidentally, "until" does not necessarily have the same meaning we might normally associate with it in English. For example, Matthew 28:20 says, "I am with you until . . ." The phrase does not mean he stops being with them after "the conclusion of the age" has arrived. He is also with them during that time.
But concerning "until he comes (or "arrives")" in 1 Cor 11:26, The New Linguistic and Exegetical Key to the Greek NT has this comment:
Achris ("until") ou ("when") elthe (aorist subjunctive active of erchomai, "to come"). Subjunctive may have an affinity with a final clause, with the idea "until the goal is reached, that is till he comes."
This comment, like 1 Cor 4:5, shows that the idea of Jesus' 'coming' is not just a point in time event, but involves a wide range of activity involving mankind then alive and those to be brought back to life.
Incidentally, the WT Study for 2/17/13 is also full of the same lying assertions. Half quotes mixed with their own lying assertions.
Take Care