Gems from the latest KM on how to behave at the 2013 DCs....
If possible, care for restroom needs before the start of the session. Turn off your cell phone so that you will not be distracted by calls or texts or be tempted to text others during the program. If you must have your phone on, put it on a setting that will not distract others in the event that someone calls. If you use an electronic tablet during the program, do so in away that is not distracting to others. Avoid eating or drinking during the program. (Eccl. 3:1) Keep your eyes focused on the speaker. When a scripture is read, follow along in your Bible. Take brief notes.
5 After the Program Concludes Each Day: Do not stay out late. Go to bed early enough to get sufficient rest. Reviewing what you heard will help you to remember it longer. Therefore, it would be beneficial to take a few minutes to discuss the program as a family each evening. If you go to a restaurant with friends, why not take your notes along and share a point or two that you especially enjoyed? When you return home after the convention, you might spend some time during your Family Worship evening discussing how you can apply the information as a family. You could also set aside time each week to review a portion of any new releases.