Does the Bible actually condemn Homosexuality for Chrisitans anywhere ?

by Phizzy 29 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Larsinger58

    If you want to fall in love with another man and move in with him and have a relationship with him. That's perfectly okay. David and Jonathan exchanged vows! The only stipulation is to keep your genitalia to yourself! If you want to have sex with another individual, you're free to marry like anyone else and enjoy or suffer those consequences.

    WHAT DOES THE BIBLE ACTUALLY CONDEMN? It says don't lie with a man like you would with a woman. What does that mean? Well, what kind of sex do men and women have? Vaginal. Oral and anal. That's it. Vaginal sex with another man is impossible, so that just leaves oral sex and anal sex.

    But the fact is, lots of people who start off having sex stop having sex, but still have a relationship and still are a couple!

    Another thing that must be considered is that we control and define relationships with others. Case in point, RELATIVES! If you have a really cute uncle, and you're gay, you control your sexual urge toward him. Father's must control their sexual urges with their daughters. But we allow ourselves to love that person in a specific relationship, that of a relative. We love our cousins and aunts and uncles and parents and children in a very special and close way; but it is non-sexual.

    So who is to say we're not missing something here? That is, maybe "eunuchs", that is, gay persons who are born that way, are indeed, naturally attracted to someone of the same sex, but are expected to treat them like a relative, rather than a lover? Fact is, lots of people share their lives with others they are not having sex with, in a relationship that is very rewarding.

    PERSONAL OPTION FOR CELIBATE GAY CHRISTIANS: Now I'm just throwing this out here. Let's say you're gay and you totally don't want to have sex with another man; you want to remain celibate. Why not exercise the option which I call "adopt a play cousin!" That is, if you fall in love with another man, who is a Christian, you two can agree to be play cousins. You know. Love him like a relative, which is more than two non-related people, but less than a marriage. It's a compromise.

    So you can like say, okay, "Let's be play cousins!" Then you two decide to live together and he moves into your place. Then you pretend you didn't realize it's a studio apartment and there's just one bed and you explain you'll have to share the bed together. Your play cousin is shocked at first, but then you quickly add: "But we'll both keep our clothes on!" He gleefully agrees at that point and you two live happily ever after after replacing the drapes!

    TEE HEE!!

    Works for me!

  • Phizzy

    I still have seen no text from the N.T that actually condemns homosexuality, or even mentions it, if you look at the usage of the greek words in the time they were written.

    The Bible cannot mean now what it did not mean then.

  • Larsinger58

    I don't consider it unnatural. Being that we now know it is not something you become, you are born with it, then it is not really unnatural at all, is it?

    Good point. BUT, if you're straight, you can't just have sex with anybody anytime you want. You're expected to fall in love and then get married and remain married and have a family. Anything outside that is a "SIN."

    So let's be honest here. If one believes that gay sexual desires are natural, then the same rules would apply. Gay sex outside some form of a "marriage" would also be condemned. Right?

    So if you know someone gay and he is not in a monogamous relationship, then whatever sex he (or she) is having would still be considered a SIN, just like with a straight person.

    This is part of the issue of the "gay subculture" that isn't being addressed. Gay culture and straight culture are different.

    For instance, if you're gay, you might go to some isolated park bathroom and hang out, hoping someone will come in there and have sex with you. They have what they call "glory holes" where someone puts their genitalia through the hole and engage in oral or anal sex. Where's the straight counterpart to that? If a straight woman had sex with as many strangers as the average gay person does, she'd be called a "whore." So where is the line drawn between "LOVE" and "LUST"?

    If you're gay and in a big city, you can pay like $12 and get a room, a locker and a towel. You put your clothes in the locker and shower and just wear the towel. There is usually a sauna and a steam room and lots of dark hallways where you can barely see anything and you feel around and have sex with whomever you want to. Now where is the straight cultural counterpart to that?

    So my position is that the straight world is empathetic when they are presented with the concept of the right of one person to love another person, regardless of their gender. That's Obama's position -- no one has the right to tell someone to be lonely and not to LOVE someone. But that is a far cry from condoning promiscuity and sex with strangers. In this same culture, straights have a very clear definition of INFIDELITY!

    Fact is, we do define and control our sexuality. Period. If you want to have sex with an underaged individual, the government will lock you up and label you as a pedophile! Fathers are not supposed to have sex with their daughters! Inappropriate fondling is a crime. It doesn't matter if you're "naturally attracted to children" or not. We draw the line. We draw the line with relatives. It desn't matter if we are sexually attracted to one of our relatives, we just suppress that emotion. It doesn't matter if a straight person finds some other person sexually attractive. It's going to happen. But if you're married, you suppress that emotion. You don't let it develop.

    But I'm gay and I know, once you deveoop those emotions it is INCREDIBLY DIFFICULT to change those emotions. For a while, I'd play mind games with myself not to be tempted. The temptation was so strong sometimes and I knew it was hard to resist, so I'd just give in. I'd tell myself, "Okay, you can have sex with that person, but not until tomorrow." Of course, by the next day, that temptation would be long gone, but I wasn't trying to resist the urge either. Or if I saw some really handsome guy in the store or something and became tempted, I'd let my mind give in to having an affair, only I'd also tell myself after he got me at his house, he'd tie me up and then kill me. You know? All the really cute guys I'd turn into mass murderers. But what happens is, your body gets used to that mind game and then after a while, it fast-forwards and you don't even see the men any more. It's like a married person who just stops really looking at anyone else in that way.

    So the fact is, we control our emotions all the time. If you see someone and are attracted to them at first but then find out they are a relative, then you change that emotion.

    Plus, I thought gay sex was much less complex than being straight. If you're straight and promiscuous, the usual routine was to date some girl, buy her a really expensive dinner and a movie, you know, shell out $150 then maybe she'll "put out." But if you're gay, you could go to a bath house and just hope to have sex with any number of people who happen to be in there that day or night. Of course, they give out and encourage use of condoms. So you skip all the courting and small talk and have sex with a stranger whom you never bother to ask their name usually. How convenient. But also how addicting.

    At one low point in my life, I ended up accepting money for performing oral sex on straight guys. I was dressed as a woman. The money was easy, but I ended up addicted to the sex! It just was addicting becoming intimate with strangers. But these were straight men! These were businessmen who were out of town on business who had sweet suburban wives at home taking care of their kids in nice neighborhoods who just wanted to get laid and were willing to and had the money to pay for it. I was dressed as a woman and told most men I was a gay, but 90% of them took a second look and then decided that was okay with them. These were young college boys whose girlfriends were waiting to have sex with them after marriage and they just couldn't wait that long. They just needed a quick orgasm. So after a while, you meet lots of people and soon you become like a therapist.

    Now I wasn't like a "crack ho" who will go to bed with anybody and do anything for $10! I really didn't need the money. I just liked the intimacy. I wouldn't hae sex with anybody who wasn't attractive. You know, it wasn't like I was in a whorehouse and had to take the next customer. So it was kind of fun, really. Of course, I did get arrested and I can also tell you what it is like to get beat up and have a knife at my throat! So it wasn't all fun and games, and fortunately, I didn't have any drug addictions so I only did it when I felt like it. But it took years and years and years and years not to be aware of a man's sexuality. The sexual curiosity was difficult to get over.

    Plus, I learned something else. The mind is very capable of adapting to many things. That is, some very promiscuous gays that I know of, got into other things, like role playing. Sometimes pepole you meet want to role play and inflict some kind of pain. I never got into that. I felt as though that was not "natural" but I understood I might learn how to adapt to that. But that's another reality. Some people respond to pain and bondage more than sex. Some don't want to even have "sex", they just want someone to defecate or urinate on them. So what about that? Is that "natural" or "nurture"?

    So there are lots and lots of issues in an imperfect world and in our imperfect state. But God can consider all that and look at other things besides the sexual dysfunction issues. You know, like are you charitable? Are you a racist? Do you try to help others or are you out to defraud? Everything is not going to get fixed on this side of Armageddon in an imperfect world. So maybe God is not going to judge gays so harshly under the circumstances. But as I noted, likely even God looks differently at gays in a monogamous, loving relationship than those out there just being "lustful" because it is easy.

    Just my 2.5 cents.

  • krejames

    Hi everyone

    Lars, I kind of get where you're coming from. But I think heterosexuals (non JWs) are as promiscuous as homosexuals these days. Well in the UK they are anyway. Where I live they'll meet in a bar or club every thurs/friday/sat night and try and get off with someone. Admittedly they don't have the saunas, they don't play with each other in a public lavatory - but they'll go to a club or Kavos or Malia to achieve the same thing.

    I have a theory that the reason us gays go through a stage of being obsessed with sex might be because we have grown up trying to suppress our true selves. We become very efficient at leading double lives - because we have to - and we secretly seek out the people that are like us to connect with in any way we can - usually sexually - and then we go back to our "other" life. But generally, in places where it is acceptable to be gay, the dream is still to find someone to "settle down with" and be faithful to.

    In homophobic societies there will obviously still be the big pressure to get married to someone of the opposite sex and probably a life of seeking satisfaction in the sexual underworld continues. That's where I think the problem is.

    When I went through my "gay crisis", and came out of the truth mentally, I went crazy and, for a good few months, was obsessed with connecting with other gay people and I engaged in very risky behaviour. That was well over two years ago. But since then I have been with my current partner and we have been 100% faithful to each other. To be honest we're what many people would consider a mundane couple lol.

    But back on topic...for me I think the Bible certainly doesn't encourage homosexual relationships. There are no gay role models. Any hint of a mention seems to be negative. I would like to think that if a loving God inspired the Bible, He wouldn't have allowed the ambiguity (or perhaps correctly interpreted condemnation) to be used to put so many people through so much emotional pain.

  • Phizzy

    The Bible encourages loving relationships linked with loyalty. That is all. There is no mention of same sex, but then again, hetero is not exactly spelled out and demanded to be the only kind of relationship.

    Personally , I think it ridiculous to give any weight to a book whose writing was completed almost 2000 years ago, whose writers were men of their time, and all the predjudices and ignorance of the time is reflected in their writing.

    But, Bible-believing "Christians" use certain texts for gay-bashing, and I see no honest justification for that, there is nothing in the New Testament that can be used that way, unless you try to make the Bible say now what it did not say then.

  • transhuman68

    In the countries that most of us live in today, people are overwhelmingly ‘Christian’: and it is issues like sexuality that divide us- but in Paul’s world of Turks, Greeks, Romans, Egyptians and Jews- all worshipping various gods; the biggest challenge must have been to get people to accept the still-developing doctrine of the Jesus cult and monotheism. I don’t think homosexuality would have been as controversial for the Church as it is today.

  • mP


    Christ did not condemn homosexuality (Christ did not condemn to begin with; he forgave); but neither does one's sexual orientation break the two greatest commands: to love God and neighbor.


    But Christ said the laws of moses were perfect in ~Mat 5:17. The love thy neighbour is also a quote from Moses. He was not inventing anything new, he was cherry picking which is exctly what you do. Jesus of the gospels said nothing new.

    He never said anything about homosexuality at all. Why didnt he a gay apostle if he was so fine with them ?

  • mP


    I still have seen no text from the N.T that actually condemns homosexuality, or even mentions it, if you look at the usage of the greek words in the time they were written.

    The Bible cannot mean now what it did not mean then.


    People here repeat like parrots what other lying xians tell them. They make redefine words and assign meanings that simply do not exist. No where in the NT does it condemn homosexuality. It says other things but none say anything exactly about homosexuality. YOu would thikn the crator of the universe could communicate effectively and clearly instead of using vague words.

    Anyway there are a lots of gay animals in the wild. If god hates homosexuality why are there gay penguins etc.?

  • Sulla

    I've heard the idea that Paul was talking about prostitution and not homosexual acts, per se. I don't find the idea compelling, given, for example, the earlier conflicts over circumcision. Seems at odds with the way the letters read to me.

  • mP


    he Bible encourages loving relationships linked with loyalty. That is all. There is no mention of same sex, but then again, hetero is not exactly spelled out and demanded to be the only kind of relationship.


    Not quite, the Bible encourages women to be exclusive property of men. There are many exampels where men have fun with women and are never condemned. IN fact Moses writes that its perfectly fine for a man to rape and buy a virgin from her father.

    I cant recall but i think its safe to say no where in the Bible is a man condemned for adultery. THere are plenty of women called sluts not not a single man. The best attempt is prolly King David and Bathsheba, but nothing happens to him except for a shout from Nathan. Many of the women are not so fortunate suffering violence.

    There are several examples of male - male sex. Several scriptures tell us that David loved Jonathan more than a woman, and we from that Saul got really angry that they had shamed his family and tried to kill David. Theres also a scripture where Samuel and Saul are all night naked doing whatever naked men do all night. The bible says they (Saul & sam) prphecised all night

    He tore off his clothes and lay naked on the ground all day and all night, prophesying in the presence of Samuel. The people who were watching exclaimed, "What? Is even Saul a prophet?"

    One must remember that sex is often connected with worship, as both aim to encourage success and increased food, children etc.

    In the book of Ruth we have an example of the new girl Ruth pleasuring Boaz all night and they are not even married. She even goes down on his "feet" which is a euphemism for you know what.

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