Did the Watchtower publishing organization intensionally leverage and exploit the belief in the bible to proliferate its published goods ?

by Finkelstein 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Finkelstein

    After more than 100 years there's a clear retrospective history surrounding this religious publishing

    organization which defines its inherent operations as a religious organization/institution.

    The question remains, did the long list of the various leaders of this

    organization intentionally exploit the belief in the bible from the public ?

    My answer to that is YES, whats yours and please give a brief explanation.

  • Finkelstein

    So no one on this forum doesn't think on the same wave as myself ???

    Perhaps too obvious of an assertion.

  • wasblind

    Yes, For centuries religion has been a way to control the masses

    into thinkin' they are doin' the will of GOD

    LOL, Hours recorded on a publishers card , and microphone priviledge all the will of GOD

  • Finkelstein

    Of course the WTS made its own self supporting proclamation that if you read their publications you were given true and viable interpretation of the bible.

    In other words, god wants all of mankind to read and finally end up distributing the WTS's publications to please him.

    A great supporting assertion for a religious publishing house to make and a valuable one at that .

    The revealing truth ending up of one of adulterated commercialism and corruption.

    Nevertheless the pictures of Atomic bombs going off on the front cover of their magazines continues and Armageddon is still coming soon.

  • transhuman68

    Perhaps too obvious of an assertion.

    Not really. The Witnesses, and other start-up religions in the 19th century found a new trick to play with the Bible- to treat it as a sort of jumbled-up recipe book, with the date for Armageddon being in there, if only it could be unscrambled. This must have been an exciting concept all those years ago- like finding new uses for yesterday's left-over dinner! The Watchtower banked on the authority the Bible is given by mainstream Christianity to launch their own wacky religion. However much they rail against 'Christendom', Watchtower uses the authority of the Bible that has been built up by mainstream Christianity to give themselves credibility.

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    With a revenue of 951 M they have had some success!

  • Finkelstein

    True transhuman68 exposing any kind of dirt on to main stream Christendom was a big part of the agenda by the WTS,

    as well in turn to create a clean and bright righteous light onto their own organization.

    In a lot respects the WTS. eventually created their discretionary dirt upon themselves in the process.

  • frankiespeakin

    I think all the post are good and display a lot of insight.

    Yes you do grasp the corporate nature of the beast, and their marketing agenda.

    With that firmly in mind we will do battle,, know your enemies, so might we slay the dragon and save the fair maiden.

  • blondie

    My husband did the accounts in several congregations; he did not see much in the worldwide work box. Few jws ask for donations at the door; and not many seemed to pay out of their own pocket for the publications they got at the literature/magazine counter. Prior to 1990 I do believe publications generated quite a bit income, mostly out of the pockets of jws who paid a required price.

    But most of the money came from investments. With the 1990 change coupled with the drop in the market in 2007, the WTS was hurting. But they had assets, buildings that they acquired at a low price or built with jw donations, that are starting to be worth something again and they are selling off and consolidating. I'm not surprised to see them expanding the website and making it possible for jws to print their own; cutting the 2 public magazines to 16 pages each.

    I'm wondering when the day comes where the equivalent of tithing comes to pass.

  • 2+2=5

    You put it so well Finkelstein, what else can be said. I like the point that to JWs, God's will for mankind must be that we all distribute the WTS literature, the better we are at this, the more Jehovah can use us and bless us. Sounds reasonable.

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