Freinds, how many do you have ?

by Satanus 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Apognophos

    I believe that AGuest left here, or was forced out, some time ago.

  • rebel8

    I have literally a few people who I consider close friends, in that I could talk to them about anything and they would help me if a tragedy happened. However, they live on the other side of the continent.

    I have only mr. rebel8 as such a close friend nearby. This makes me uneasy, because I'm not sure it's entirely healthy, and what if something happened to me.

    I have lots of acquaintences. There are a few I'd like to be closer to.

  • sowhatnow

    so many of us xjws on here, have the same ingrained issues of not getting too close to anyone for fear they 'might' be secretly apostate.

    so where now are all the real people? the real freinds who are trusting? its hard to trust anyone these days isnt it.

    the ones that we can call up on the phone and jump in our car and go shopping with at the last momet, or have drop by our homes as if its thiers, a freind who can go camping with, let our kids go to thier homes is rare. but thats what we all wanted. some had that.

    well, truly though,

    its seems there is little time for anything more than our immediate families, and lifes duties.

    do we stress too much over it? are we savatoging the chance to make freinds becasue we feel there has to be planning? are we looking in all the wrong places?

    we might have to rethink our use of the word freind.

    know someone who has no family? make them part of yours if you have time for it. its all we can do right?

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