How you sit through that shit and make notes is beyond me - you deserve a medal!
Notes from "Safeguard Your Conscience" Special Assembly Day
by WinstonSmith 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Winston, Thank you for sharing this.... many jokes not enough time:
Why Your Inner Voice Needs Safeguarding “Some have preferred to live a life of sensuousness.”….COME AGAIN???
How to Train Your Conscience “ We need assistance to train our conscience. We would not trust men to do this, Jeremiah 10:23. We would not listen to self help guides. They always change. What is 'in' one day is 'out' the next. How can you trust these ones when they change their mind so easily?” Um….Do we need to get a mirror for these fools? Did they really say that?
"Clean From the Blood of All Men" - How So? If you saw a car crash happen in front of you and kept driving because you didn't want to be late for a sports game, and later learned that people died in that crash, could you be free from bloodguilt? No. If you don't want to get put out by having to help in order to do your personal things it is shameful and you would be bloodguilt.
Oh…wow…so how come they didn’t use the example of driving to the meeting and witnessing an accident…because you’re not supposed to miss a meeting…therefore you’d not be blood guilty? OH!This brings us to the matter of counting time in the ministry. Have you noticed how everyone seems to have a different way of counting it? When someone asks us how we count our time, do we tell people, or do we direct them to the Organised book on page 87 where it advises on this subject.
Oh Lord…why do we count time? THAT IS THE QUESTION!
Do Not Wound the Conscience of Your Brother! Those who are strong must(?) adjust their behavior to suit those who may be weaker….but in the same talk…We should not demand that people change their conscience to match ours. We should not dictate to others what they should do on things that are not expressly stated in the scriptures. We must be mindful that just because we can do something shouldn't necessarily mean that we should, especially if those who have weaker conscience might be upset.Sorry not to be cruel, but I got tired of baby-sitting folks conscience.
Follow Your Spirit Directed Conscience Weddings. We do all things for God's glory. When a couple are making arrangements for this, they should always keep Jehovah in mind. They would of course want to use a Kingdom Hall, because they love and are thankful to Jehovah as the originator of mariage. The husband would take the lead in the arrangements. There are no rules, but many have chosen to have a modest small occasion that focuses on praise of Jehovah.WTH???I am sorry, but what difference does it make?Employment and standard of living. Some have made changes because their work conflicts with Jehovah's standards. This may lead them to having a simple life. It can involve a change in thinking and a realisation that we don't need to work as much because Jehovah will look after us.Yes…he will…he will give us our retirement package that we have stored in heavenOur conscience should move us to shame, even if we take a false step in something small. Some may be habitually late to the meeting. Is this because of their schedule? No it is because of conscience. They are not guided by their conscience to show respect to Jehovah and their fellow brothers and sisters by being at the meeting on time.GASP! No they did not!!!
I should go to a SA just so I can make screwy faces!!!
Winston, that was agree, stay away from taking any advice from ones you cannot count on.
first of all winston - amazing that you sat through all that. the basic premise is "you're a miserable failure and you'd better shape up or else". they really go all out to determinedly kill all possibility of free thought. they want to control gut feelings, core values, etc. and hypocrites - they use someone getting a personal trainer for 1:1 - can you just hear the rhetoric if a lowly pub did that?!?! bad associations, putting your bodily training above kingdom interests, if the illustration doesn't fit the audience..........
The husband to be taking the "lead" in the planning really is a killer. most guys can't even come up with their preferred guest list or figure out where they want the reception - much less be bothered with sillly details about what to wear, what the food is going to be, even how big or small. that part is truly straight out of la-la land.
truly gaggable
Weddings. We do all things for God's glory...[t]hey would of course want to use a Kingdom Hall, because they love and are thankful to Jehovah as the originator of mariage.
Is there anything in print that suggests this strongly that the wedding should be at the KH vs. other locations? Maybe couples would be more likely to use the KH if they were even halfway attractive on the inside. You spend tens of thousands of dollars on dresses, tuxedos, flowers, etc., but you want to hold the event in a boring auditorium with a suspended ceiling, fluorescent lights, tacky chairs, and a mauve-based color scheme that was only slightly fashionable back in 1991. How romantic!
I was once told by someone that you should choose to get married at the KH because it served as an outward sign to everyone in attendance that your courtship remained clean and honorable. Rightttt.....I'm sure that's always the case.
- All things are lawful, but not all things are advantageous. We must be mindful that just because we can do something shouldn't necessarily mean that we should, _________Winston Smith
Thanks Winston
The right to change unjust laws through the lawful means of a vote come to mind
Jehovahs Witnesses don' think the right to excercise that priviledge is advantageuos
They continue to live in denial thinkin' they are no part of the world, so these matters
don't affect them
The freedom to pursue Higher education , through in by laws put forth
is accessable to everyone and anywhere, regaurdless of means
And yet the WTS does not think it's advantageous for a Jehovah's Witness to pursue such
Jehovah's Witness = Dim Wit
What Now?
Love the stereotype of sisters making dinner, cutting their finger and getting blood on their DRESS.
Its no wonder that so many JWs are emotionally and spiritually immature. I mean they cannot decide on ONE aspect of their OWN lives themselves. And the advice................its simply hideous and does not fit into what is going on in the real world. kudos for anyone who can sit through that without throwing up in their mouths.
Some like to find fault with the organisation, they cast aside the trust that comes loyal service.
The organization finds fault with the entire human race, religions, political governments, movies, music, entertainment, former members, etc. Yet they demand pure immunity when they themselves have shit the bed. They cannot even meet the very standards they have set for themselves! With an embarassing history that is heavily documented (within their own publications) of committing apostasy way before any of us were born.
Why dedicate a whole assembly to this subject? Because we are in a fight. The Devil wants to make our conscience falter.
A fight against irrefutable facts not the Devil. Facts can cause anyone's conscience to start rejecting WT dogma regardless of the years of service dedicated. Our pressupositions are organic and change according to data. When we recieve additional data our presuppositions or conscience changes accordingly.
Brothers, have you ever nicked your neck while shaving and got blood spots on your collar? Sisters, have you ever nicked your finger while preparing dinner and got blood on your dress? The blood is hard to get rid of. How on earth could one get rid of bloodguilt?
Fallacious reasoning first off. Secondly, I wonder what kind of blood guilt the governing body has felt over Malawi/Mexico? When organ transplants were considered cannibalism? When fractions weren't allowed? When Jws commit suicide when having to face disfellowshipping? If you want to avoid bloodguilt, stop being one of Jehovah's Witnesses and practice love, real love, unconditional love.
Weddings. We do all things for God's glory. When a couple are making arrangements for this, they should always keep Jehovah in mind. They would of course want to use a Kingdom Hall, because they love and are thankful to Jehovah as the originator of mariage. The husband would take the lead in the arrangements. There are no rules, but many have chosen to have a modest small occasion that focuses on praise of Jehovah.
When my wife and I were getting married we avoided the route of using the kingdom hall (lecture hall building for a wedding was not in our taste). Friends who ended up using the KH for their wedding told us they will interrogate you prior to your use of the Hall to get a final confession on whether your engagement was "clean" or free from sexual misconduct. This is a bait and switch tactic for sure.
Excellent points!