the other side of disfellowshipping

by nowwhat? 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • prologos

    I have it both ways (The other side of disfellowxhipping) we have a baby, so I get to sit in the back with the disfellowshipped ones already. BTW

    the elders must think that parents and babies are immunized against that BAAAD influence created by proximity

  • Apognophos

    I think most DFed ones just want to be able to make a fast exit after the meeting to avoid discomfort. It's sad.

    Even when I was a true believer, I made an effort to say some warm words to DFed ones while they were in the Hall, regardless of whether I was supposed to. I'm not even a sociable person, but it just struck me as pointlessly cruel treatment to ignore them and I refused to aid and abet it.

  • lisaBObeesa
    how do you differentiate between someone [especially a young one] who made a mistake[s] and someone who is deceitful and rotten to the core?

    I don't think being 'rotten to the core' is a DF-ing offence, actually.

    A 'rotten to the core' person can be in perfectly good standing, sitting up front at the hall.

    And the most Christain person in the hall could be DF-ed.

  • clarity

    Tater .......aawww damn cult! If they had said this to me

    THAT would have been IT!


    that the spirit protected everyone from me during the meeting..


    Hateful people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • cobaltcupcake

    that the spirit protected everyone from me during the meeting..

    For full protection they should install a "DF-Only" bathroom and drinking fountain. Did they give you a scarlet letter to sew onto your clothes? Did you have to walk through the hall crying out "unclean, unclean?"

    Despicable is exactly right.

  • gma-tired2

    and as you sit in back at hall, study, show respect even when you feel you were disfellowshiped wrongly. and each jc meeting you plead to be allowed to rejoin, they turn you down again, Parents asked why answer( many parents do not want children reinsted quickly, they want to make sure their kids are repentent) do you buy this CRAP true story

    of course his true sin was being disfellowshiped from Bethel. It is nearly 2 years. Keep it up JW'S and another will join this forum.

  • vajeni82

    Why do the naughty kids get the good seats?

  • Tater-T

    sounds like I'm the only one who ever sat in the middle of the Congregation after being disfellowshiped... wow !!

    you know what I think..

    I think I have not been giving myself enough credit lately..

    I'm freaking awesome!! LOL !!

  • Roberta804

    how do you differentiate between someone [especially a young one] who made a mistake[s] and someone who is deceitful and rotten to the core? that you want to protect the congregation from?

    it is called making a personal judgement call.

  • Phizzy

    In my Congo right up until I left we let DF'd ones sit where they wanted, usually with family.

    It makes the Congregation uncomfortable ? the Congregation should stop shunning then.

    I would always greet and speak with DF'd ones at the KH or out in Public places, I was not an Elder, but was never censured for it. A liberal Congregation is the explanation, it was different just down the road in the next K.H

    If I was "in" now the only person I would shun would be a known Paedophile, and I would shun them now I am out too.

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