Mistakes are one thing--however, when they are consistent, I will abandon a product or company. Everyone makes mistakes, and by jumping ship on a company for one mistake could result in even worse problems. Mis-shipments, defective products, and random bad luck happen to everyone sometimes.
Case in point: Christmas lights. It's one thing to have the occasional problem. But, when every single string I buy develops half- or whole strands going dead (while the next string plugged into the bad string works fine, ruling out a bad fuse or a wire giving way), I will not tolerate that problem for long (Everstar Merchandise lights, are you listening? You are the worst offender here!) Another case: LED lights. It is acceptable to me for them to occasionally be out of stock on hot items. But, when they are consistently out of stock for more than 6 months, then they decide to discontinue a product, something is wrong. As for Walmart, it's one thing to have the occasional defective item or to make a mistake. But when more than 90% of the merchandise is crap, or the layout of the place resembles a dump more than a store with the occasional mistake in cleaning or is designed to require employees to help you find the simplest of items, I refuse to tolerate it any more.
And yes, the washtowel is more than just "occasional mistakes". You are not just looking at the occasional typo, or someone placing a bad article in a rag and then correcting it the next week with an update in a nearby rag. They are doing this on purpose. Beyond that, the basic product is horrible beyond merely defective. By design, the product creates negative value. You waste all your time in dead works, while they bash people for doing "dead works". These dead works are designed to prevent even the mildest spiritual benefits. Added are hang-ups to isolate one from even mild spiritual benefits (such as the uplifting sight of a well-lit Christmas tree or a house with well decorated trees and roof lines in the yard). Sex is tightly regulated. They claim to hate various things, yet they are as bad or even worse (bashing the Jewish Pharisees, yet many of the hounders act even more Jewish and more Pharisaic than those they bash). They bash the cat lick church for protecting pedophiles, yet the washtowel is worse. They make rules that are intended to lead to stagnation for life, and by design (not defect) lead to eternal damnation in the form of endlessly returning as jokehovian witlesses with no escape prospects.
I think their "new light" is designed to be horrible. Like the Eveready lights designed to go bad after a few hours of use or a month or so in storage, these new lights are not worth it. No wonder they are afraid of people getting the Fenix, O-Light, Nitecore, Sunwayman, or Surefire lines of lights. Nothing like a Fenix HP20 headlight to reveal that their "new light" is worthless--it might as well be pitch dark.