Will you attend the Memorial this year? Why? Why not?
by Open mind 85 Replies latest jw friends
I am so done attending Memorials.
Attending the Memorial tells the JW's in your life that there is still hope that you will come back. If some of you need to go in order to keep them from shunning you, I fully understand and feel for you.
That is not my situation. I have two JW's in my life that do not have any intentions of shunning me.
I doubt it.
Missed last year for the first time.
Really do not want to go this year.
Its really only for the anointed . Why should anyone else go?
Absolutely not. I haven't been to one since 2001. Even if I did believe in the sentiment, I would never subject myself to or support the JW perversion of it. The memorial is the cherry on their sick little sundae.They track the attendance and try to make themselves feel like a bigger ORG than they actually are.
Although growing up I liked it because I always got a new dress. Also, sometimes it would land on a regular meeting night and that would be canceled. If it landed on a Wednesday we had 3 nights straight though. Ugh.
Going to Memorial if you are trying to fade is NOT a good idea.
If you do it as OTWO said to placate or keep famliy ties together then that's a legitimate reason fro sure IMO.
This year will be the 23rd anniversary of my not going to the memorial. Why break a streak now?
Yes... To please and assist family . I would rather not, of course
Yes. We are in the middle of a deliberate fade and currently attend only Sunday meetings. We have parents in the cong who are in their 70's / 80's and we don't want to pile unnecessary stress on them. We were raised in this religion with a lot of extended family firmly "in".
This year is just not the right time for us....
And, I'm interested in hearing the "significant changes" to the memorial talk. Thank you Atlantis!
Left 12 years ago, not a single memorial, meeting, wedding, funeral, circuit assembly, district convention.
I find that with jws it's all or nothing. Coming to one meeting or the memorial doesn't put you on the right side. It's mostly to soothe them, that there is a chance you will come back.
In my area, jws who came only to the memorial once a year were called submarine jws.