A while back, ANEWPERSON posted this thread to the board:
It put the board into a little bit of a dither (wow, that's so new, and so hard to do!!!
Anyway, I offered ANEWPERSON my assistance, which has never been accepted even up to now. Undaunted, however, using the info from these postings plus from a private email communication, I went up to the records office and did what research I could using this info.
Results: I could find no records matching any such person who died like this at ALL, let alone the circumstances. I even got creative and expanded the info to cover much more ground than I was given. (location, date of death, age, etc.) Still nothing.
Now that doesn't mean it isn't THERE...I just can't seem to find the magic 'search word' that will bring it up. I can't think of much more I can do without additional info if anybody is reading this and wants to pitch in.
But a couple of funny things....aside from ANEWPERSON being totally unreachable and uncooperative, which is at odds with ANEW's claim of wanting so much to 'shine a light' or some such nonsense, I asked ANEW to email me, which was done; I thank you---AND THEN:
I emailed back the info that I just posted here, and what happens next? It seems that ANEW thinks I am guilty of harrassment.
I thought it was interesting that these things were 'said' after I reveal the results of my research.
If you really did get my email, you are perfectly welcome to comment on it and post it here for consideration by others.
Strangely enough, after letting the other person know the results of my research, I mysteriously haven't heard from that person either.
What does it all mean? I have NO idea...
Naeblis, you really amaze me!!!