" If there was cheap safe energy technology all the major players would be fighting to get a monopoly on it and get it to market as fast as possible, not "surpressing" it for nefarious purposes of using expensive outdated technology that has a ridiculous overhead cost. "
This statement is in error. The major players supress new tech until such time as they have positioned themselves, not mankind, to benefit financially. This is how the real world operates. Planned obsolescence is the name of the game. If it aint broke, don't fix it. Business as usual, ect...
The tech available to you is carefully crafted spin-off technology. If anyone really belives that the I-phone that a teenager can use, or the Stealth Bomber, or Google Earth is the epitome of technology available, then you live in la-la land. You get most of your tech in the form of leftovers from the Military. If you do not believe that Elite Companies run by " old money " deliberately supress technology then just open your eyes.
Watch the movie " Tucker " or the documentary " Who killed the electric car?" or read about the history of GE and the DC/AC race for supremacy. Any new tech will not be released by just anyone because entire dynasties are riding on the future of energy. You and I will not attain cold fusion in our garage. If we did, and we were dumb enough to talk about it, we would be ridiculed. If we attempted to prove it, we would be another heart attack victim or victim of a random robbery.
I bet no one knows about Jack Nicholson's hydrogen car. The clip has been removed from Youtube. He was all excited at the time. Hydrogen is after all, extremely abundant, and can be made cheaply and safely through many processes, like solar power or even chemically. during the Civil War hydrogen was chemically manufactured in the field for spy baloons! So where is that car? Surely no one would intentionally supress something like that in favor of less practical ways, like fossil fuels, just because they were making trillions of dollars in the meantime?