Listen, you want to be effective pickler, my advice is don't just drop a shit ton of grief on their shoulders, instead, very politely just tell them that whatever good they do or whatever they represent (for arguments sake) is completely undone by the fact that they do not protect children from pedophiles, and that they do protect the pedophiles themselves. very simple, nobody could argue it. ie. the worst thing that you can do to them when they knock on your door is not embarrass them or grief them to death, but to politely show them that they are in the wrong, and it is not a matter of "i'm sorry you feel that way" ,it is a matter of clearly indicated facts(thousands of damaged kids), just show them the newspaper clippings of jw molesters, and tell them 'im sorry this is not a debate about an invisible realm, these are facts based on tangible evidence', and hand it to them. thank you goodbye, and that is more effective than anything you could do otherwise.
With all the attention given to child molestation in the church now--
by cptkirk 13 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Lady Lee
It won't work. They are convinced that the elders protect the victims. Newspaper clippings are lies invented by apostates. The Society has a policy and it works. The proof they will offer is that they know of no JW pedofile in their congregation or in any congregation they know of.
What they don't realize is that the abuse is swept neatly under the carpet so they will NEVER know. Unless it has happened in their family they won't believe it.
I have spoken to JWs who have come to my door. They all have said they have an effective policy. Then I tell them my family's story and I have only ever heard 1 apology where the person said she had no idea this could happen and that it was a rare occurrance. Then they sent an elder to my door.
They will deny and have an excuse for everything. Court transcripts might go a bit further than the internet or the media but really I doubt. Mind control is a very powerful thing and they just don't want to believe their children are in any real danger.
I'm not saying that we shouldn't talk to them about the issue. I think we absolutely should bring it up with any JW who shows up to preach to us. But don't expect them to see the light. The WTS has their lights hidden under a bushel and had placed a tank on top of it to make sure they don't get out or real truth doesn't get in.
Yeah I guess it depends like you said, there were a few that talked about it a bit. I think it is just a bad idea to dump on them for no other reason than dumping on them at the door. it just re-affirms their views in general. The only witnesses that I've attacked are grown men well able to deal with me confronting them, and it is always when I have leverage on them (based on intimate details). I'd never just attack (verbally) a random witness. I'm not saying that you would, but just putting that out there.
You want to hear something funny? When I was studying in 96 I remember a guy that was coming to the meetings (as someone's study); this guy had a drug problem (not a light one either), the kind where as soon as you meet eyes with them you know they are on the moon type of drug addict.....but anyway, somehow I wound up in a conversation with one of the elders (these were not hick elders either these were elders that were closely and intimately connected with bethel) geographically and the elder was on the phone with this guy, and he could tell that he was blown out of his mind (he was calling to see if he was coming to the meeting), when the elder hung up the phone i asked if he was coming, he said no that he was blown out of his mind on xyz drug. I must have said something to indicate something like, well why should that stop him? and this is what the elder told me lucid and dead serious, he said: he would not be allowed into the kingdom hall, because the angels would be standing at the doors making sure that he could not enter. These were the people that shaped my early and developing jw mindset, so yea, when the wheels came off, they really came off. the point obviously being that if the angels were going to stop this guy that was high on drugs from entering the kh, they sure as hell were going to stop pedophiles....guess not. :\
Lady Lee
yup that is the mind set