Why all the disrespect for Tua Pek Kong?

by bboyneko 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • bboyneko

    Now I understand completely that most in this forum are 100% against JWs and the Watchtower.

    What I don't understand is the disrespect that has been shown for such a sacred occasion that is the Birthday of Tua Pek Kong. Whether you agree with JWs or not, the fact is that Birthday of Tua Pek Kong has a lot of meaning for Poh Hock Seah's. If you are a Poh Hock Seah then you know that Pek Kong, God of Prosperity did bring Prosperity, good fortune and good health to the city of Penang and it shows respect and love to him to remember that meaningful occasion when he passed through the city thousands of years ago.

    It makes me very sad to see the ridiculing that is going around about this special event.

    You guys really need to honor him and forget about that jesus dude.

  • Introspection

    Dude, is there going to be one person in this forum who knows what you're talking about ..???

  • bboyneko

    Tua Pek Kong will see to it that you have no prosperity in your life for your disrespect. He will likely taunt your houseplants and see to it that your household pets are shaven as well. Such is his judgement.



    good one

  • Simon

    ha ha ha bb!

  • D8TA

    Oooh puuuhleeze! DuDe! Have you cleansed yourself at Basaki??? I mean come on! The pilgramage to Mt.Batur is not all that hard, nowadayz you can just rent-a-jeep (cheap too!) and drive up there! And to not invoke the wrath of the GODS, please...please, be sure you put that rice on yer forhead. Show some respect man! Or should the monkies outside of Ubud crap in your plate of food. Anyway...my GOD is bigger then your GOD! And he can, errr, beat your GOD up with 5 of his arms tied behind his back!

    And please send what ever you're drinking via snail mail. I need a drink.


  • dmouse

    Jeez I thought you were just making this stuff up as a satire on Christianity but it's real!

    Tua Pek Kong or God of Prosperity toured the streets of George Town in a grand procession which was organised by the Poh Hock Seah Tua Pek Kong Temple in Armenian Street.The colourful parade comprising 36 floats was held during the Poh Hock Seah 108th Year Grand Float Procession in February.The procession is held only once every 12 years, specifically in the Year of the Tiger, as the animal is the deity's mascot.

    So bb, you're not a true Poh Hock Seah believer or you would know that.

    Follow the gourd!

  • SYN

    Excellent! *LOL*

    [SYN], UADA - Unseen Apostate Directorate of Africa - For Great Justice!

  • bboyneko

    I'm too broke to travel to china or else I'd make the pilgramage, ol' Kong understands and will bring me prosperity anyway.

  • ChuckD

    Wasn't TuPek Kong killed in a drive-by shooting after one of his concerts? Or am I getting my Gods of Prosperity mixed up?

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