Hilarious. One possible down side to this is if the Society takes it upon themselves to have Service Meeting parts about "How the Internet works" so they can tell the friends the difference between typing "jw" in Google and typing a URL in the address bar, as well as to explain that not all sites with "jw" in their name are run by the Society. They might be run by the !
Watchtower fail Two older sisters find dating site on line
by solomon 20 Replies latest jw friends
thats what one older sister typed into her "google machine"...looking for a recipe. You can imagine what she got.
That was over 10 years ago. Trying to re-brand the CORP now is futile. And old people buying I-phones and I-pads for the ministry? Give me a break. I remember a comment made by our CO years ago about how The Photo Drama brough X number of witnesses into the truth, Then how phono graphs and Sound cars were effective because they had Jehovahs blessing. Can't wait for the CORP to claim Jehovah's holy spirit invented the internet and was somehow responsible for the births of Steve Jobs and Bill Gates.
I'm going to go laugh my butt off and then throw up a little.
Can't wait for the CORP to claim Jehovah's holy spirit invented the internet and was somehow responsible for the births of Steve Jobs and Bill Gates.
Yes, but apostates will claim that Al Gore invented the internet.
Rub a Dub
Yup, but at this point they had no choice.
Did they? Couldn't they have kept the mags at 32 pages each, and just cut the middle management fat (COs) instead?
If they did that, they'd lose their ability to keep the congregations in line. Don't COs sometimes end up replacing whole elder bodies? The Society doesn't want congregations breaking away and forming splinter groups.
wha happened?
I won't be surprised if someohow the WT ties in the invention ofd the internet with the preaching work. I know the claim about the religion starting in Phili and moving to NY was touyted as divine intervention, since NY later became such a big gateway to the world.
Good for them!
Aussie Oz
maybe they found a site called jw.orgasm?
And that is what is so odd about the Society's sudden emphasis on using JW.org.
They must know by now that the Internet really isn't just some passing fad, and that their 'door-to-door' work (which encyclopedia companies gave up years ago) is not particularly successful. It also seems fairly likely that more and more content will require registering an account on JW.org (just as they're already doing for letters to elders). Such is the way of paranoia.