Can anyone get this?
by mouthy 17 Replies latest watchtower bible
Dear Grace , what are you having trouble with ? understanding the site, or logging in to it ? Note that the name is all lower case, you can copy and paste the link above if you prefer.
No it is a site I wanted you to see .Just as it is above He is married to a JW & wants your input
Thanks Glenster He would like anyone to join him there ....
So what do you think of this site??? Especially the WORSE THAN WACO one on it.
Very nice looking site. You know the owner? I will explore it more tomorrow when I am not so tired. Thanks for bringing this to our attention.
Wow, that is very interesting.
Mouthy, have you ever seen this website?
The guy who posts there under the pseudonym of Meleti Vivlon appears to be an active JW who disagrees with several of the current doctrines —he has several posts on 1914, for example —but he still clings on to this as 'the truth'.
Interesting as well.
Meleti Vivlon Meleti: "So my point is that there is no other religion on earth today that even comes close to Jehovah’s Witnesses, despite our errors in interpretation and at times our conduct." ( I tried to post the following reply, which Mleti Vivion refused to post :
This statement is just not true. When asked what his followers should DO, Jesus answered:
" I was hungry and you fed me, naked and you clothed me, in prison and you went to me, alone and you visited me, a stranger and you took me in…."When defining what true religion is the answer was not, isolate yourself and distribute books, it was " Taking care of widows and orphans in their tribulation"
When demonstrating WHO we are supposed to love and take care of, Jesus told the story of the Good Samaritan, and how he saw a man beside the road, he didn't asked the man who he was, or require that he be a member of a group, he was a stranger lying on the ground, and the Samaritan helped him"
These are the examples of what Christianity looks like in action.
MELITI WROTE: We would never want Rev. 22:15 to apply to us: “Outside are the dogs…and everyone liking and carrying on a lie.”I replied with the following, which he refused to post
That is precisely what many Jehovah's Witnesses are doing, supporting what they know to be a lie. Supporting a rigid hierarchy that banishes dissenters and punishes free speech or any question against structural authority and protects pedophiles by organizational policy by not turning them into the police. These are lies and serious crimes. There is no sugar coating this into some view that these are loving and caring or honest acts. Power is sweet to many men, and they have tittles and power
in the congregation they do not have outside the Kingdom Hall.
To Whom Shall We Go Away ? - is not speaking of an organization, or a group of people, but of Christ Himself. You present a problem that does not exist. People who leave the WT do not "disappear", they simply realize they are not above other people, and that their relationship to God is through Jesus Christ
not an organization. They no longer need to be 'Stars' they can fit in with other Christians everywhere.
Your premise is wrong - Jesus disciples were not suggesting that they would "go away" from being a Jew or leave the teachings contained in Genesis to Malachi, or leave the ten commandments, or even go away from the Temple or the Synagogue they all went to. This was a question of the person of Jesus Christ. Was he the Messiah ? The promised Christ ? The son of God ? They chose Jesus.
The premise you have put forward is: the followers of the WatchTower and the Governing Body who call themselves Jehovah's Witnesses are a "special marked group of people who are receiving God's Holy Spirit is some exclusive way, because they are in an organization." An organization who is led by eight men who claim to be Mediator between God and Mankind. The signs you mention are: preaching work, love among themselves, special knowledge. None of these things matter at all.
But in fact; this claim or the governing body that they are the faithful and discreet slave, makes the Watchtower Organization not just wrong, but the evil slave. There is clearly only ONE Mediator between God and Mankind and that is Jesus Christ, anyone who "Stands in the Holy Place" is anti-Christ. When the Governing Body claims to be the sole channel of communication between God and mankind they are "Standing in the Holy Place" the place that only Jesus Christ can occupy, the place of Mediator.
Association with an organization is not and never has been in history, the basis of receiving Holy Spirit. Getting together to read Watchtowers, does no constitute some identifying mark of a believer to the Angels or to Jesus to to Jehovah. The self proclaimed official representatives of Jehovah in Jesus day were the Jewish leaders, leaders of the official, headquarters, Temple in Jerusalem, were they not ?
The "preaching work" is not an identifying mark, since the WT "preaching" is nothing more than distribution of books and magazines which expound the view that the governing body of the Watchtower is the sole channel of communication between God and Man, which prevents people from seeing Jesus Christ is the their mediator and not any organization of group of eight men in New York. We are to preach the Good News of the Christ.
The idea that we as Jehovah's Witnesses have "special knowledge" is false. We do not have any special knowledge. The central doctrines of the JW teachings were all well established before the foundation of the WatchTower organization. Russell taught what the Millerites of his day were teaching, the Adventists, the anti-hellfire, anti-trinity, no immortal soul, end times prophesies and calculations, were all copies of what was already in print at the time in the Adventist movement in America.