in the most simplistic terms just think of it like this: if you had a car and your mentality was that the car was riding by the power of jehovah, what would happen over time? everything would start going bad on the car, over time...flat tires, out of alignment, transmission failure, engine failure, broke struts, etc etc. well we know that the car is not running by jehovah, the car is running based on physics and many many components which work together to provide a working vehicle. you take the car to the mechanic and he diagnoses it and fixes it.
jehovah's witnesses pretty much believe that psychology is a pseudoscience. they do not educate themselves on the mechanics of the mind, and the procedures necessary to re-calibrate or fix this mechanism called the human being. granted, psychology does not have all the answers, but it has many of them.
the same way that a jehovah's witness having their menstral cycle would not pray for the blood to stop, they should not pray for the broken mind to stop either. they should take the necessary actions to fix it. granted once again, they do have plenty of their members taking xyz drug for depression anxiety and so on ,which is fine, if that works for them, good. what they do not do, is educate themselves based on the science (not pseudoscience) of psychology and then take actions necessary to rectify whatever behaviorial aberrations may arise. and brother, the behavioral aberrations they are uh many among those folks. they have to be the most passive aggressive people on earth, and does this set a good example? hell no. it creates a society of a bunch of back stabbin bitches. if you are going to stab me, at least do it in the chest with some honor.
steve2 said: When I was active, I observed that new "converts" often brought with them their old hang-ups - mental and emotional - into the organization, although outwardly they appeared "improved" (nice respectable haircuts, better dressed, cleaner shaved etc).
there you go, and what is going to fix that? education in psychology. but no, to them that is pseudoscience. yet they allow them to take the drugs of the pseudoscientists, but they do not allow them to be educated in the same field that is producing these drugs? that should be a new topic right there. maybe i'll make it later if someone else doesn't.