Why Did You Get Baptised

by God_Delusion 53 Replies latest jw experiences

  • irondork

    Thought it might cure me of the homosexual and masterbation deseases.

    I must not have prayed hard enough. Or perhaps they should have held me under longer.

  • Perry

    I wanted to get right with God.

  • 88JM

    I was pretty much the same as irondork. Also my older brother got baptised at 15 so there was a bit of rivalry going on.

    Looking back, I was even more naive than I realised. I got baptised not really knowing the WTBTS' views on:

    1. The faithful and discreet slave - I really thought it was some big mystery and was never sure how it worked.
    2. 1975 - I had no idea what the WTBTS had done.
    3. Apostates - The little that I had heard made me think they were all banner-waving, foaming-at-the-mouth loonies.
    4. 1914 - where the date came from or why 607 was important.
    5. Disfellowshipping - I didn't know anyone that was disfellowshipped (it never happened in my congregations in my lifetime), so I didn't know what the "proceedure" was. I had never heard of Ray Franz or what happened in the 1980s.
    6. Peadophiles and congregation proceedure.
    7. Bethel - I had no idea all the crazy stuff that went on there until I visited a few of them and spoke to bethelites.
    8. Armageddon - I never realised they were saying all non-JWs would be destroyed.
    9. The flood - never saw all the problems with the account. Took it completely literally.
    10. Humans on earth for 6,000 years - I thought cavemen and neanderthals were all the result of the "evils" of carbon-dating.
    11. Contraditions in the bible, and deeply flawed "heroes" - never quite added up all the bad stuff about David, Lot etc.
  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    So I could please God. Or so I thought

  • Tater-T

    I wanted to serve God .. and sell his magazines door to door.. so the end would come...

  • Ucantnome

    I know the hall in Assembly Hall in Bowes Road. Used to go there as a kid when it was a cinema to see films.

    I was baptised at 13 and wanted to be. Didn't want the privileges that came with it.

  • Honesty

    Because I drank gallon after gallon after gallon of the Watchtower koolaid.

  • Pterist

    I had a good Christian elder reassure me that my baptism was between me and God NOT an organisation. He later left in the aftermath of Ray Franz being disfellowshipped.

  • BlindersOff1

    Family and peer pressure . Just like very very many others

  • ohiocowboy

    I was 15 and my Mother told me that I was ready, so I got baptised that year at the District Convention. It just seemed like the normal thing to do.

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