Stupidology and its findings

by Terry 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    Since the early 1800's in America a number of new religions have appeared.

    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints (Mormons), Christian Science, Jehovah's Witnesses, Scientology, etc.

    There are elements in common.

    Some individual makes unprovable claims, untestable assertions and crafts unusual doctrines which dovetail in some ways with established beliefs while

    simultaneously and radically replacing them.

    Mormons produce a better and purer revelation in their Book of Mormon.

    Scientologists piggy-back off of psychiatry and Gnosticism while inventing a new technology which eliminates infestations by alien beings trapped inside humans.

    Jehovah's Witnesses claim leadership by a Governing Body as a sole channel of communicating escape plans from the imminent war of God on humans.

    And so forth...

    Practioners of these religions must sooner or later grapple with disproofs which include discoveries made public of lies, misrepresentations and duplicity.

    Yet, the majority of adherents selectively dismiss such revelations as a test of their own faith and an opportunity to demonstrate solidarity.

    A close examination of this self-reinforced refusal to confront disputatious rebuttal of doctrine I choose to call STUPIDOLOGY.

    What is STUPIDOLOGY? A study of how people of faith who are otherwise intelligent can deliberately make themselves utterly stupid!

    In no particular order here are elements of this process.

    1. Blanking out discussions which contain critical or skeptical questions about doctrine or leadership.

    2. Automatic identification of such critical queries as the work of diabolical enemies.

    3. Labeling crtics as malevolent and personally corrupt in intention.

    4. Dismissal of uncomfortable facts as forbidden, off-limits and grounds for treason if viewed or heard.

    5. Deflecting honest questions into tests of Loyalty to God, the bible, the leaders or the Truth in some way.

    6. Retreat into a passive "faith it will all be worked out in the long run" by some force greater than man.

    7. Desperate clinging to the social benefits of the religion no matter how odious or irrational the belief system.

    Of particular note is the status of former members who have escaped to repudiate false elements within the religion.

    The strategy most often employed in dealing with those who know the most damning facts is to attack them and destroy their credibility.

    By instructing inside members to break off communication and regard former members as defectors who are damned--a stigma of repugnance makes anything said by apostates too contaminated to confront with conversation, examination or even common courtesy.

    Finally, Stupidology reveals that the counter-intuitive result of repeated attacks on a person's devotion and loyalty to a group is to drive the adherent

    deeper into denial, greater solidarity and dependence on absolute authority. In short, the true believer becomes more and more STUPID.

    What is often referred to as cognitive-dissonance (holding contradictory beliefs simultaneously) creates depression, unhappiness and a strong urge for CONFIRMATION.

    The odd result of this driving hunger for confirmation, affirmation and total vindication of beliefs leads to UNWARRANTED TESTS made public.

    These unwarranted tests are proposed to demonstrate to the world at large "we are right and you are wrong!"

    This takes the form of

    1.Predictions of a date certain which will bring proof, yet, utterly repudiate instead

    2.Demonstrations of power or abilities which result in embarrassment when they fail

    3.Assertions of authenticity tests which turn out to disconfirm instead

    L.Ron Hubbard produced for "testing" his first "Clear" Scientologist who was said to be able to remember any and everything that ever happened.

    The public laughing stock when this test failed caused a huge financial blow to his Dianetics scam. He subsequently sought refuge in transforming it into a Religion instead and a shelter behind no taxes and church privacy.

    The Mormon church was caught buying forged documents which the church feared would reveal disproof of historical claims for their founder. Buy buying off these disproofs and hiding them in their archives the damage they feared could be kept under wraps.

    Jehovah's Witnesses' leaders periodically made "date certain" claims which did not produce anything other than humiliations. Yet, again and again they ocurred.

    All the above examples are the result of one thing: STUPIDITY seeks relief by testing its own premises.

    You would have to be stupid to set a date that will certainly prove you wrong.

    You would have to be stupid to offer a "clear" example who couldn't answer test questions.

    You would have to be stupid to hide actual documents because you knew they'd sink your credibility.

    And yet, STUPID IS AS STUPID DOES. (thank you Forrest Gump!)

    Praying for an event which does not occur never breaks the spell of faith. It leads to stupidity which, then, seeks to create a plausible "reason".

    The reason is the result of stupidity and is itself stupid.

    Fred Franz protested that 1975 did not bring Armageddon "because you believed it!" Which was an incredibly stupid chain of reasoning which goes like this:

    "No man knows" and by your believing 1975 would bring what "no man knows" you forced God to change the event--otherwise, you really DID know!"

    When you attack a person's core beliefs you cause a chain reaction that makes them more bull-headed and eventually STUPID.

    The more religiously stupid a believer becomes the more detached from reality their language and "reasoning" is driven compulsively.

    The ADVENTISTS in the time of William Miller set date after date for the advent of Christ. Time and again they were wrong. Each incident was based on the torturing of bible passages and dumb arithmetic.

    So, what were these disconfirmation's result?

    Making the Adventists more and more stupid until, finally, in desperation to retreat inside a bubble that could not be assailed---they switched from bible arithmetic to "visions" or direct communications FROM GOD to ELLEN WHITE.

    Ever heard the old expression "From God's lips to your ears"?

    Now, who can refute a person who claims God is speaking through her?

    Charles Taze Russell's wife, Maria, witnessed the effectiveness of Ellen White in putting faithful believers in thrall and crafted her own version of the "mouthpiece of god through direct contact" when she invented the doctrine (still useful to the Governing Body) of the "faithful and discreet slave".

    The Adventists and the Russellites became so stupid by repeated disconfirmation of predictions of Christ's 2nd coming they invented the ultimate

    idiotic doctrine: INVISIBLE JESUS! This was a desperate "proof". Instead of pointing to a living Christ on a throne in Jerusalem the Adventist mindset was "World events prove Jesus is back." Any sign could now "prove" their assertions.

    If you hear any devout believer offer ridiculous rebuttal when their wacky doctrines are exposed as fraudulent you are encountering STUPIDOLOGY's basic premise: people of faith who are otherwise intelligent can deliberately make themselves utterly stupid!

    In fact, it is unavoidable.

  • Perry


    Why limit man's vulnerability to deception to "people of faith"? There are plenty of examples of scientific deception to choose from as well wouldn't you agree?

    Deception is part of the nature of man.

  • cantleave

    Interesting thought Terry.

    Great article Perry, but since it is looking at the premise from an evolutionary standpoint you either - never read it, undertsood it or in fact disagree with it.

    The great thing about sceintific deceptions is the peer review process (which you also argue against) eventually exposes them. Deception of faith is never challenged by the faithful. Which is why you still believe ridiculous things like, young Earth creation, a worldwide flood and intelligent design.

  • designs

    Science by its nature of investigation must try to disprove claims and evidence, continual tests and experiments are demanded . Religions seek to support old orthodoxies.

  • villagegirl

    The United Nations Commission on Human Rights, considers the recanting of a person's religion a human right legally protected by the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights:

    The Committee observes that the freedom to 'have or to adopt' a religion or belief necessarily entails the freedom to choose a religion or belief, including the right to replace one's current religion or belief with another or to adopt atheistic views [...]

    Article 18.2[5] bars coercion that would impair the right to have or adopt a religion or belief, including the use of threat of physical force or penal sanctions to compel believers or non-believers to adhere to their religious beliefs and congregations, to recant their religion or belief or to convert.

  • Terry


    Why limit man's vulnerability to deception to "people of faith"? There are plenty of examples of scientific deception to choose from as well wouldn't you agree?

    Beyond my magesteria, I'm afraid. I don't personally know enough scientists who fit that category. I do know plenty of people of faith who do.

    I'll agree that people from any walk of life can self-deceive. However, as far as scientists are concerned: AT LEAST THERE IS PEER REVIEW.

    Among JW's there is little that can be done officially to intercept wrong thinking and subject it to a rigorous test of falsifiability.

  • Perry

    Great article Perry, but since it is looking at the premise from an evolutionary standpoint you either - never read it,

    undertsood it or in fact disagree with it.

    Well, even a broken clock is right twice a day

    To his credit, the evolutionist biologist author does admit the following though:

    "I have certainly enjoyed only very limited success in curbing my own self-deception."

  • cantleave

    Well, even a broken clock is right twice a day

  • Terry

    With the JW's the "broken clock" analogy doesn't quite apply.

    By constantly adjusting their teachings the hands on the Jw clock are still moving. Only a completely stopped clock can be "right" twice a day.

    A still running watch off by even one second is never correct.

    By the way, I'm officially pulling an L.Ron Hubbard here and inventing my own religion.


    I shall use an instrument called the S-meter. Instead of holding on to soup cans connected to a galvanometer-- my new religious practioner who is

    being tested will hold two copies of THE TRUE BELIEVER by Eric Hoffer and will drool "yes" or "no" answers.

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    Since WTBT$ is still NGO members in the U.K, Russia & Belgium how can we contact them and file a petition that WT is NOT following their charter and letting the rights of its members leave WITHOUT persecution from the congregations & families?

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