question regarding humans only using a small percentage of the brain

by Matsimus 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cptkirk

    my college books say that it is a myth:

    One of the most popular myths in psychology is that we use only 10 percent of our brain. This myth might have begun with early research showing that approximately three-fourths of the cortex is “uncommitted” (with no precise, specific function responsive to electrical brain stimulation). These areas are not dormant, however. They are clearly involved in interpreting, integrating, and acting on information processed by other parts of the brain. They are called association areas because they associate, or connect, various areas and functions of the brain. The association areas in the frontal lobe, for example, help in decision making and planning. Similarly, the association area right in front of the motor cortex is involved in the planning of voluntary movement. (Carpenter 54-55)

    Carpenter, Siri. Visualizing Psychology, 2nd Edition. John Wiley & Sons, 2009.

  • AnnOMaly

    w85 1/15 pp. 16-17 A Government That Accomplishes What Man Cannot

    Education in the New Order

    7 The mind has a huge potential for learning, even in man's present imperfect condition. But this is only a fraction of what it will be able to learn in the New Order, where sin will not block its functioning. In The Brain Book the author states: "Within our own heads lies one of the most complex systems in the known universe. Its power and versatility far surpass that of any man-made computer." He adds: "It is frequently stated that we use only 10 percent of our full mental potential. This, it now appears, is rather an overestimate. We probably do not use even 1 percent-more likely 0.1 percent or less."

    The author mentioned above is "psychologist Peter Russell" (w83, 11/15, p.5).

    g95 10/22 p. 8 Designed to Live Forever

    Neuroscientists say that during our present life span, we use just a small part of our potential brain power, only about 1/10,000, or 1/100 of 1 percent, according to one estimate. Think about it. Is it reasonable that we would be given a brain with such miraculous possibilities if it was never to be used fully? Is it not reasonable that humans, with the capacity for endless learning, were actually designed to live forever?

    But look at this quote from a '70s Awake!

    g74 12/8 p. 16 Our Amazing Mind

    The human brain, on the average, weighs about three pounds. Brain sizes vary, but the old theory that brain size determines intelligence is a fallacy. Another false idea is that man uses only a small percentage of his brain. There is apparently no part of the brain that is never used. However, this does not mean that anyone’s brain capacity is ever fully used. The question appears to be, How well does he use it, by exercising his mind and storing worthwhile memories in it?


  • Jeffro
  • cofty

    The Brain Activity Map project got the green light last week. $3billion over 10-15 years.

    Science is amazing.

  • jwfacts

    AnnOMaly - g95 10/22 p. 8 " Neuroscientists say that during our present life span, we use just a small part of our potential brain power, only about 1/10,000, or 1/100 of 1 percent, according to one estimate. Think about it. Is it reasonable that we would be given a brain with such miraculous possibilities if it was never to be used fully? Is it not reasonable that humans, with the capacity for endless learning, were actually designed to live forever?"

    I thought there was a similar quote in the Live Forever book but have not been able to find it. It was regularly discussed by myself and other JWs.

    Not only bad science, but also what incredibly bad maths. If we use only 10%, or 1%, or even 0.0001%, it does not mean the brain has endless capacity, or was designed to live forever. Infinity is a lot longer than a human life time.

  • Gayle

    This was again some false information to, again limit us, and make us desire the new world more. If they print something like that again, since Internet, they will get slammed. Enjoyed:

  • transhuman68

    This quote is probably not much use, coming from the obscure "Evolution Versus The New World" WTBTS book (1950) page 40:

    Science has said that man uses but a small percentage
    of his marvelous brain. Evolution would
    not have evolved so much unused “gray matter”,
    but perfect man had it for use in the beginning,
    though degenerate man does not now use
    it fully.

    But it does show some of their crazy ideas.

  • jwfacts

    Gayle, that is a great link from Wikipedia. I think I will add this to the article Misquotes, Deception, Lies, because it is a classic case that occurs constantly of attributing information, without any indication of the source, in order to make the statement gain weight. The 1994 Awake claims "Neuroscientists say", without identifying who those neuroscientists are. The Wikipedia article shows the source of the myth is from the 1930's, possibly from a writer misapplying information from a study in the 1890's. It is also possible it was a theory by some neuroscientists in the 1930's, but by 1994 was well out of date and no longer relevant to be quote in Watchtower literature.

  • sizemik
    Most Jehovah's Witnesses only use about 1% of their brains . . . BOC

    Yeah . . . during the 'Aha' moment just before they leave . . .

  • jwfacts

    The w85 1/15 pp. 16-17 speaks of The Brain Book, without mentioning the name of the author, or any other details about the book. I looked it up and the author is Peter Russell, and the quote comes from page 7, in the chapter "The Spearhead of Evolution", which describes the brain as the "culmination of millions of years of evolution".

    The biography of Peter Russellt, at, states:

    "His principal interest is the deeper, spiritual significance of the times we are passing through. He has written several books in this area -- The TM Technique , The Upanishads , The Brain Book , The Global Brain Awakens , The Creative Manager , The Consciousness Revolution , Waking Up in Time , and From Science to God ."

    This is hardly a person that the Watchtower should be quoting, as the information is incorrect, and the author has an agenda greatly at odds to that of the Watchtower. You have to love how the Watchtower will take incorrect information from people that it completely disagree with, just to support a spurious point they are trying to make.

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