If the world is going to come to an end doesn't it drain one's motivation to make the world a better place? Is religion just giving people a free pass to apathy and letting them off the hook?
The real danger of "end times" thinking
by new22day 24 Replies latest watchtower bible
Julia Orwell
I will tell you my own experience, and it is partly what you have stated. However, I could not help feeling sorry for the people suffering, yet thinking God is gonna fix it soon does sort of make you feel ok, yet I had to harden my face and pretend I couldn't see them when the Salvos or World Vision were collecting near the mall.
The biggest thing for me regarding end time thinking was not something I realised until I realised that this was not actually the end time in my opinion, or thinking that if it is, God is not going to kill the 7 billion other people including my close family. Once I shed WT eschatology only a couple of months ago and no longer felt the burden of guilt I'd been carrying regarding my unbelieving family for the last 15 years, and realised that Jesus did not come to kill but to save, my depression got unbelievably better! I was onto half the medication within a week. I felt free from the burden of seeing the innocent multitude of people around me killed, and the fear that my mother's body was going to be eaten by crows.
If you ask me, I found the biggest problem with end times belief is the constant fear of it, and then the guilt that comes from fearing something I should, according to the WT, been looking forward to, and the subsequent self-plaguing that came from not wanting it to come, and then the guilt that came from the conclusion that I must "love the world" and therefore be an enemy of God. It was a complex feeling that dogged me for years.
As for charity, yes, I thought like you stated above, that there was no point to it. Now, really understanding what Jesus' message was, is that charity is not just for your JW brothers but for everyone! He helped everyone who asked him, no matter whether they were going to follow Him.
Just my rant. I'm newly awakened after my whole adult life, and finally free from cognitive dissonnance. So forgive me if I rant, because I've found my passion.
Its a good point new22day.
JWs are an example of a group that have opted out of the human task of making the world a better place.
I now understand that what we do in this life really matters. There is no celestial being who is going to take care of anything for us.
This sort of religion causes people to behave like children who think that mum or dad will eventually sort out their mess.
To me, you are short-circuiting your own future and opting out of society.
Now, really understanding what Jesus' message was, is that charity is not just for your JW brothers but for everyone! He helped everyone who asked him, no matter whether they were going to follow Him.
It really depends if one is listening to what some religion like the jw's teach, or to Christ.
Because faith in Christ and God includes doing as they taught... part of which is helping others, taking responsibility, making amends and fixing our messes (at least trying to).
Jesus said to do what the Pharisees taught, but don't act like they do, as hypocrites. So as a group JW' talk the talk. The GB will repeat some teachings of Christ, but they don't really walk the walk. We have to do that as individuals.
"Because faith in Christ and God includes doing as they taught... part of which is helping others, taking responsibility, making amends and fixing our messes (at least trying to)"
Yeah, I got a wife to do all that!
Then you are a lucky man, Glad ;)
If the world is going to come to an end doesn't it drain one's motivation to make the world a better place? Is religion just giving people a free pass to apathy and letting them off the hook?
Yes, yes a hundred times yes. The WTS discourage giving to any charity except theirs. I feel appalled at people's apathy to making the world a better place. We are made to feel powerless. I'm not talking about conspiracy I'm talking about concensus. We should refuse to be part of a consensus that we have no power. Political history is full of examples of tiny governments being afraid of the populace revolting because we always outnumber them. I'm talking about supporting all the great charities here just to make myself clear. Just think what 7 billion people could do if they tried.
Good point, which is what attracts me to pragmatism as a philosophy.