Downsizing Rumor is Confirmed

by metatron 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • DakotaRed
    Does that mean Jehovah isn't backing the Watch Tower anymore...?

    Personally, I don't think he ever did! I have my doubts if he backs any of man's homemade religions.

    If God's Spirit is filling a Kingdom Hall, how is it that Satan can manuever the ones within that Kingdom Hall at the same time?

  • singsongboi

    celia & dr.

    Does that mean Jehovah isn't backing the Watch Tower anymore...?
    nope -- just means god has changed her mind again!!!
  • Imbue

    The WT has been buying food for a long time. They openly admit it is much cheaper to buy produce. It's also cheaper for me to buy produce then to have my garden when I factor the labor. The US government subsidizes farms and this stabilizes food prices.

    Another factor to consider is the WT is spending a great deal of money on videos and they maybe realizing that print is dead.

    Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

  • worf

    For the question : "Does that mean Jehovah isn't backing the WT anymore"?

    Answer: Jehovah WAS NEVER backing the WT.

    Jehovah IS NOT backing the WT.

    Jehovah NEVER WILL BE backing the WT.

    Lets NEVER forget this: JUSTICE demands the DESTRUCTION of the WT. Nothing less.
    And reports like the one in this thread show that thats just what is happening even if slowly. But its destruction can be speeded up. It just takes continued effort and sharing of important information.

    worf (warrior class)

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    I have the answer to all your problems..
    Set another DATE for the big A.
    Fat times will be here again.

  • Stephanus

    Ha! Ha! RF, you've been getting inspired by Lindsey, Kirban, Barry and their ilk! Don't worry, if the WBTS gets desperate, they'll make a new date. Might backfire though; 1975 is still fresh in peoples' memories. It was two generations between 1925 and 1975; people had forgotten by then.

    As for outsourcing, I've believed for a while now that the Watchtower operations would go that way; you can't compete with labour against capital (the produced means of production, i.e. machinery, computers etc.), no matter how cheap your labour is. The problem with 'Tower labour is that it is unskilled and unrewarded - there's nothing in it for the workers so they put just enough effort in to not be punished, but no more, just the way things worked in the old Soviet Union (do you realise that in those days 4% of the USSR's land was privately owned and worked, and produced the lion's share of the agricultural produce of the USSR??). Remember too, that there is a lot of corruption in Bethel where workers use Bethel equipment to do outside jobs to enrich themselves. This would also be an enormous drag on the efficiency of the operation.

    I always thought that food production would be outsourced by the Tower, but, like many others here, I'm surprised that printing, long considered the core business, should go the same way. Perhaps there's a shift away from printing - sales are getting lower, apparently. One way to address this would be to keep phasing out older book volumes and keep bringing out new ones, but that would have some extreme negative effects - there would be a huge increase in "new light" (it would be inevitable, as volume of printed material increased, it would be difficult to police the writing department which would be continually letting stuff slip through) and that would play into the hands of apostates. The publishers may well get tired of a new book every month and start crying poor!

    I guess the current "core business" of the Tower is its investments, in stock, bonds and buildings. Especially buildings - if they're now outsourcing some of their main Bethel activities, they'll have some empty buildings in a prime real estate area which they can lease out for huge sums of money!

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    This "downsizing" will make sure that the GB and the "essential" functions of the WTS - i.e, legal will continue to have the resources they need for a long time to come.

    How much money could be "liberated" by the sale of half to three-quarters of the WTS property in Brooklyn? LOT$ and LOT$.

    How much money can be saved by reducing overhead - no hungry volunteer mouths to feed, train, shelter an keep warm, no massive technology to maintain and support.

    The only downside I can see for outsourcing the printing would be if they came up with something that was so unpopular their contractors refused to print it. In that case, they'd have to form a sacred detente with Larry Flynt, publisher of HUSTLER. Since the WTS is already shown to be a whore, it might like hangin' with Larry.

    - Nathan Natas, UADNA
    (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America)

  • Stephanus

    I'd say the urge to "do it inhouse" re printing has always been to keep the stuff out of view of better educated outsiders. After all, outside printers may employ mainstream Christians, or other "enemies of Jehovah" who may take more notice of the stuff when they actually have to produce it than if it comes to their doorstep behind a fake smile. Outsourcing to better organised and paid printers has become a necessity due to the fact that the whip (the WBTS' most valuable tool) can only motivate to a certain point. Obviously that point is still behind the levels of productivity in printing companies outside the org.

  • JT

    STEPHANUS says:

    In that case, they'd have to form a sacred detente with Larry Flynt, publisher of HUSTLER. Since the WTS is already shown to be a whore, it might like hangin' with Larry

    See you ARE A FOOL-- :)

    HEY MAN great post my wife and i are here eating ice cream and dying over this post of yours


    hey i can see Dan Sydlik trying to get some extra copie of Hustlier mag

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Please, JT, give credit where credit is due! It was I, Nathan Natas who made the Hustler joke. Stephanus is a gentleman.

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