Just wondering if questioned, which faction Watchtower followers would favour, and which they would deem apostate:
Faction A - Works, merits or organisation based salvation
*** w93 9/15 p. 22 They Compassionately Shepherd the Little Sheep ***
But if we were to draw away from Jehovah’s organization, there would be no place else to go for salvation and true joy.
*** km 4/93 p. 3 par. 7 “To the House of Jehovah Let Us Go” ***
The weekly Bible study should include instruction that will help students appreciate the organization and take advantage of provisions for their salvation.
*** km 11/90 p. 1 par. 1 Directing Bible Students to Jehovah’s Organization ***
They must appreciate that identifying themselves with Jehovah’s organization is essential to their salvation.
*** w81 11/15 p. 21 par. 18 ‘Stay Awake and Keep Your Senses’ ***
And while now the witness yet includes the invitation to come to Jehovah’s organization for salvation, the time no doubt will come when the message takes on a harder tone, like a “great war cry.”
*** w68 11/1 p. 650 par. 24 The “Good News” of a World Without False Religion ***
Only the one organization of religious truth and of pure, undefiled religion can successfully make an assault on false religion with benefit to the people, with promise of their everlasting salvation.
*** w53 6/1 p. 352 Announcements ***
In sharp contrast with this condition, the organization of Jehovah God abounds in the prosperity that really counts, rich spiritual prosperity that brings salvation.
*** w52 10/1 p. 603 par. 22 A Strong Refuge Today ***
Those desiring salvation must make for God’s organization, and find entrance into it and remain there permanently.
*** w52 6/1 p. 350 par. 27 Fixing Destinies in This Judgment Period ***
Know that all living at Armageddon will be baptized, either with fire for destruction with the wicked or with salvation for life with the theocratic organization.
*** w50 6/1 p. 176 Letter ***
The ark of salvation that we enter is not a literal ark but is God’s organization
Faction B - Salvation as a free gift by unmerited favour
*** it-2 p. 1117 Torture Stake ***
For confessing Jesus’ death on the torture stake as the sole basis for gaining salvation, Paul was persecuted by the Jews.
*** w90 11/1 p. 26 par. 16 Our Relative Subjection to the Superior Authorities ***
We cannot take part in any modern version of idolatry—be it worshipful gestures toward an image or symbol or the imputing of salvation to a person or an organization.
*** w67 8/15 pp. 493-494 par. 4 The Need for Security ***
Men in general have not learned that humans and human organizations can never provide true security. They ignore the clear advice of the Bible: “Do not put your trust in nobles, nor in the son of earthling man, to whom no salvation belongs.” (Ps. 146:3) No man, regardless of how prominent he may be and with what power he may be invested, religious or political, no nation of this world and no international organization can provide true security and salvation for mankind.
*** w96 2/1 p. 7 What Must We Do to Be Saved? ***
Salvation is a free gift from God. It cannot be earned.
*** w80 5/1 p. 8 Learning from an Experiment That Failed ***
It set the stage for Jesus before his death to give the powerful message concerning human sinfulness and the need to seek salvation, not through works but as a free gift on the basis of repentance and faith in the sin-atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ. (Isa. 53:5, 10-12; Matt. 20:28; Rom. 10:5-9)
*** w65 12/1 p. 720 par. 44 Slaves of Men or Slaves of Your Repurchaser—Which? ***
Unlike this, Jesus Christ maintained perfect obedience to God under trial and plays a vital part in connection with God’s free gift of unearned righteousness to us who are sinners.
*** w08 10/15 p. 26 par. 5 What Will You Give to Keep Living? ***
Of course, Jesus was not saying that everlasting life can be earned. Life—even our relatively brief life in this system of things—is a gift. We cannot purchase it or do anything to deserve it. The only way we can receive the gift of everlasting life is to “put our faith in Christ Jesus” and in Jehovah, “the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him.”