Who plays video games?!!

by DATA-DOG 45 Replies latest jw friends


    Any gamers out there? I love a good game. To me a great game is like a great book! It is a way to escape for awhile. I have no problem with that every now and then. So who plays what? Retro? New? On-line? What system or systems? I kept all my stuff because it's fun to go retro some days.

    I find that for me, if a game has great graphics but no story, it's just not fun. It can be old, with a great story and I will love it! One of my favorites is Lunar Silver Star Story which was released by Working Designs. I wish more JRPG's would be translated..

    The exception would be a fighting game, where you just drink beer with your friends and talk trash. I don't always have time to play anymore, but I still like to. I have just not been able to emotionally connect with a game for awhile now. All my time is spent thinking about TTATT from morning until night, then repeat...

    So what do you like? Any great RPG's out there? What do you like and why? Do you miss real arcades like I do? Is the direct downloading of games good or bad? Is it a double-edged sword? Would you like to see a remake of the original Legend of Zelda, top down style? I loved that game as a kid! Remamber the map with the blanks in the instructions? My brother and I used colored pencils to draw in the missing pages as we played. We had a slight competition going as to who would save Zelda first. Guess who won!

    I am just rambling.. Just curious as to what you think and feel about this subject.

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    it took me a while to get my own computer or console. friends of mine had a commodore 64 and amiga. my family didn't even have a tv. i played mortal kombat, termiator and the likes on public arcade consoles. at about 15 i got a sega game gear with sonic the hedgehog, mortal combat etc. a witness friend of mine got a 486 pc (turbo!) and a nes, another one had a snes system. we played super mario kart, zelda (of course), civilization, colonization, populous, powermonger, warcraft/warcraft II on the pc and what not... later i got my own computer and installed emulators for the old systems. also a n64 emulator, played zelda there too. i played counter strike and empire earth lans with my younger witness friends for a long time (most of them quit due to conscience issues over time). later i got into world of warcraft with a few of them and even infected my wife who is still playing, although i've gone years without it. got a ps3 and played loads of uncharted, resistance, gta, cod and whatever else. now my little boy is taking over the ps3, so i got a steam account and play some civilization every now and then.

  • unstopableravens

    all xmen avengers spiderman any marvel ps2 and xbox 360

  • sooner7nc

    I'm always behind the times on the latest games (I'm too cheap).

    I've been playing New Vegas lately when I have time.

  • transhuman68

    All the old arcade games like Space Invaders, Defender, 1942 etc. can be played on a modern PC, using the MAME software if you need a retro-fix. Downloading the emulator is easy, and I assume the games are on the Net somewhere. I was given a CD with the emulator and hundreds of games by a friend years ago, so I know it's good.

  • Tater-T

    I am calnotinjr on the playstation network.. if you need me I play NCAA football 13 and GTA4..

    edit to add: I played every system since PONG came out in the 70's...

  • sooner7nc

    Shake and Bake Mike Honcho!!!

  • Tater-T

    If you smell something crispy..... it ain't yur tail pipe... LOL

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    I guess I'm 49 yrs old and still a GEEK! I love the original 3 "Prince of Persia" The new WII Super Mario Bros, and my daughter and son-in-law just got the new 'ALIEN: Colonial Marines which is AWESOME.

    3 hours of killing acid spitting aliens is what I call THERAPY!!!


  • Skbj

    did anyone say gamers?

    *raises both hands up*

    I like all sort of games from arcades to console, to web to phone apps.

    Predominantely I'm on PSN with PS3 and PSP but also have older consoles and handheld ones both hubby and I happen to collect them. Latest one for classics games we got a Neo Geo hand made box and controller made of walnut. One word: Awesome!

    I play most games that don't have to shoot simply because I suck at the main shooting ones like MW CoD etc. But my joint has always been God Of War so you can imagine (if you are in the gaming circle) March is a big month for me! Other favourites are Drake's Fortune (all of them) Assasin Creed oh and on of the last I played was Walking Dead based on the TV show and besides a good RPG and story what was really good, was the twist with providing the results of your choices in game compared to other players.

    Data- Dog at the moment I'm playing Ni No Kuni which is a RPG and is sooo good! You would probably like it if you haven't played it yet. It's a great story and dialogues with even better graphics. It's masterpiece of art from Level 5 in collabo with Studio Ghibli. (yep I also like Japanese pop culture and mangas)

    I also play a browser based RPG game based on music which I call that my geeky game because it's really geeky but I've been playing it for 6 years and by now I'm part of its furniture.

    I also love puzzle games my two favourites on android are Triple Town and Pudding Monsters. Easy way to get the brain working and have fun :)

    Arcade wise ...have to say the best I came across thus far in my travels (people visits museums I go to arcades) were in Auckland (New Zeland), Penang (Malaysia) and there's a nice little one in Good Street in London (England) if any of you is into arcades they are worth the trip!

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