People complain about my long posts, so let me be blunt!
To get rid of Satan, God kills EVERYBODY on the general rule that God, as the creator, has the right to limit the life of his creatures. So everyone must die, regardless of being righteous or unrighteous. That includes God's belovede only-begotten son, Jesus Christ. This was a great way to get rid of Satan without hearing his legal complaints!
Then it becomes an issue of God's right to revive those who have died! God revives Jesus Christ, of course, and many other favorites, but he doesn't exercise that right when it comes to Satan.
So everlasting life is offered to those whom God chooses, but after they have died, whether symbolically or literally. That includes Jesus Christ!
So really, death is not that big of a deal if it is temporary. Death has a great sting only if it is permanent!